Sunday, October 23, 2011

3rd Quarter: Reflection #1

Direction: Type your name and section before answering. Answer at least 2 sentences each.

Guide Questions:
1. What is Word Processing?
2. Give two uses of Word Processing?
3. How will you apply the uses of a Word Processing program to your daily activities?

Friday, October 7, 2011

2nd Quarter - General Performance Test

Direction: In celebrating the "Rosary and Mission Month" this October, pupils are trying to give their hands to the needy especially to all missionary Priests whose trying to help also other people from different countries. Through this, pupils will create a simple paragraph on how to cooperate in the said celebration.

Guide Questions:
1. What is Rosary and Mission Month for?
2. How will you show your love and concern for others?
3. How do you feel when you help other people?
4. Do you want to continue this kind of activity? Why?

Note: The following are the important reminders that need to do while doing the activity:
1. Show Netiquettes
2. Spelling and grammar
3. Use of magic fingers
4. paragraph format
5. Content
6. Discipline

Type your complete name and section before you start typing paragraph.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Greatest Gift

“Greater LOVE hath no man than this, that a man lay down his LIFE for a FRIENDS” –John 15:13

Love is a strong affection, a feeling that is innate on us, people. From the moment that we’ve born up to the last days of our lives, love exists. People come and go, but love is endless in the sense that there is no one who can take away love from anyone. Love enters to us anytime and anywhere else. When there is love, people give importance to all the things they have and they give them values. We say that love is Man’s greatest need in life.

Love is not a test that we need answer instead love should be the answer not a question. Sometimes if we do something good to others we do not know that we give our love to them. You cannot but Love. It is a GIFT. It is a Gift from our God that we need to feel inside of us and give it also from others through sharing and trust.

When we love, be sure that don’t expect giving things in return. Remember that Jesus Christ offered his life just to save us on our sins. See how Jesus loves us, He sacrifice his life telling that He love us very much.

How about you? How much love can you give to others? to yourself? to God? and to Nature?

Monday, September 26, 2011

Grade 4 - Reflection #3 (Arranging Windows)

1. How will you relate the topic to your daily activities?
2. What have you learned from today's lesson?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Unit I: Introduction to Internet

Direction: Please answer the Essential Questions. Do not forget to write your name and section.

1. Why do we have internet in our daily activities?
2. How does internet affect your life?

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Computer 4 - Reflection #2

Direction: Please type first your name and section before you answer the questions below. Thank you.

1. Why is it important to follow netiquettes in using the internet?
2. What will you do if someone is not using netiquettes? How will you tell to them on the use of netiquettes?

Monday, August 22, 2011

Second Quarter: Grade IV

Direction: Write your comment on the question below. Please write your name and section before you answer.

Question: How will you promote peace?

Thursday, July 21, 2011

HELE 6 Journal Writing #1

Direction: Answer the following in a complete sentence.

1. List down 5 sewing tools and write its function.
2. List down at least 5 parts of sewing machine and its functions

1st Quarter: Reflection #1

Direction: Answer the following questions below. Answer in a complete sentence.

1. What are the proper way of sitting and typing position?
2. Why do we need to follow the correct sitting and typing position?
3. How will you apply the skills in typing to your daily activities?

Thursday, February 17, 2011

HELE 5 Reflection #2

Direction: Please write your name and section before answering:

1. How do ornamental plants help us to beautify the surroundings?
2. Why do we need to plant?

Reflection #3 (M-W)

Direction: Please write your name and section before answering:

1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Reflection #2 (M-W)

Text tool is used to add caption in paint. You can use it for creating a slogan or a comic strip in paint program. You can change the style and size of the text by using text toolbar.

Select Tool and Free Form Select is used to copy, move, select, and delete the selected part of the drawing in paint program.

Reflection/ Journal No.2

Direction: Type your name and section before you answer the questions below. Make at least 2 complete sentences each.

1. What are the benefits that you can get once you master the skills in putting caption in your drawing?
2. How will you use the select tool and the free form select properly?

Thursday, January 13, 2011

4th Quarter - Reflection #1 (T-TH)

Direction: Please write your name and your section. Answer in a complete sentence (2 sentences each answer).

1. Paint program is one of the application where you can draw in the computer. Give at lease 2 advantages of using paint program.
2. How will you apply the use of paint program to your other activities?

Friday, January 7, 2011

HELE5 4th Quarter - Reflection #1

Direction: Please write your name and section before you answer

Question #1
1. How does the retailer help the families and the community?
2. How to be a good Manager?
3. What are some activities of a retail store?
4. How will you apply proper management in your daily activities?

Thursday, January 6, 2011

4th Quarter - Reflection #1

Direction: Please write your name and your section.

1. Paint program is one of the application where you can draw in the computer. Give at lease 3 advantages of using paint program.

2. How will you apply the use of paint program to your other activities?