Thursday, February 3, 2011

Reflection #2 (M-W)

Text tool is used to add caption in paint. You can use it for creating a slogan or a comic strip in paint program. You can change the style and size of the text by using text toolbar.

Select Tool and Free Form Select is used to copy, move, select, and delete the selected part of the drawing in paint program.

Reflection/ Journal No.2

Direction: Type your name and section before you answer the questions below. Make at least 2 complete sentences each.

1. What are the benefits that you can get once you master the skills in putting caption in your drawing?
2. How will you use the select tool and the free form select properly?


  1. B14 Adrian A Silva O.L Love

    1.The benefits of mastering captions in drawings are; having a better way to express our creativity, slogans and messages.
    2.Use it with netiquettes.

  2. Allyssa Jane B. orejudos

    I can get master the skills by

  3. Jules Carlo A. Diaz IV-Love

    1.The benefits that

  4. Carl Jason L. Guinto B7 Our Lady of Love

    1.You can Write a slogan using the theme.And you could say what is the message of your slogan.

    2.We could use the select tool and free form select

  5. Benedict R. Ching
    1.You will be creative and in the future you can be a popular painter.
    2.I will select my drawing the I will move, cut, and paste my drawing.

  6. Ruiz B. Chavez Gr. 4love

    1. The benefits of it is when you draw something if you need to put caption you know how to put.

    2. If you draw or download an image you select and copy it.

  7. Karl Adrian T.Tabios Love B-15
    1.So the people may know what are you drawing.
    And it will more easy to be understand.
    2.I will use it in aranging text.

  8. B-11 John David S. Miranda 4-love
    1. We can use it in a powerpoint or communication.

    2. I will use it to delete drawings.

  9. Avian Lance M. Basco B1

    1. The benefits are one you can use text to write something in your drawing,two you can make a rhyme or slogan if you write in a text,last we can make our drawing more beautiful

    2. I will use it to make our drawing better

  10. angela love

    1You can use the paint easily

    2don't play with it

  11. Christelle U. Laquian G-14 Our lady of love

    1.You can make slogans that are good and you can also teach other people about the skills that you learned.

    2.By draging it to the desired place then move it,copy or paste it.

  12. B-3 Jon Bryannt O. Cabahug 4-Love
    1. It makes your drawing more understandable by people
    2. By moving, pasting and many other uses that can be used in drawing.

  13. B-13 Anton Gerald DS Santos 4 love

    1.The benefits are you can now make beautiful posters.You can also teach some kids who don't now how to put captions.

    2.I will use them properly by not using it reclesly.

  14. Kristian Angelo B9 love

    1.It will make your drawing better.

    2.use it in emeregencies only

  15. Marjonela Claire S. Mas g21 love

    1.It can make our work more beautiful.

    2.By moving,pasting,copying or croping an object.

  16. Madee Raymundo love
    1.It can helps us easily to read or understand the drawing when it has captions.

  17. B12 Ranielle Daryl 4-love

    1. The benefits are you can change the drawing or the style.

    2.Is used to caption in paint

  18. Mikhaella B. Bautista G-2
    1. The benefits you can get when you put a caption in your drawing are you can get better in it

  19. g11 Aubienne V. EspeƱa love
    1.we can use paint to make our promotion.
    2.properly and use if only needed

  20. althea manguiat__love

    1.I can promote caring for the world.I can also teach younger people or kids.

    2.I will use it in editing my drawings and not in others pics.I will use it in proper ways

  21. G-15 Sophia S. Larracas 4-Love
    1.So that if the people cannot understand the drawing,you can use text and it makes your drawing more understandable and beutiful.
    2.Click the icons then choose the drawing that you want to select.

  22. Chelsey Marie A. Dantes

    1. The benefits that I can get in caption is I can don't need to draw again and again

  23. Psalm G9 Love

    1.You can copy it ,paste and delete.

    2.By following the rules.

  24. G3 Carmen Luisa P. Cabral 4-Love
    1. Once I master the skills in putting caption in my drawing, I can easily represent my own drawing to others.
    2. By following the correct rules and skills ion using it.

  25. Andrea Isabel A. Medina Gr.4 Love
    1.i can always use it properly.It can also help me be educated and learn more.

    2.The two tools can help us in paint.First click the select tool and click your work.You can move and copy or paste your work it makes us learn more!

  26. G-13 Francine Alyana Juan IV-Love

    1. The benefits that you can get are that you can enhance your knowledge in typing and designing text.

    2. I will use it properly by using it in proper ways.

  27. Juliet Mae Clement U. Espadilla
    1.I can make my drawing much beautiful. I can make it more meaningful.
    2. I will use it carefully. I will use it goodily

  28. Hilary Capistrano
    G4 Love

    1. One of the benefits are you can improve your art skills and be creative in painting.
    2. I can use it properly because it can help copy, paste and move an drawing

  29. Theresa Cheng love
    1.It can make you to be creative and sometimes the drawings can also write messages.
    2.I will use it properly by copying,pasting and moving.

  30. Nicole Dela Cruz G-7
    IV-Our Lady of Love
    1.The benefits that you can get once you master the skills in putting caption in your drawing are you can put text or letters more easy than using pencil or other tools.It can also help you make a slogan about everything like reforestation.
    2.It can help you paste cut or copy a part of your drawing

  31. Dorothy Macsabejon Love

    1. It is more easier to use and more beautiful to look.

    2. it is use to move,cut ,paste and crop.

  32. G-12 Camille Ann Rose V. Galutira 4-LOVE

    1. We can share the skills that we learned.
    2. I will study how to use them properly and correctly.

  33. Stephanie Robledo Love
    1.We can communicate using drawing.We can draw by not wasting paper.

  34. Ridge kerlstein g. alao our lady of courage B1 benefits my master in drawing you have to master the skills in drawing. use the slect and free from selsct is when your drawing is wrong you can copy and paste your drawing

  35. b8 jack michael courage
    1.drawing pictures.creating a slogan.
    2.Select tool is used when you copy and paste your pictures and free form select is used to move and erase your pictures instead of using eraser.

  36. B11 Lorenz Maranan doing it slowly.and be careful doing it
    2.i will use it properly by pressing copy,delete,select and move

  37. Ruel calioilio Ret B-15
    1.We can put our captions in our drawing in MS paint like designing our drawing in paint.Captions our important to us to so we have some designs i drawing
    2.We can use select and free form select to,free form select can cut and we can separate our can copy and cut the drawing.

  38. Mike Allen C. Balmaceda B-2 4-COURAGE

    1. The advantages in putting caption in your drawing is to you can copy,paste,and cut.So you can do your projects.

    2. I will follow what Ms.Lano said.I will do it correctly.

  39. gabriel camacho g4courage
    1.i will master it by making a slogan.
    also i will masetr it by doing it in other projects.
    2.iwill use it by eraising my mistake.
    iwill use it also by copying important things ,not bad things

  40. Joaquin Castillo 4-courage
    It make my drawing beautiful.It make me easier to draw.

    I will copy the drawing so it will be easier.By cutting the drawing then paste the drawing.

  41. Neil B16 courage
    Iwill use it at home and in school every ntime so i can master it,
    the use of free form select and select are by cutting and copying your drawing,

  42. franz albert c. miranda gr.4-courage
    1.You can master and copy or print if you had any
    2.To use the select tool is by making a square or
    a rectangle on your drawing and drag it any were.

  43. John Kenneth V. Cunanan 4-Courage

    So you can type names and words in the paint.I will master it by doind it at home.

    I will use select tool and the free form select
    by paste copy and cut.To choose the part of drawing

  44. G11 Frazella Our Lady Of Courage
    1.I will apply it at home or even at school.I will use it properly.
    2.I will use it by making it beautiful.I will use clean and not making it ugly.

  45. Rheana Marie P. Manapat
    1.draw slowly .and beauutiful is use for clicking copy,move,select and delete ..

  46. Patrick Joel Medina Gomez
    IV - Courage

    The benefits when i master the skills in putting caption i can draw
    Ill use select or free form select by cutting,pasting and copying correctly

  47. clarence courage
    The benifits are you can type words.we can type letters to
    We can use the salect toll and freeformselect by takeingcare of the computer to.

  48. Ralph Daniel M. Torres IV- Courage
    1I can do my project at english science and math.
    Next is Ican Design my caption and make more beautiful.
    2I will you use it properly with using its proper you uses. then designing it.

  49. Michael V. Labrador
    IV Our Lady of Courage
    1.The benefits that i will get in putting caption in my drawing is to do master the skills in text tools.
    2.I will you use the select tools and free form properly by always using it when i will use the paint program. I will use the select tools by using it if i have wrong drawing so i will not hard in using eraser.

  50. Carl Daniel M. Punzalan

    1.All of the tools are parts of paint. Putting caption is important because if you don't put caption your drawing will be awful.

    2.I'll use select tools in deleting, copy, paste, and cut your drawing or putting once another. free form select can separate your work or move once another.

  51. Greca R. Caturan G2 4-Courage
    1.The advantages is to beautify our drawing and to do slogans.
    2.By doing it properly.

  52. josephine Navarro GR-4 COURAGE
    1.the tools and the so we can master the ms paint.
    and all the people good to see ms paint.
    2.i know select to separated and cutting so we can learn about that.
    and i know the free from i memorize the select and format select.

  53. Trisha Shennara Garcia 4-Courage
    1.The Benefits you can get are writing a slogan properly and correctly.Writing a message about your drawing using the caption
    2.It is use to write a slogan.And it is use writing anything you wate.

  54. Ella Denise Marcelo

    1.By teaching the cildren how to put text in paint,by using them in projects and research. using them in paint properly,choosing the best drawing that can be use and erase it to be more beautiful.

  55. Arianna Coleen T. Ochua IV-courage G17

    I can master the skills by teaching it to others.I will master it by practicing at home.

    I will use select and free form select properly by cutting,copying and paste.

  56. G-20 samantha ramos from ol courage:
    1. when i master the skills i will practice
    and i will do and do until i master it. using it always and completely practice it

  57. Fernando Joachim P. Felipe
    4-our Lady of Courage
    1.By everyday using paint.By now the uses of tool.
    2.Free form select uses are by pasting and copy.fill with color you can full the color your drawing.

  58. Eeurha Dyana T. De Leon 4-Courage
    It can make my drawing pretty.It can make my drawing fabulous.

    It can delete the wrong drawing.It can make my drawing copy the drawing like the head of the drawing and the whole body of the drawing.

  59. Reef Andrea J. Jusayan
    Gr.4 Our Lady of Courage
    1. The benefits i can get are learning how to do it and by doing it everyday.
    2.By mastering how to use it properly, every day, and always.

  60. Ma. Rosarito G. Espia
    o.l courage
    1.I can type a comic script, using for projects, and making slogan.

    2.I will use it properly, use it if needed, using the correct tool if im going to move

  61. Riana lila 4- courage

    1.We could type a word.We could also type a slogan.
    2.We could copy and paste.we could delete our drawings.

  62. Danielle Marie G. Pasaol Gr. 4 Courage
    I will put them properly. I will use them by typing and making slogan.

    I will use the select and free form select using my drawings. By making them beautiful

  63. Jasmine P. Dolisen
    Gr.4-our lady of courage

    1.By clicking it ang capture it.
    By pasting it and copy it.

    2.Use free from select by capturing it then click paste and click copy.
    Use select by the same thing.But it is easiest to use.

  64. charysse allana a. paulino G 19

    1.The benifits that i get that your drawing can put designs to make more beautiful
    2I will use it by copying pasting my work or my drawing.i will use it if important like you can paste copy your drawings.

  65. Maria Sofia G. Jornacion
    IV-Our Lady of Courage

    1. The benefits that you can get once you master the skills in putting caption in your drawing is you can put a paragraph in your drawing and you can put slogans and messages in your drawing. the caption is important because if you draw and theres no caption your drawing will not have sense.

    2. I will use the select tool and the free form select by not using it always. The select tools are important because if theres no select tools our work will not be beautiful

  66. Carl Daniel M. Punzalan
    1.You can be a computer master.You can be a art master.
    2.You can use select tool properly by using it wisely.You can use fee form select by using it correctly.

  67. Reef Andrea J. Jusayan
    G-10 Gr.4 Our Lady Of Courage
    1.The benfits we may get by putting caption in our drawing are making our drawingbetter and more beautiful.
    2.By only using them when we need to. and also by using it for good, and not with harmful effects, always.

  68. Charlene Kaye Morales
    1.I will master the skill by paint all you want
    2.I will find the free form selec

  69. riana lila g3 courage can type a can also type a comic strip. netiquettes.use for good

  70. b3gabriel courage
    1.i can get benefits by making something incredible.we can also get benefits by making our paint attractive.
    2.i will use

  71. Carl Justine Bondad
    B-2 Love

    1.You can make you drawings alive by putting in captions.

    2.We can use it by not playing with it.

  72. Jetka Tisha Venice T. Abogado
    Grade 4 Our Lady of Love

    1) What are the benefits that you can get once you master the skills in putting caption in your drawing?

    We can get the drawing we want because putting captions in our painting makes our paintings more beautiful and attractive to see.

    2) How will you use the select tool and the free form select properly?

    We can use those tools properly if we are not playing in the paint program while "painting".

  73. Paolo Paris G.Erasquin
    1.The benefits i can get the skills in putting is always practicing at home and master the skills

  74. Sean Austin R. Oquialda our lady of protection

    1.The benefits of mastering captions in drawings are; having a better way to express our creativity, slogans and messages.

    2.Use it with netiquettes.

  75. kimberly b. veloso
    4 protection
    1.the benifits that i can get are puting my emagenation.

  76. Jerdhen D. San Diego.. IV-Protection..

    1.I can get benefits my skills by making creativity work...and making are work colorful...

    2.By using it when we do our work...

  77. richard p.polhen jr.

    1by ma5ter it 3ell

  78. mark renan L cubelo gr4-protection

    1.the benefits i can learn by learning to the teacher

  79. KeLlY M. MURALLA
    1.When you are sad you can express your feeling in paint.
    2.use it always and practice

  80. Renelyn L. Enrile using it properly

  81. Franz Austin V. De Mesa IV OL of Protection

    1.The benefits I can get are making my teacher happy.
    Angelica C. Belser

    2.we use it to move the objects.

  82. Nathaniel Sean G. Catalla
    1.The benifits that I can find is Talent
    2.iF i Need to use it..

  83. Rodhine Anjelik G. Tatel
    IV-Our Lady of Health

    1.Use different shapes/tools to creat art
    2.Compair any color to paint the drawing so your drawing will be so beautiful.

