Friday, October 7, 2011

2nd Quarter - General Performance Test

Direction: In celebrating the "Rosary and Mission Month" this October, pupils are trying to give their hands to the needy especially to all missionary Priests whose trying to help also other people from different countries. Through this, pupils will create a simple paragraph on how to cooperate in the said celebration.

Guide Questions:
1. What is Rosary and Mission Month for?
2. How will you show your love and concern for others?
3. How do you feel when you help other people?
4. Do you want to continue this kind of activity? Why?

Note: The following are the important reminders that need to do while doing the activity:
1. Show Netiquettes
2. Spelling and grammar
3. Use of magic fingers
4. paragraph format
5. Content
6. Discipline

Type your complete name and section before you start typing paragraph.


  1. Eunice KIrsten Cabrido
    IV-O.L. of Health

    1.Rosary and mission month is for helping and praying for the poor.
    2.I can show love and concern to others by donating.
    3.I feel happy when I help others.
    4.Yes,because I can make others happy neither healthy.

  2. Leif Euriche J. Cruz

    Rosary Month Is A way of showing prayers and respect to god. Mission Month provides donation and charity to the poor.
    We can show love to others by helping them.
    Yes,Because we can help and donate money to the poor.

  3. Kahhlilah C. Bayon
    IV-our Lady Of Health

    1. What is Rosary and Mission Month for?
    the rosary and the mission month for the flooded area and who are sick that we bulacan we gave's donation like old cloth's/medicines/mineral water and everything that we can gave.we pray for the sick for they have a good felling when we are praying for them......

    2. How will you show your love and concern for others?
    i will give medicines for those who are sick and old cloth when the/ there cloths a dirty.we gave them a mineral water if they are thirsty .they will died if they don't have water or anything.and pray with them........

    3. How do you feel when you help other people?
    i am happy because i am helping other those who in need .i am like a hero helping people who are in accident.i am like helping my family .....

    4. Do you want to continue this kind of activity? Why?
    yes,beacuse this kindness to others your helping who are in accident, flooded. if we continue this activity we are a hero we saving the People...

  4. Maui Emmanuelle p. Argete

    Our lady of health

    1.the rosary and mission month is how to show the rosary prayer for the needy. to pray and give them what they have need.and to show and complete the roses to our mother mary.And to away the evil spirit to you.and to show the rosary wright love to all.
    2.I will show love and concern to others.By making them happy and to rspect them.How they said to you.And to concern and not to fight with your family said to you as concern as a children.and i will show that to be a marian i will follow the love and concern and any good for the.
    3.when i help others i feel how god help me and i fell great because help is one of the good things godshow to us and i am happy to help others.
    4.yes.I want to continue this activity because iam happy to do this god loves you.

  5. Sangeeta D. Kotwani
    Grade 4-Our Lady of Health

    Rosary is to pray to the needy people,our family,our friends and all the people. not only your relatives but also all the people of the world.Mission Month is giving money to needy people especially to all missionaries of the world.Mission Month is also giving miraculous medal.

  6. Kuljit S. Gill
    IV-O. L. of Health
    The Rosary and Mission month is for helping others.We give donations to the poor.We pray Rosary.We also donate for the missionaries.So that the world will be in peace.

    I will show my love and concern to others by:
    giving food to the poor.loving them.taking care of them.making them happy and show them respect.

    When I help others I feel like I am following God.I also feel like when I help them it's like I respect God.I also feel like when I help them it's like I love God.I also like to help others so God will love me more and I want to help others so that I can follow my C.l teacher also.

    I want to continue this so that I can love others.I can respect others.I can show them my kindness.I can also show them my Love to God and I can show them my Discipline to others.

  7. Jezreel Marie R. Dimalanta
    GR.4 Our Lady of Health

    1. To help others in need by donating old clothes,
    food or canned goods,medicines and mineral water and praying for Mama Mary and for the people who have been victim by the typhoon.

    2. By helping them whenever their is problem and saying thank you or you're welcome to them.
    By helping and sharing others and donating
    some relief goods and old clothes.if you help
    others in need they will help you too.

    3.I feel happy when I help them because you are showing something that is good to them and when you help them they will help you back whenever you need help and whenever they need help too.because when you help others you make friends with them too.

    4.Yes!!!. because you're showing love to them and showing something good to them they will help you too.

  8. Eunice Kirsten Cabrido
    IV-O.L. of Health

    1.It's for helping the poor.Sharing old clothes.Praying for them.Giving them money so that they can buy a new house.If we donate medicines they can heal their self and children.
    2.I can show love and concern to others when I donate.Sometimes you have a enemy that need your help you should concern for the not only to the one you like.I can show love and concern by praying for them to.
    3.I feel happy when I help them.I just really like to help them because they became happy.They need some help so I help them.
    4.I want to continue this activity because it is very important to help them because sometimes when didn't help them sometimes they wouldn't help you to.

  9. Anna Richelle V. Batungbacal

    IV-Our Lady Of Health

    The rosary month is for are own safety and other people and we can pray for those who needs help and we should always pray the rosary so god will bless us because we pray the rosary and the mission month is how we help people those who needs help and we should help them and some food or old clothes so we can make them happy and i can show love for others by helping them and obeying them if they told you something do it so they will love you more and i can show concern to other people by praying for them and taking care of them when they are sick and support them and i am so happy when i help people. i want to continue this activity because we can help many people and make them happy and we can pray for them to have also all the blessing that we have
    or we can share it with them that's why i want to continue this activity

  10. Kaito U. teraoka
    The Rosary for our life and the mission mouthis our mission mouth for oters peppole and

  11. Ma.Cienna M.Fernando
    IV-Our Lady Of Health

    What is Rosary and Mission Month for?
    Rosary and mission month,is for needy and all missionary.mission month our very important to others especially to all missionaries.i want to be a missionary,because i can help those who are needs and flooded,and i always pray my rosary every month of October,because many people are floods,and no foods.i can help them,by taking care and be ready always to typhoon.
    How will you show your love and concern for others? i can show my feelings and love,concern to others by taking care of them and helping them.i will show love to others by giving them a foods,waters,medicines,clothes and other needs.i can show all my feelings,i can make them happy,but sometimes i make them sad.all i need is to concern them.
    How do you feel when you help other people

  12. Drew zyrille A.licas
    Praying the rosary is a mission for us.By showing my love and respect to giving the needy some biscuits,mineral water,shirts and also other things that they need.I need to show them love and care so i can help them to be strong and healthy.Yes beacause its my first time to type a paragraph at a happy if its computer time and im happy that my adviser is a computer teacher its myfirst time to have a computer teacher.And im in my advisers club.

  13. julia anna j. De los Reyes
    gr.our lady of haelth
    What is Rosary and Mission Month for?
    How will you show your love and concern for others?
    How do you feel when you help other people?
    Do you want to continue this kind of activity? Why?

    1.Iwill help my family.
    2.Iwill give food to the poor so they will stay healthy Allways.
    3.i will ficks the broken toys and i will recicel
    the bothels,papers,broken toys and plastic.
    4.i will go to the mass every sunday
    4.i will help those are sick.

  14. Jon Reiiel J. Villareal IV-OUR LADY OF HEALTH
    1.What is Rosary and Mission Month for?
    Rosary is for as we pray the Rosary specially this month October my teacher did say if we pray one whole rosary we saved two soul in the purgatory. And another one of the beads is like a flower and then when pray the rosary we can make a crown of flowers.And in the mission month we have to donate because if we have a blessing how the others.Rosary and Mission Month is the same occasion month and that is October.

  15. Marc Vincent M.Buno
    Rosary and mission month for me is helping other people who need love,family and comfort I love to help other people i want to

  16. Tatjana Adrianne Estrella
    IV- our lady of Health
    Mission month is important to all the people,you can help others and the missionaries in the world.I could show my concern to others by donating clothes,medicine,water, and food for them,they need this.when i help other people i feel happy for that.It's happy when i help other and its sad when you saw them so pitty ,when you help others you can see they are happy . for me its nice to give for the needy .cause you show your love,kindness.

  17. Raul Lorenzo M. David IV-Our Lady of Health

    The rosary and mission month is all
    about praying to mama Mary. And mission month
    is to help the poor peoples by donating money
    to them.Rosary is all about praying to mama
    Mary and jessus.It symbolize the four mystery
    s.We should pray to the poor peoples for their
    blessing and give them food or money or adopt

    We can show love to oters by givin
    g them money or food for them to be healthy p
    eoples.We can show concern to others by help
    ing other on their problem especially to the
    victims of the typhoon.

  18. John Paul P. lucena
    IV-Our Lady of Health
    The rosary is combine whith the name of mama mary.and rose are need and when we combine is now called rosary. and the mission month are doing some mission. and helping others like you go to iland to teach some people on the iland.thats is cald mission.

    I will show love to others and when i figth others. i feel like my love to others now broke
    and. when i show. love to others i feel like happy. and my family to are happy and.
    i will concern to others.

  19. Ashley Ybanez Lomongo
    IV-Our Lady OF Health
    1.The rosary and mission mouth is for are love by showing are hearts and loving others people to respects other people and show discipline to other
    people.2.But it's good to help other people.3.Yes because i want to learn that to help other people
    to show and love other people and to god and lord
    for are hearts by showing discipline to others
    people.But sometime i feel pity to other people.

  20. Daniel B. veloso
    Grade 4 our lady of health
    Praying for others especially who need our
    help.And praying for the missionary.And pray for those who sick because of the flood. And to celebration of mary. We help them to give food and give them clothes.I love helping others because their poor. And their need help
    I feel happy and helpful

  21. Tracey Kym N.Murillo
    4-Our Lady of Health
    Rosary and Mission month is for Mama Mary
    and missionaries.When we celebrate the rosary
    and mission month we pray by using the rosary.
    Do you know what rosary means rosary means
    ''Crown of Roses''now you know what rosary
    means. You know my favorite month is october.

  22. janyn stephanie H. francisco
    IV our lady of health
    1.rosary and misson month is helping peoples in need.we are also helping them by praying in rosary month.we are also helping missionaries in different countries.

  23. Lance Albert J. Viguella
    Gr.4 Our Lady of Health
    Rosary and Mission month is for the poor.mission month is for the poor that needs help.we can help them by donating our old clothes,giving them food and water.rosary month is for the people and Mary . we pray for them we pray for the people who are victims of bagyong pedring.we pray the rosary for Mary

    I am happy when i help others. because when i help them they will be fine and they will be

  24. Sangeeta D. Kotwani
    Grade 4-Our Lady of Health

    I can show love by helping others.

  25. Nicole Ann A.De Leoz IV-our lady of health -rosary month and mission month is for those people that got been disaster- ed by the typhoon is important so that people in need may have extra foods and needs.and those people and animals who got been stranded in their house because of the rain that causes to much water on the

  26. mara ysabel I.sto.domingo
    gr.4 our lady of health
    rosary month is to pray for venerable ignacia del Ispirito santo for doing good for us.
    I will help others and love for people who need help to showdiscipline and love.

  27. Francis Lance C. David
    IV-Our Lady of Health
    Mission Month is About Pray the Rosary,Giving Money to the Poor,Making an Altar,Pray For God and Giving Goods to Victims of Calamities.
    I Show Love And Concern To Others by Helping My Parents,Giving Food to Beggars,Giving Good To Victim of Typhoon Pedring and Helping My Parents.
    When I Help Other People I Feel Happy and Glad.
    Yes,Because I Can Put More Money in The Mission, Make a Great Altar,Help the Poor and Pray the Rosary.

  28. Komal Dabb
    Mrs.Maria Anna Edosor Lano
    Saint Mary's Academy 525 P. Burgos St.

    I. What is Rosary and Mission Month for?
    1. the rosary and mission month is for the month of the rose.

    2. it is the month of prayer.

    3. it is the month of showing our love to others.

    4. it is the month of showing our concern to others.

    5. it is the month of caring for others.

    II. How will you show your love and concern for others?

    1. i will pray for them.

    2. i will help them.

    3. i will love them.

    4. i will show love and concern to others.

    5. i will not leave them if they need me to help them.

    III. How do you feel when you help other people?

    1. i feel pity on them.

    2. i feel Like i am helping my own family.

  29. Mishian Angela A. Silang
    IV-Our Lady Of Health
    A rosary month is use for the prayer.Venerable ignacia del ispirito santo.A rosary is important to pray everyday for our countries.
    A mission month is use for helping other people and also to our brothers and sisters.

  30. charm alquira R. aruta 4- health

    The rosary and the mission month is for the people who needs. And the rosary and the mission month is for the people who needs some food and things. The rosary and the mission months is for us and other people because the rosary help us to pray to god. And the mission month is for the people we can give some mission to the people. Rosary and mission months is for helping other people and help us to know to pray the rosary.
    I'll show love for others by helping and giving some mission. And I'll show concern by giving food and love to the others or to the people and help. And i can give love and concern to others by using helping,loving to others.And i can give love to others by giving some food and clothes. And i feel happy when i helping others and concern.
    I feel happy when i help others. And i fell very happy when i see my sef helping others.

  31. Lanie M. Dizon
    IV-Our Lady of Health

    The rosary month or mission month for me is the month we pray.We use the rosary.We celebrate it in the month of October.We decorate our altar.We donate our old things.When I help others I feel happy.When I show concern for others I feel that I love them.If Iam praying I join them in my prayer.

  32. Oswold Owen John I. Gonzales
    IV Our Lady Of Health

    Mission Month is for us to do the mission month.In Mission Month I will donate food.mission is good to do and its fun to do the Mission Month.Rosary is for us to pray.Rosary is for us to do good things to others.

    I will show Love to others by doing good to them.I will show love not doing bad to themm.

  33. Brendan Jensen c. Jader
    4-O.L of Health
    1.The rosary and Mission month is for praying to others
    2.I will show my love to others by donating things to them .and praying to them

    3.I feel good when I am helping others.and I am happy because its good to help others
    4.yes.because helping others is good to them.also some people mid help.I will always do this because its kind

  34. Rodhine Anjelik G. Tatel
    Gr-4 Our Lady of Health

    1.A mission to make a amont of money to help others.
    2.To pray rosary everyday.

  35. Leif Euriche J. Cruz

    1.Rosary And Mission month is for the needy especially to all missionary Priests whose trying to help also other people from different countries

  36. Hjuanne Matthew Bañez
    Gr.4 Our Lady of Love

    Rosary month/mission month is all about giving money/donating to the missionaries,we donate or give money to the missionaries so that they can travel from different places,they travel from different places so they can teach the people about God. I can show my concern or love to others by doing good things to them like giving then my extra food like for example my classmate doesn't have any food and I still have extra food to give to them so I'm looking for the good choice and I'm gonna give it to him/her that is one way of showing love and concern to them. I feel like I'm very happy because when you help others it feels like you are a very helpful person something like that.
    Yes.Because continuing this kind of activity lets other people understand how you feel inside if you share or help other people it also let them know what is the meaning of rosary and mission month.and it also lets them know how to show love and concern to other people...

  37. Arianne Marie Estrella
    Grade 4-Our Lady of Love

    Rosary and Mission Month is celebrated during the Month of October.We use the rosary for thanking and praying for missionaries.Mission Month is a way of helping the missionaries for there needs.We are always encourage by our teachers and parents to help in the Mission Month.It is a way of making God happy.

    I can show my love and concern to others by making them Happy and always wanting the best for them.We must show concern and love for others.You should love and have concern for others.It is a way of helping others.We are also encourage by our parents to help.

    I feel very happy when I help others.I feel that God is very happy when we help.I also feel that all of us are one.We can show helping in our own little way.We make everybody happy when we help.

    I want to continue this activity because it encourage people to help.It makes us Helpful,generous and loving person.I also want to continue this activity because it helps us to help for the missionaries even we are far to them.If you try to imagine earth will be very beautiful if we are helping and doing this activity.We are one as family so we must all do this kind of activity.

  38. Nicole T. Arellano
    Gr. 4 Our Lady of Love

    The Rosary and Mission Month is for people we should pray for maybe because they are in need.even the missionaries needs help in doing their mission , that's why we have to pray for them.For the mission month , people give contributions and donations.The the rosary is for everyone who are in need. Like the fire victims we have to pray for them.

    I will show my love and concern for others by giving contributions or donations for the people who are in need.I will pray for them.If they are poor because they don't have a house I will not laugh at them.If my friends tease them , I will tell them that they should not laugh at them.

    When I help other people , it makes me feel happy . If they are happy I'm happy. Sometimes if they feel sad I'm pitying them.Cause they are happy it makes me also full with joy.

  39. Charles Ivan Apolinar

    Mission and rosary are for missionaries. It is for their sake. It is for their food, shelter and clothes. We need to donate money to the mission for the support of their life. It is essential for us to donate for the mission.

    I can show love and concern for others by helping them. I can understand them too. Our concern and love is needed by other people. If we love them they'll love us too if we have concern on them they'll have concern on us too. I will always have love and concern to others.

    When i help other people I have the feeling of kindness. When we help other people they will love us. That's why we need to help other people. If we help other people they will help us too. It is always essential to help others.

    Yes I want to continue this kind of activity because it is a way of showing love and concern to other people. It is a way of showing kindness too. If we continue to help others God will be happy. If God is happy he will give us many blessings. So let us help others now.

  40. Avelino Genaro A. Basco
    Iv - Our Lady of Love

    1.What is Rosary and Mission Month for?

    The Rosary is for having communication
    to Mother Mary,Jesus and God. While
    the Mission Month is a month that we give
    donation to Missionaries around the world.
    It is important to pray the Rosary because
    it helps us become closer to God. It is
    also important to give donation to
    missionaries because they teach
    about God to people around the
    world. They use the donation as pay
    for their fare.

    2.How will you show your love and concern for others?

    I will show them love and concern
    by caring for their status. Here are some
    of the ways how:I will not fight with them,
    I will care for them and much much more. I
    also will give them something they need
    that I have.

    3. How do you feel when you help other people?

    I feel happy every time I help
    somebody. Because I give relief in their
    lives that lessens their stress in life.
    It fells good to help also because of the
    happiness you see in their face

    4. Do you want to continue this kind of activity? Why?

    Yes, because it really shows what
    is inside of a person not the outside of
    that person. I really like this kind of
    activity. It actually based on what is the
    inside of the person not whats the
    outside of the person.

  41. Apple Zaira G. Alcaraz 4-love

    The Rosary month is for praying for Mother Mary
    because of her generosity.The Mission month is for the money that the missionaries will use.The Rosary is also for the people who need help.The Mission is also for the other people in need.

    I will show my love to others by giving them donation to the victims of calamities.Also by sharing food,clothes and other things.I can show concern to them by also giving donation for the poor and the victims of calamities.Also by praying for them.

    When I help other people I feel happy because I make them happy.I also feel happy because God is happy.And I also feel my attitude of kindness and generosity to others.Because I gave them donations.

    Yes I want this activity to continue.Because I make the others happy and it is way of showing love,kindness and generosity to others.And I also help the missionaries.And pray for others and the victims of calamities.

  42. Aaliziyah F.Cabauatan

    1.Rosary and mission month is for us to show our generosity by being a marian.It is also for the missionaries who need our help.A rosary is a garden of roses.we use a rosary to pray .It also for us to pray the 'Hail Mary'.

    2I can show love and concern by giving can goods , giving foods and giving clothes.I can show concern by visiting those in the hospital. I will help them by love for them. I will will love them and i will threat them like special child .Let us all show love and concern by my examples.

    3.I feel happy when i

  43. Lexter Allan L. Abad Love

    The rosary is for praying for Mary because of Her generosity for others.The mission is for the missioners in other country to go in other places which other can't.The rosary is for the people who need our help them to pray.The mission is for the missionary that needed money.

    I will my love and concern for others by loving and caring them.I will also give them alms and foods.I will give them old clothes. I will teach them other lesson that I learn.I will also help them give relive foods.

    Happy because I help others.Because they also feel happy to me.Because they will also help me when I need them.Because they will also help others because I teach them how.Because they feel sad when we don't help others.

    Yes,because we can help many people.Yes, because I can help them in a little way of giving money to the missionary's.Because they feel happy to us when we help them.Because they don't need to spend more money.Because they will teach what we had teach them.

  44. Mike Angelo T. Bragais
    For the missionaries in other places in the world thats what Mission month is for.The Rosary month is for when Mary intruduce the rosary to the 3 childrenwho are praying.Thats why we celebrate the Mission and Rosary every October of the year.The activities that is been doen are praying the rosary,giving mision envelope with money inside and giving alms.So we should always participate in some activ

  45. Sarah Isabelle L. Laguda IV-Love

    Rosary is not only a prayer for Mother Mary,it is a offering for her obedience to God.Mission month is a celebration for the Holy Rosary.That's why we are helping others also the missionaries life we are joining together our money so that the missionaries have enough money for their medicines.

    I will show others my love and concern by giving them their needs.As a Marian we are praying for our brothers and sisters in Angola, Somalia and other country that needs love.We should love and help others by comforting them and give attention on them not just on our family,friends and relatives.but with others also.Let's just think they are our brothers and sisters.

    I feel happy because I can help and they can be happy .If I can help others I will be proud of myself.We can also help them with our mission envelopes.

    Yes, because it can help missionaries do their works and also tell about the rosary.

  46. Carl Alex E. Clarito IV-Love
    Mission month and rosary is for the celebrations of the missionnaries.We can show love and concern for others by being generous and supporting to mission month.I feel happy when I give or help other people.I want to continue this kind of activity.Because I want the attitude generosity.

    I can show love and concern by donating food medicine and clothes.If we care for other people God will be proud of us.We will have a reward for our love and concern to the poor.We should not be happy when something bad happens to our enemy.We must help them in there problem.

    I feel happy when helping others.

  47. Karl Mc Haile U. Pablo 4-love

    Mission and Rosary month is a praying and hel-
    ping others.Doing mission fund drive is done.R-
    osary is prayed everyday.Missionaries help nee-
    dies.We do this everyday.

    I support mission fund drive everyday.Praying
    Rosary for needy is done.We can become mission-
    aries on a short way.Fund drive is given to mi-
    ssionaries for support.They should feel love f-
    rom us.

    I feel happy when I help.It makes me proud.I
    feel love.I think I can help more.How happy.

    I want this activity helps people.
    Praying for good health.Do this.Be happy

  48. jed marcelo a rosales
    rosary and mission month is for helping missionaries all over the world.we use rosaries to pray for them.we donate our things we dont need. these goes to the typhoon victims and the poor.
    i show concern to others by praying for them. i can help others to by volunteering to.i do this because i show piety for will make god happy.
    i feel happy for them and for me.i have to make helps poor people.

  49. Enrique Miguel P. Rosel IV Love
    We need to cooperate for our mission and rosary month because all the fund and prayers will help many missionary in the whole world. The money that we give for our mission drive will be the fund of the missionary or the fund for building church , schools and many more .We need to pray the rosary because its rosary month and the prayers is mother mary and the other people in the world. And rosary and mission month are for the needs of poor people in the world and the one that was apart of the disaster in many typhoon in past and present year. All of the things that we do in the month God will be happy because we help one another and we pray the rosary. We can show love and concern for others by praying and by by showing generosity. First for praying because it can help that God will know that we are saying to him we need to help one another

  50. Alicia Jasper S. Lucena
    GR.IV O.L. of Love*
    The Rosary and Mission Month
    The rosary and mission month is the time when we pray to our mother.The mission month is when we give our extra money to the persons in need.The rosary is the thing we use to hold when we pray to GOD & MARY.The mission month is when we help others just for giving our extra moneys.

    Love and Concern to Others
    I will pray for them and I will have pity on them.I will help them when they are in need.I will give the fire/typhoon victims t

  51. Anjelyn Baylon
    Grade 4 Love

    What is Rosary and Mission Month for?

    Rosary is for praying for the missionaries in other countries.Rosary is for the safety of the missionaries in other countries too.Rosary is also used for the sick and poor person living in streets with the prayer we are just like helping them.While the Mission Month is used for the missionaries for the need of other countries.Rosary is the prayer for the needs of the people and prayer for the victims in flood.

    How will I show my love and concern for others?

    I will show my love by helping others, caring for others and by praying for those who is in need.I will show my concern to others by praying for others ,helping them if they are in need and lastly by caring for those who is sick.I will show love by giving them my extra lunch if they do not have.I will show concern by praying for their safety.I will show love and concern by doing this by the help of God..

    How will I feel when I helped somebody?

    I will feel happy.I will feel happy because I
    did something good for others and I am very happy to myself.I will happy because God is happy too.I will feel happy to myself because it make the person happy too.This is the cause why I am happy helping others.

    Do I want to continue this kind of activity?
    Yes because it helps you

  52. Alexia S. Roman

    Rosary and Mission Month is for praying to the Blessed Mother Mary and contribution to the poor.We can contribute to the poor and needy by donating relief goods,money and many more. Rosary is also a prayer about the life of Mother Mary and Jesus.Praying the rosary daily is important.We must pray for others not omly for ourselves.

    I can show my love and concern for others by showing them kindness,contributing to those in need,praying for them,visiting the sick ,have pity to those victims of calamity,help those victims and many other more ways.Of all the things that you can do to show your love and concern for others the best one is praying and helping them.

    When I help other people,I feel good and happy. Because when I help others I know I did a good thing.When I help someone I feel like that I saved one person/soul.

  53. Jluke Bernard D. Ibay Gr. 4 love

    Rosary month is the pupils will try to give a small amount of money.The money will give it to the poor people on different countries.If we even give just a little amount of money God will be proud of us.The money we gave is not only for the children the money we gave is on the missionaries all over the world.Rosary month is very important to all of us.

    I will give them money,foods and the other important needs to them.I will give them gifts because others are missionaries.The poor people I will give them them new clothes.The people who are a little needed I will still give them even if they have already a house.A little amount of money can be very helpful because you show them love.

    I feel very happy if I help them because they want to finish there life on a good way.I feel very lovable because I gave them the gifts that they wanted.I feel very charitable because I gave money to the poor people and missionaries.I feel very proud because God gave me everything to my life so i decided to do that too.I feel exited because I will give them stuffs.

    I want this activity to continue because if we don't have this mission month the poor people and missionaries will not be very happy to live their life.The poor people and missionaries work very hard so I will continue this activity.I want this to continue cause the people who needs a little bit of money I will give them.I will give them stuffs because it can help them to live their life happily an to continue this mission month.I will love to continue this mission month because it can help the people feel very happy

  54. Laurence Aldrich D. Silao
    The Rosary month is for the needy in other countries or other parts of the Philippines. In Rosary month we pray the Holy Rosary everyday of the week. We also have the "Mission Collection" everyday.The money in the "Mission Collection" is being given to the poor, needy, and victims of calamities. There the money is being used for their daily needs. Some of the money from the "Mission Collection" are given to other Missionaries.

    I will show love and concern to others by donating everyday in the "Mission Collection" and by praying the Holy Rosary everyday. I will not insult them because they are poor and cannot
    study,Instead I will understand there status right now.I will also pray for them so that they will not suffer anymore. If I see a poor boy/girl in the streets I will give them food or drinks. I will not make fun of them. I will help them.

    When I help other people, I feel happy, glad, and full of joy because when I help other people it's like I helped God too. It's fun to help others. Do you know why?, because the feeling when you help others is exciting. There was one time that I saw a little boy rooming the streets, by that time I was eating a bun, but when I saw him walking towards me and asking for food I gave it to him. My mother was really proud of me when I gave him my food. I felt joy in my heart that time.

    I want to continue this because It is fun to do. It could help other kids for making an essay. This kind of activity helps you to release your feelings for the poor and needy. It can make you understand their status now. Let us continue this activity. Let us help others.

  55. Jian Chantal L. Caricungan G4 Our Lady of Love

    Rosary and Mission Month for me is special. First praying the Rosary is special because every prayer of Hail Mary in the Rosary is a rose that is offered to Mother Mary.Second Mission Month is important because if we are offering to the Mission Month we are like offering our life to Jesus.

    I can show my love and concern to others by serving them,taking care for them,loving them,helping to those who needs help and having concern for them.I can show love concern by respecting my elder lings , by saying po and opo and by showing good manners.

    When I help others I feel happy and joyful.

  56. Leonel Marck L. omilig

    Rosary is for praying to god during mission month.It has four mysteries Joyful,Sorrowful, Glorious and Luminous.Mission Month is for showing generosity to the needy.We should donate things for them.We should also help the missionaries that goes to another places to preach the word of God.

    I will show my love and concern to others by praying to them.I will give things to the needy ones.I will help have a better place.I will teach others what I know.I will donate money for the community.

    I feel happy and joyful.Because I help them and they will feel happy.If they say thank you to me I will feel happy because saying thank you to others is a good manner.Making others is making God happy.

  57. Juan Carlos D. Tajan 4-Our lady of love

    1.Rosary and Mission Month is the month that we pray for the missionaries all over the world and when we offer some of our money for those in need. It can help the people whose in need for shelter,clothes and care.If we support the missionaries, the money that we offered will go to the fund that the missionaries will use to spread the word of God.It can help the poor people all over the world.It can help the missionaries to spread the word of God.

    2. I can show love and concern for others by supporting the church.I can show love and concern for others by offering the pondo ng pinoy to the churches in the Philippines.

  58. Shannen Shane C. Ramos
    Grade 4-Our Lady of Love

    Rosary is for praying to help others and to support the missionary in their mission.Mission Month is for the missionary.Missionary is the one who help the people to know who is God.So,it is important to have a mission month.

    I will show love and concern to others by praying the rosary for them.I will give a extra fund for them.I will tell those who didn't know who is God.I will share my blessings to others.I will also treat them as my own brothers and sisters.

    When I help others I feel happy because God will be happy also.You know,we should help one another so we can propagate love and peace.Sometimes,I think when I help others it is like I've help God.IF we help others it means we love God.

    I want to continuous this kind of activity so we can master our skills in typing.It will help us to show respect to others.It will help us to have Discipline.It will help us to use magic fingers.It will also help us to practice our grammar and spelling.

  59. Althea Jehan A. Angelito IV-Love*
    The rosary is used for praying to Mother Mary and the mission month is for giving any donations to the poor,beggars,typhoon victims and more.The rosary is also used to pray for the poor,sick,beggars etc.Mission month is the month to give any donations that will help the poor as long as its useful.The mission month is very important to the world because that means your promoting peace.The rosary is could sometimes help the poor when you pray for them not just by speaking with your mouth,but by praying with all your heart.

    I can show love to others by giving lots of donations during the mission month.I can also show love for them by taking care of them,teaching them etc.When you take care of others,that means your showing kindness,love,care,respect etc.When you give donations to others,it means your giving it with all your heart.

  60. Patricia Mary L. Carpio IV-Love

    The Rosary is for the kindness and love of God. And for the celebration Mission Month. The Mission Month is for the people who are in need.And this is the celebration when we donate Things that others need.

    I will show

  61. Rafael David M. Jurilla
    Mission Month for me the way of sharing.We donate clothes,foods and medicines.Rosary for me is to respect Our Blessed Virgin Mary.When we pray the rosary we are praying for the people those who in trouble.So we need too share and

    I can show love and concern for others by helping.I can help others by donating and sharing.When I watch news I saw the victims of pedring they are so pity.If I cant help to others I will just pray and tell God give them a peaceful life.So when you love others help them.

    When I help other people I feel that God is haappy.

  62. Sebastian Jose Q. Almirol 4 Love

    Rosary has 5 mysteries it has 20 mysteries in all.Rosary is also used to talk to Mary,Jesus and God.Mission Month is a month of giving amount of money, goods and other things.The money we give goes to the missionaries to help them in their mission.The goods that you give will also be donated to the victims of floods and beggars.Mission Month is also the time of helping each other.

    I will show love by donating money ,food , clothes and other goods. I can show love to them too by helping them,respecting them and loving them with no fight.I will show peace to them too that's what all the people do when they have peace on everybody.We should have pity on them because they are poor.That's why we should really help them. And that's how I can love them.

    I feel happy when helping them because
    they are like family to me a family that is poor nobody cares for them.I feel happy too because they are happy too.When I am a visitor to their city there attitude is kind and welcoming.The truth is I want to help them have good lives and good shelter.And that's my feeling when helping them.

    I want to continue this activity because it makes me have pity on them.It also makes me love them. It gives happiness too. sSo thatrs why we should continue this activity. Anmd this is my reason to continue the activity.

  63. Deborah R. Padua
    Rosary Month is the month we give full respect to our Blessed Virgin Mary and our Lord. The Mission Month is the moth we donate money to give support to the church and the ones who are in need. We also donate some of our old clothes which is still usable. To donate something for the ones in need is a part of the Mission Month. The Rosary Month the month we use our rosary to pray and say the mysteries of each separated bead.

    I can show love to others by sharing my food to the ones in need. I can show concern to others by asking the ones who look sick so I can help them. If I am friendly and helpful to them it is one way of showing love. One way to show concern to others is knowing if they are having a hard time or having a good time at doing something. Loving maybe easy or hard if it is your friend it is easy to love them and I even love them more. I even love my enemies even they do not love me to love them is not a easy task.

    I feel very happy when I help other people. The reason I feel happy because it is a good thing to do.

  64. Mariel C. Valenzuela
    GR.4- Our Lady of Love

    1. What is the Rosary and Mission Month for?

    Rosary Month is for praying those
    missionaries and people who are in need. We
    are praying because the gift of God are our
    brothers and sisters too. All of of the
    people in the world are children of God. It
    is important to pray for them to have faith
    in God and to have peace in the world.
    Mission month is for the missionaries that
    are helping those in need. We need to
    participate the mission month because
    it is a big help to give just a little thing
    you can give to them. Just like small amount
    of money will help. We also need to
    participate because of the needs of the poor.

    2.How will you show love and concern for others?

    I can show my love and concern for
    others just by cooperating in the mission
    and by just praying for them. I can give
    donations for them and I can ask my family
    members to give old clothes and anything
    that can help them. I can help them by
    giving canned goods also. The poor need
    food because they have no food they have
    no shelter and they lock clothes to wear.
    It is important to help them because they
    are our brothers and sisters too! Imagine
    that you belong to the poor, and no one
    are helping you, will you be happy? Let's
    start to give donations so they will be
    happy, comfortable, and they have good

    3. How do you feel when you help others?

    I feel happy when I help others.
    because when I help others God will be
    happy too! When I help others it means
    I am helping myself to be good and
    generous. when I help others the ones
    that I helped will be happy. I'm happy
    for them.

  65. Jamberry Nicole Gabrillo
    Gr.4-OL of Love

    Rosary and mission month are both celebrated
    at the month of October.Rosary is for Mother
    Mary.We offer some prayers to Her.For mission
    month, we give any amount of money to help other
    missionaries.They are both important.

    We can show love and concern to others
    by helping typhoon victims and donating
    old clothes,can goods and many more.Showing
    love and concern to others are very
    important because it make God happy.It is
    very important too because it is one of the
    ways to make peace.Everyone should do this.
    and it also one way of showing obedience.

    Of course i feel happy when i help
    other people.Because it shows a good
    attitude.It also depends when you help
    using money you are called generous.
    Sometimes i feel pity on them.Please fee happy.

    Yes, because it is very good to talk about

  66. Jim Francis Mojica

    Rosary and mission month is for sharing
    love and generosity to others.Rosary is for
    for our family others in those who are sick or
    those who are in bad condition.It is for
    sharing our love to others. Mission is for
    sharing our generosity to others .Especially
    for missionaries for there fair to other

    I will share my love to others by praying
    the rosary.So i can pray to others who are
    those in need.Also i can share my love to
    others by participating actively in the
    mission fund drive.So i can help the peoples
    those who are in need.In short i will be

  67. Janeia Johanne A. Angelito IV-love*

    Rosary is for us to pray through mysteries of the rosary.These are the joyful,sorrowful,luminous and glorious mysteries.For mission month,we donate stuff like food,water,clothes and others to the poor and typhoon victims or other calamity victims.This month is very special because through rosary,we pray to God for help so the victims of the different calamities and the poor to be happy.Through Mission Month,here we have different missions to help victims and poor people.So we should pray for the rosary and donate to the poor and calamity victims

    I will show love and concern to others by by helping them,showing love to them,take care of them and appreciating them.helping example is to help a old lady cross the street.Loving example is treat them as your brothers and sisters.Taking care example is feeding,bathing and other nice thing to your baby brother/sister.I will appreciate them by saying thank you to those who did good things to you
    .So these are ways to show love and concern to others.

    I feel generous because when I give help to others,they say thank you as if I gave him/her a gift.I feel grateful/thankful because they say thank you when I help them.Helpful because I help them.Feeling these emotions and others are a good thing because God likes to see those who are happy helpers and is fond of helping.My most emotion I feel is generous because I help a lot.So we should make God happy.

  68. alcid anzer m. miel
    grade 4 our lady of consolation

    for praying to those in need.
    giving your food,water and cloth to the poor.
    helping the poor.
    and teaching gods creations to others

    by helping ohters.

  69. Shaznaye Jhil E. Lumandas
    Mission Month is about Mama Mary for praying the rosary and for helping our missionaries all over the world.

    I will show love and concern to others by not hurting them, by sharing foods and to not give them problems.

    I feel so happy because I help people who are victims of Pedring and Quiel.

    Yes. Because I want to help them and to love them always.

  70. Lovely Caiyhl C. Morales
    Gr4Our Lady of Consolation
    The Rosary is to Pray and the Mission is to give a money Because this money will be give to the poor.
    I will show love by helping to others people and I will help to give food to the poor.
    I feel happy Because I help them and I feel happy Because I give them can goods.
    I want to continue because when you continue helping God will happy us and I will continue by helping and loving to all people and I will be good girl and I will not do Bad things Because when you do bad things God will not happy to us and we need to pray so the devil will go out to us and we need thanks god Because they create us.

  71. gabriel p. concepcion
    g4 our lady of consolation

    mission month is for loving everyone.and we should do the right thing to do.and we need to be good to everyone.

  72. Anne lauraine v. espulgar
    gr.4 our lady of consolation

    Rosary month is for we offer a roses for mother Mary who save us.Mission month is for we donate some money for the people those in need.

    I can show love and concern to others by praying for them and to donate some money.

    I feel happy when i help others.They need our help because they are the victims of flood.Especially when they recieve my donations for them.Also they need to be happy because they have a donation from us.i'm sad when i dont have a donation for them.

    Yes i like to continue the activity because i can help others especially to missionaries.I like to donate to all people who need help.I donate old clothes,water,cangoods.

  73. Oenoni Faith Cifra
    Gr4 Our Lady of Consolation

    Rosary month is for the marians to learn how to pray the rosary properly and for them to be closer to mother Mary.

    We can show our love and care by giving the flood victims some food,shelter,clothes and our prayers for them and some other poor people who need our help.

    I feel happy when I serve other people because I enjoy helping other people and see them using my things I feel very happy when I see them happy.

    I really like mission month because we get to give the poor some money,can goods,clean mineral water,clothes and more.

  74. Josh Vincent P. agner gr.4 ol of consolation
    Rosary and Mission month
    for giving our money in our missionaries I think I help them and for rosary month in month of October everyday Im go to school I bring Rosary because it rosary month.I feel that i help people by giving money that the missionaries go to every country.I want in every year have a mission month and rosary month

  75. Mary Elise S.Icban
    G4 Our Lady of Consolation
    Rosary and mission month is a month of helping
    missionaries all over the world.if missionaries need support people all over the world will help missionaries because they will go to the place there was no people who do not know God.

    As a Marian i will show love and concern by a little way.I will show love being a generous girl I will show tender loving care to my parents.Also i will be faithful.I can be a loving daughter.I love to help people.

  76. Bianca Nicole A. Mangilit
    Gr.4 Our Lady of Consolation

    "Rosary and Mission Month"
    Rosary and Mission Month is a mission for us to share our blessings to others.If we donate somethings we would be happy because we donate somethings that we are not using it any more.I will show my love and concern to others by sharing my blessings and all that I have.I feel happy when I help others because maybe all of that is our mission to save other people.I want to continue this kind of activity because I want to learn more about netiquttes and many more.

  77. Juan Miguel L. Baloro

    Rosary and Mission Month is for giving support to our missionaries in the world.Rosary was came
    from a flower that is a rose.We pray the Rosary
    to rememeber the stories of Jesus and Mother
    We are the 3rd place in the "Mission Drive Campain.

    I will share my love and concern to others by helping in our programs in our Barangay.By joining in our school programs like mostly "Mission Drive Campain.I will help others in cleaning.I always clean my room every time.

    I am happy when I am helping others.they feel
    happy when I help them.I help in setting our table at breakfast,lunch and dinner.My family is happy when they eat and my table setting.

    I want to continue this kind of activity.
    Because I want to continue this activity so many
    people will see my answer.Many people will learn
    my answers.

  78. Anne Roelle E. Distor
    Gr.4-Our Lady of Consolation

    Rosary and mission month for is to heip those people in need.And also to be donated to those who are the victims of floods.And we also share what we can give to other people even without being said.Because we are willing to share all the things that does not fit to us anymore.And rosary is to thank God for all the things that he has given us and to also pray for all the victims of the floods for them to be okay.And that is what Rosary and mission month is for.

    I will show love and concern for others by helping them without being said.And when their is a problem,I will help him/her.Because that is what friends are for,to help their friends and not by just standing their not doing anything.You just make him/her happy so he or she will not be sad.And that is how I show love and concern for other people.

    When I help other people I feel happy because,I helped those people that were in need.Without any exchange.And that is why I feel happy everytime I help all those people that are in need.Because we do not want to see all of our friends being sad that is why we just need to make other people happy even if sometimes it breaks our heart we still need to make our friends happy.

    I want to continue this kind of activity because it helps all those victims of floods and plus we share all the things that we can share like can goods,mineral waters,medicines and many many more.

  79. Lorenz angelo c. maehara
    Rosary month is the month of praying the rosary it means if we pray the rosary we are giving a million roses to mother mary that's
    why she is being happy.

    The mission month is the missionaries are teaching the people who do not know about
    jesus after one month the missionaries are
    and the people they teach will know jesus.

    I pray for them so they won't be in trouble
    again and they will not lost their family and they will be happy they will

  80. Hannah Juliana G. angeles Gr4 Our Lady of Consolation

    Rosary and Mission month are for the month
    of October.The "rosary"is came from the word "rose" be-
    cause when Mama Mary and Jesus died all of the things
    they do are at the "rosary".Mission month is that we give money for the peoples at the victims.

  81. Noel Carlos Llagas Remorca
    Grade 4- Our Lady Of Consolation
    What is Rosary and Mission Month for?
    Rosary has a many beads.Rosary has a cross in the start.Mission month is the month to help the missionaries.Mission month is very important too because this is the time of sharing.

  82. Frances naveene san agustin 4consolation
    we celebrate mission month bacause its all about our lord god.we have to pray rosary beacause its all about the birth,sacrifises and love of god to us.we have to pray the rosary for others blessings

    i will help them if they need my help.i will give them some foods, clothes,biscuit and i will share my blessing to them.i will show good manners to them .i will teach them whati learn in school to help them in there school.

    i feel when i help others its like im doing some good manners to others and iits like they love me. and its like im obeying them .and its look like im respecting them

    i want to continue this activity beacause its good beacause its all about helping others .and sharing our blessings to others .And we have to do this activity beacause it is good for us to exercise our fingers .and its letting us to practice our magic fingers .

  83. Rosary and mission month is when we pray for venerable ignacia del espirito santo or mother mary because it is the feast that we celebrate for them because she show sacrifice to all of us and because i am a marian because i have a rules and regulation

    I will show love and concern by praying for my brothers and sister in those who are in need so god will love us he feel happy and so that we can be brothers and sister and so that i can show concern

    I feel happy because i help them and i show love and concern to them and so that i can still help other people so i can help them just a little but i still help them and so that jesus will always guide us in our way

    Yes because you will learn many things in these activity by doing magic finger spelling grammar and many more so that when i am older i can still use it in my daily life

    Mikedale B. dellera date
    grade-4 our lady of consolation 10-10-11

  84. Deocki Belvis M. Deoacmpo
    IV-Our lady of Consolation
    About rosary and mission month
    We celebrate rosary and misson month every month of october.Becuase so we can pray for our brothers and sister have been part of those calamities just like those people in bulacan have been affected in flood . And others are needing our help because some are sad and lonely because of tyhoon Peding and Quiel .We can donate different things like canned goods,old clothes,medicines,And drinks.We can have world peace if we do this the families can have a new generation.

  85. Akira A. Raneses
    Gr.4 Our Lady of Consolation

    1.Pupils are trying their hands to the needy.They also give can goods for the victims of the flood.And they give missions to all the missionary priest.Some pupils give foods,old clothes,old shoes.Other peopleg ive envelopes to missionary.

    2.I will show love to others by sharing my foods.I will not laugh at them if they are hurted.I will give to the needy.I will forgive them if they hurt me.

  86. Francheska Mhaye I Pine
    Our-lady of Consolation
    What is mission month for?
    We pray rosary beads.We donate clothes,foods and money.Everyday in school we pray the rosary beads.I love sharing with those in need i will pray for them.

    How will you show love and concern to others?

  87. mary queen p maraot consolation
    Rosary and Mission Month

    To celebrate the mission month and the missionaries to sharing a food clothe and loving them for us . Pray for them the rosary everyday it help us one another .
    To help also other people from different countries how to cooperate in said celebration and Mission Month and they can celebrate the rosary . to pray from them for the missionaries
    Happy because they can help other people and other missionaries and responsibilities and the carrying our garden and cleaning the countries to

  88. Zachary A. Banados
    Gr.-4 OL of consolation

    The rosary is for reminding us mama mary.
    The mission is for offering to others and for
    jesus and god.In St. Mary's Academy is praying
    during morning.They also offering money for
    the mission month.Sometimes we are going to
    quadrangle to join the flag ceremony.Every day

    I will show love and concern for others by thanking them when they give something to you.
    We will also help others what they need speci-
    ally the victims of the flood in Bulacan.We also need to offer the pondo ng pinoy for the schools or church.We also need to love other people.And we will also thank them.

    When I help other people i feel happy because
    I help some person.And you will feel happy when you help others.Example of helping others when you give money to the poor thats the time you feel happy.And many ways of helping people.And every one should do this atitude.

    I want to continue to do this attitude.I will do this atitude because i want to help others.

  89. Lorenz angelo c. maehara
    Rosary month is the month of praying the rosary it means if we pray the rosary we are giving a million roses to mother mary that's
    why she is being happy.

    The mission month is the missionaries are teaching the people who do not know about
    jesus after one month the missionaries are
    and the people they teach will know jesus.

    I pray for them so they won't be in trouble
    again and they will not lost their family and they will be happy they will

  90. Regina Kyla A.Vidal
    G4-our lady of consolation

    1.Rosary and mission month is for god and for missionaries all over the world.It is an important occasion that is celebrated during october.lots of people all over the world celebrate mission month.lots of people also pray the rosary.

    2.I will show love and concern for others by not quarreling others and obeying my parents.I will show love by loving my parents .I will cure the sick.i will share my food to my classmates.

  91. Matthew Dominic H Ilustre or mid
    G4 our lady of consolation

    i will show netiquettes.

    by respecting other teachers.

    and donating some of my money.

    and giving some of my clothes.

    and i will be happy if they are happy.

    and i will continue this activity so i can learn more and more

    and i will pray for the rosary and pray for their safety.

  92. John Clyde L. Tejada
    g4 Consolation what is Rosary for?
    Rosary month is for giving canned goods low pressure of money to help we must pray for them because they very poor they don't have food don't have money to buy food.

    Rosary month is for praying for mama Mary and Jesus we must use the Holy Rosary if it is the time we must use bring our Rosary for the Rosary month.

    Rosary month is important to us because mama Mary is there and Jesus we love them both right Mary gives us care and Jesus create us so they have care and love us because they give us heart to be free and have our own lives.

    Rosary is kindness respectful and goodness because that is good for us to respect them.

  93. John Gabriel V Andrade Computer
    GR-IV-Ol Of Consolation Ms.Lano
    The money that we give is going to the suspect
    of bagyong pedring and they give it to the country
    like bulacan,pampangga,and tarlac they give them
    can goods for the kids and for their parents and foods/drinks and most of all clothes that he/she can wear a shirt or shorts.

    Me the ways that im showing love is this at first i dont say bad words and making friends to others and i follows the rules thats be saying to me i love my family because they buy me foods toys and others that they me me lovingful.

    I feel happy by helping others i cary their bags
    cary their books and helping them clean the classroom or other thing that i should do and at home i help my mom to clean the house or may yaya i hepl her to cook.

    Yes because its make me how to master magic finger i like this to because my teacher ms lano is teaching us how to use computer and what parts of computer or windows and make us a masters of the computer and she make us a tecnology.

  94. Paul Adrian N. Francisco
    Gr4 Consolation
    1. What is Rosary and Mission Month for?

    in Mission we Help the victims of the flood
    and the rosary we pray for the people who
    are victims of typoon and the people who
    are need our help we give some money and if
    we had a extra clothes we put it in a
    Plastic and we give it to the people who are
    victims of flood.
    2.How will you show your love and concern for others?

    we show love and concern for others by
    praying them and giving them some foods and
    can goods and extra money and teaching theme how to help others

  95. Diana Grace A. Bagsik IV-Consolation

    This Mission and Rosary Month

    Rosary and mission month is for
    praying the rossary and collecting money.
    It is important to us to pray and
    collecting.We can pray rosary on the month
    of october not only that month any month
    you can pray the rosary.We collect
    money on mission moth .

    I can show love and concern for
    others by taking care of my sibling
    and many more.I will respect my
    grandparents.I will

  96. Vincent Benet S. Dela Rosa GPA/GPT in Computer
    Rosary reminds us mother Mary and motherIgnacia.we have joyful,sorrowful,glorious and light/luminous mysteries in the rosary.we have 60 beads in the rosary.Mission month means we collect moneys for the missionaries and poor/flood victims.month of October is important.

    I will show love for helping them and praying for them.specially those who are flood and landslide victims.The reason why we have floods is Illegal loggers cut trees.I Help in cleaning the Environment.

    I am happy when I help others.because when I help them they are smiling.and when they help me I help them way of helping others is praying for them.thats why we have to pray for them.

    Yes because it is fun of helping others.helping others is very is like a game.

  97. Nikka Carissa C. Montes
    Gr.4 Our Lady of Consolation

    The Rosary and Mission Month is for the needy and poor.We pray the rosary for the poor and the needy so that they will be safe from any danger.The Mission Month is the month that the pupils give money to the poor.During Mission Month we should give money and if we pray the Rosary we should pray for our brothers and sisters.

    I can show my love and concern for others by giving goods

  98. Sophia Clarice M.Romulo G-4consolation 1it is marry mission month 2.I will help family

  99. Jon Gener C. san juan
    Gr.4- ol.of consolation

    For praying to god and loving we also help other

  100. Vince Lynel A.Oliveros
    GR.4-Our Lady of Consolation

    Rosary means that we celebrate the birth of
    Mission Month is the month that we share our gifts to other people.
    We show our love to others by respecting to the older people.We don't say bad words to our family.
    I feel happy because I help people.the people will say to that I am generous.

  101. Andrea June F. Rodelas
    G4-Our Lady of Consolation

    Rosary Month is important because we need to show our love and appreciation to god.During the month of october we should always pray the rosary.We pray for uor needs.praying the rosary is important because we need to pray for god and to oters.

    I will show my love and apreciation by

  102. Rainier A, Talagtag G4 O.L.of Consolation

    Mission month is giving some relief foods to the
    People who needs it.Rosary is a prayer for our Mother Mary .Mission Month is just like giving some Blessings to others.Rosary is giving some prayer to our Mother Mary is the Mother of Jesus

  103. Michelle Anne S. Verano
    Grade 4-Our Lady of Consolation

    1.Rosary and Mission Month is for the praying of the Rosary and the giving Mission for the Missionaries.If your giving mission for the Mission drive you help the Missionaries all over the places in the world.If you pray the Rosary your offering a Rose to Mother Mary.

    2.I will show my love to others by not quarelling,not saying bad words to others and I will show my concern to others by being concervative having care to others if somebody had a bad feeling have care have concern on them.Help them with their problems to make their feeling alright.

    3.I feel happy when I help people because I help people and God like what we doing.I really like helping and I really really love helping other people.

  104. ☺ Jilian Mae R. Zornosa
    Grade4- Our Lady of consolation
    Rosay Month is for praying the Rosary,for offering the roses, for praying for Jesus and Mary.

    I will show my love and concern to others by showing respect, good manners, obeyfull, generous, and helpfull.

    I allways feel when I help others happy, joyfull,

  105. Raine Keisha R. Malahito
    g4-our lady of good fortune
    the rosary and mission month is for praying to the that in need at the flooded places and mission month is for the ones in the flooded places too
    how will i show love and concern for others by respecting them giving them food if they do not have
    how do i feel when i help other people i feel like i really help them alot do i want to continue this activity why because I WANT TO LEARN AL ABOUT COMPUTERS

  106. Angel Marie B. Lubreza
    IV- Our Lady of Good Fortune

    Rosary is for the life story of Mary and Jesus. Mission Month is for we are the missionaries that we help to support our mission.And Rosary and Mission Month that we feel when we show the love, support, and others.

    I will show love and respect others. And I will show may love that i support them. When they need may help i will help them because they are may friends.

    I will happy.Because when you help others they will help you something. Just like you love and help them, that the way how we feel.

    Yes, because the children will learn.And they will pray the Rosary in mission month. And we help to donate the clothes,Canned goods and others for the Bulacan.

  107. Gabriele Anne L.Arcega
    IV-Good Fortune

    1.the rosary is for the month of Octoberand for prayer for mother Maryand all people that needs prayersfor their family and relatives.and mission is for missionaries and people that needs mission to help. helping each other and showing love is for giving peace too showing love and concern for people is good because they our brothers and sisters so be lovely and concernful to people who needs it

    3.happy because when I help other people god will be happy for us because we help our brothers and sisters and thats why God is always happy for us

    4.yes because here we can learn about for the rosary and fothe missionaries people all of the world or intier world we help for them to have a money to spend to I love commenting in this blogspot becuse we will learn more about all the problem abou t the world

    Thank you very much and God bless!

  108. Viviane M. Bocboc GR.4 our Lady of Good Fortune.

    1.This is for missionary and to the people. giving money to others.

    3.I am happy because I help people.
    4.yes, because Ilearn many things when I am searching.

  109. Patricia Nicole G. Baugbog
    Gr.4 OL of good Fortune

    Rosary Month is for us to pray
    The rosary.When praying we should have the rosary
    With beads.How do we pray the rosary? We pray the
    Rosary by praying 10 hail Mary and 1 Glory be.

    I will show love and concern by
    helping other people who needs a help.I will
    hug and kiss My parents and siblings so that they
    will know that I really love them. I can comfort my
    friend when she/he is sad.

    I feel happy when I'm helping
    Other people.Sometimes when I'm helping other people
    I feel like my heart is going to pop.I feel so happy
    when we donated old clothes to the victims in

    Yes, I want to continue this
    kind of activity. I want this kind of activity
    because it can help other pupils to improve
    there typing skills. And I want this activity because
    I can learn more about helping other people and
    making them happy.

  110. Ana Florgeline L. Espenilla
    Gr.4-Our Lady of Good Fortune

    1.We need the rosary month because if we don't have rosary month and mission monthwe can not pray for others and we can not help all the missionarys in the world so we need all of that.

    2.I will love others by helping them,giving them food,and being friends with them.and I will be concern with others too.

    3.When iam helping others i'm happy because they are the one who needs help from other people.

    4.cause i whant to help other people and i whant to take care of other people too so they can help me too.4.Yes because i whant to help other people and i whant to take care of other people too so they can help me too.

  111. Rene Mae L. Enrile
    G4 Good fortune
    Rosary misson month for is to pray to God.
    Rosary to learn how to pray the rosary.
    Rosary is important to us and to God and to us and all of us .

  112. Ivan Albert G. Decena
    Gr.4 Good Fortune

    Rosary and mission month is for all of us and when we call mission month the missionary do ther mission.

    I will show my love for others by giving ther needs and caring them.I will show my concern by not hurting them.

    When i help somebody i feel happy and i feel my mission at my self and i feel like Gods happy on me and The people i help is saying thank you on me when they said that I`am so very very happy.

    Yes i want to continue this kind of activity because I love this activity and because this is our GPA test and this is my mission and this is my teacher ask me to do

  113. Cyan Miles A Alonzo Date:10/11/2011
    Our Lady Of Good Fortune
    1.The Rosary Month for our is to pray the rosary so Jesus can forgives. us and Mission Month for is to give money to the poor so that we can help them.

    2To show love to others help them like our perents we help them doing the house work.

    3When we help others we feel happy bec. we help them in their assingment like our brothers and sister sand we go to church every day.

    4yes bec. this is important in helping others bec. god loves us doing good things and when we go to church we must pray and thanks god for all his blessing and and all his rice he give to us

    THANK YOU ^_^

  114. leinard angelo m. magcayang
    grade4 our lady of good for tune
    preyer for the poor and not will have asident
    and the mission moth for the bulacan so they
    family have a good day and life
    i wil not figth with them end i will love them
    and respec them and iwill give them food and money happy yes becuse its happy tipping in computer for helping bulacan and others live in bulacan and ilove live in bulacan becuse its happy ther if no flood in bulucan and my lola is their my lola is good in bulacan and kindnees and smart and repect ful and his t eching

  115. Zebadiah-Arn B. de Guzman
    grade4-ol of good fortune

    We pray the rosary so no will happen to us.
    In mision month we gave money to the misionary so they can travel any were and help other people.
    If you are a misionnary god will be happy to you.

    I will give my old clothes to other people and I will give them our food so I can help other people. I will give them my toys so they can play and play.

  116. Ramon Benedict V. Elloso
    Gr4-Our Lady Of Good Fotune

    So the sick will feel well and have some moneys.
    and buy their food and thier things.

    I will give moneys,blessings, toys and foods to the poor.

    I feel happy .Because they have their own foods things.and they will not kidnapp every moneys,foods.and many more.

    yes, so they can buy what they want.

  117. jermaine andrea c. acuba
    grade4 our lady of good fortune
    1.praying to God to helps those who in needs my parents and to other people by showing my love and support for them
    3.i feel happy because they are my part of my family also becuse we are Gods children
    4.yes because we can conect to other people and we can use this by showing your love and support to one another.because we love each other.

  118. Sean Draco M. Agustin
    IV-Our Lady of Good Fortune

    The first question is what is for mission month and rosary month for me.Well Mission month and rosary month is the time that we should help others and love others like we do in our parents we help them and we love them.Mission month and rosary month is the time to have peace and justice for those people who have enemy.Mission month and rosary month is the time that we gather to pray and love for peace.
    2nd question is how will I show my love and concern to others.I will show my concern and love by supporting in the mission month and at the rosary month because those celebration is the time that we help and love others.And those celebration month are the time that we have peace and dondo not forget justice to our world.
    I feel happy and excited because I help love and make peace and justice come together.and I Sean Draco M. Agustin feel happy because I serve others and help god to his problem to the whole World.So thats why I feel happy glad and excited every mission month and rosary month.
    I want to cotinue this activity because of the following:I help,love,serve,enjoy and lastly butnot the least I serve and help God's problem to the whole world. That's all

  119. Kyla Dianne D. Blanca
    G4-Our Lady of Good Fortune

    The Rosary and Mission Month.we pray the rosary
    during opening activiy.the Mission Month is for the

  120. Anjelina Joli Espiritu
    Grade 4 Our Lady of Good Fortune

    Rosary is for to pray for our Missionaries. And
    a Rosary is also for us to pray with our family.And Mission Month is for to help other people and who needs our help. And during Mission Month we help our friends, neighbors, and our family and our classmates who is victim from the flood.

  121. Name:Ronan Jeremiah T. Javelona October 12,2011
    Section:Gr.4 Our Lady of Good Fortune
    1.Rosary and Mission Month is to enrich our blessins to God and to help the poor.
    2.I will show love and concern to others by giving them food and giving them cloths.
    3.I feel that Jesus is in my Heart.
    4.Yes.because God love us to share his creation.

  122. Angeline Nicole Dizon
    4-O.L of Goodfortune
    The Rosary symbolizes the
    prayer of Mother Mary and Jesus. We pray
    this rosary every Mission Month. I will pray for others who are poor and the needy.If we are praying to God we talk to God the Father.When I am helping others I think I am doing a mission and I'm feeling sad because,I experience, when you are helping a needy or poor people you are doing a mission that Gods do too.I will continue too do this kind of activity because,it is a mission of God and us too.Learning the Rosary is one kind of a good attitude.Jesus made us to pray the Rosary and love/help others... Rosary reminds us of the prayers and Mother Mary.Mission contains many good attitudes and do. Praising God is one of our Mission too. If we are helping we are sharing our attitudes.Sharing good attitudes is one of our mission too. We thank God for everything including God's creation. We should take care of God's creation. Rosary help us learn to pray.

  123. Katherine Mae M.Casado.
    Grade 4 Our Lady of Good fortune.
    October 11,2011.

    I help my classmate to clean our room.I will give a food,clothes and things to the poor and others.

  124. Pollyn kaye A. Pico
    G4 ol of good fortune
    Rosary is to pray for oters
    and family and share food to others
    speicly who flood in bulacan and others and mission month

  125. Ma.Bridgette Kiannah G.Taliwaga
    Grade 4-Our Lady of good fortune
    2.I will show love and concern for others by showing my happy feelings and I will show my care to others.
    3.I feel happy because when I help others my good deeds will grow and grow.
    4.Yes.Because all of theese activities makes me happy.

  126. abigail j. otero g4 olgf rosary month
    the rosary month is what we pray the rosary. andthe mission month is what we give to the missionary.So this is a rosary month.
    to concern love we ha

  127. ChristineAngelicB.Cruz
    grade4 good fortune

    1.Rosary is a prayer,Mission month is for the needy people.
    2.I will show love by giving food and taking care of it.
    4. Yes,beacause we can help people.

  128. renee andrea larano
    grade 4 our lady of good fortune
    1.specially its for GOD.and to show that we love god and we also care for him.and for the altar making somehow we can show that we love the rossary month.and to pray everyday a long time.
    2.specially I will love them not fight with giving them food,and other things they need.and by donating food and donations.
    3.good and giving them hunger is away.

  129. Martina C.Cabrido
    Gr.4-Good Fortune

    Rosary and Mission Month is for the missionarys in the whole world.We pray for them that they will be succesful in there missions.It's also for sharing our blessings to them.We pray the rosary fofr them so that they can teach the people there well and good.The last is we have the mission month so that when they arriaved going home they have money pay the vechicel.

    I can show my love to others by donating my old things.By respcting them even if is younger than me.By helping them specially the handicaped persons.By donating my money to the poor amd missionarys.By loving them.

    I feel that Im bless .I feel that God is with me always.I feel that I want to help and help others.I feel that everyone wants to be my friend.

    Yes ,so that I can help more and more to others.To love others.To help others

  130. Pauline Mae Q. Angeles
    4-Our lady of Good Fortune
    The rosary is to pray to those people who need help and the mission is to give a money to those people in need.

  131. Emilyn V. Donadillo
    G4-O.L.of good fortune

    Mission Month is for the missionaries who are going to another country to help other people to know God better.
    rosary is praying with our family.

    I will help them and i will show theme how much espicial they are.

  132. arjie jr C.rivera
    ol-of good fortune

    we help others not just the contest because we want to help them and we are brothers and sisters because GOD made us.
    and I wana share my blessings to others.

  133. Juliana Marian Salas
    Gr4 Our Lady Of Good Fortune

    1.The rosary and the mission month is a mission to help your sister in other place.
    1.We should pray the rosary and you should pray to others.
    2.we should give food does dont have home and food.
    2.we shoold give a cloths to wear.
    3. I feel happy to donate.

  134. christina marie T.penaranda
    G4-our lady of good counsel

    1.give the money,cangoods,old dresses and food for the rossary is like offering the rose to mary
    2.I will help others and love
    3. I feel happy
    4. yes becuse I will learn about anything

  135. Lilac Lauder D. Olfindo
    Mission Month is for giving people who are in need and praying the rosary for thanking Mama Mary for giving birth to Jesus.
    We can participate in this celebration by giving our Pondo ng Pinoy.People need our help so we should put atleast 100+ in our Mission envelopes so we can give a little help but make a big difference.

  136. Kirsten Phoebe s Bautista
    4Good counsel

    Rosary mission month for is to pray for the poor.

    I show and love for others by donating.

    I feel happy because i am able to donate for the children.

    I want to continue this kind activity because i want to help more children and to express self.Because doing this activity makes me feel a happy child.

  137. Calee Jann P. Mangunay
    IV-O.L. of good council
    Rosary is for praying,mission month is for giving money for the poor.
    Don't laugh at them give them shelter and food.
    I feel responsible for myself.
    Yes,This is good and helpful to god.

  138. zia nicole G.francisco iv-our lady of good counsel
    A Rosary is for praying to Mother Mary and jesus.the mission month is worn of month of october.that is for donating money for poor people
    so that we can help the poor people.

    I will show love and concern to others by pray in who are sick,helping others,share food to others.I will concern to others by respect to the teachers,classmate's parents and grand parents.Peaple need love and concern by having peace.

    I feel happy.Beacuse we help peaple who are needed in having flashfloud,earthquake and calamities.we donte caned goods,cloths and water
    we need help people for their safety.

    Yes.Beacuse we need to help people by donating for their safety.Sometime we missed the foundation.But its okey.we have to have this activity and for the future.

  139. Allyannah Miko Teus
    Rosary and mission month is for the death of jesus.
    And its for our Mother mary and the son of the father named jesus.
    Its for our life to pray the rosary.

    I will show love and concern to others by helping and respecting them.
    And also loving them.
    We always so our life will become longer.

    If i'll help the other people i will be happy because i help them in the proper way.

    I will also be glad.

    Iwill also sad because they are also sad.

    Yes because it is happy to learn how to use computer.

  140. Gurharjaap Singh
    Gr.4-Good Counsel

    The Rosary Month is for our Mother Mary.She became our Mother.And she became a Queen of
    Earth and Heaven.And she is the Mother of j
    -sus.We pray the rosary because the rosary
    is the crown of Mother Mary.

    I will help other people by teaching how to
    pray with him.And I will help she or he b-
    eacause sometimes they help our self.And G-
    od give our self a stronger body.And God G-
    od Glad at our selfs.

    I Feel Glad Because they will forgiven there
    sins.And they will go to Heaven.And they wi-
    ll help our selfs if needed.

    Yes,because it is good to our self.And that
    is good to all of the people.ans its teach
    good things in our selfs.because it will
    glad you to god.That All Thank you!!!

  141. Rea Joanna T.Mariano
    G4 our Lady of Good Counsel

    Rosary and Mission to me is
    very verry important becouse
    Rosary and misson moth is
    very very good for . Thouse
    ho ned help ang rosary is
    important becouse . We are
    I ill love them very much
    give relife food . give
    clothe . Happy becuse
    i now that I can help people at all times
    .Yes becouse i want manny many kind of
    activity like the . Misson Moth,and more
    activity just like down.

  142. christina marie T. penaranda
    G4-our lady of good counsel
    I will give the money,can goods ,old dressesand food. the rosary its like we offer the rosses to mary I should love,help,and saving.I feel happy and good.yes becuse iwill learn about anything we should hep this misson month and anything we should help p others

  143. Borge bryan V. Salcedo
    grade four good counsel
    when I celebrating rosary and mission .I feel giviing gift to others .
    when i praying rosary and giving money and
    clothes to poor and say thankyou to God for all the blessings that we have
    we give food to others like food, clothes and medicines.

  144. krizia u. oasnon
    G-4 good counsel

    help who are needed from you.
    for those are not paid you paid for us forneed. you

    those has no food you can give other

    you have food for for us

    you can for us...

    i want to you gave others

    i love to go to church evry sunday

    happy bec ilove the pepole

  145. Marie Sophia A.Lagula
    GR4 good counsel

    Mission and rosary is for the remembrance of the sacrifice of God.

    will show my love to others by giving,sharing and by offering money for mission month.

    I feel happy because i make a moment that is so nice and i feel happy because i help other people and some people that has no money to buy.

    Yes because this activity show's how help other people and how to use are feeling.

  146. Koleenmoira Q. fontanilla Grade4 good counsel
    Each pray of hail mary they are offering they are offering flowers because they love mama mary.they offering flowres to loving each others.

    2..i am concerning to the others.i am loving the others beacuse they love one anothers.they are showing good loving to the others. the first time to help one onothers i am sad.
    and at the second time wen i was helping each anothers i am happy because they are happy to. and the the last time that i help people i am very happy.
    4.yes i am allowing my sefl to continue this activity so i can now what the problem.

  147. princess camila g. martinez
    g4-good counsel
    rosary is praying for mary because she is the queen of heaven and earth. we may not see her but we know that she loves us and she care for us.but we are also like missionaries in our own little way we could spread every thing about jesus and his father and also his mother mary i known them that they love people and us.

    i have concern for others by helping them and donnating clothes .it may be in such a but verylittle way but. at list you help someone by donating and loving is also the little way of helping others and. the love will never end in your life and also in your little heart end.

    ifeel love and kisses. and ilove helping. others may not concern but i concern.

    i want to continue this activity .becase it
    may a simple way of will be always in my heart

  148. Erika Codie D. Reyes good counsel

    It is for thanking mother Mary because she did her best take care for us and also God our father and Jesus.Mission is for offering money to the flood victims and other needs.The rosary is about crowning mother Mary 53 flowers on her head.

    By helping them by sharing food to the poor and being helpful and respectful to others and to your family.By by not being noisy to class and making the teacher angry.And making nonsense and not respecting the teachers example not greeting the teachers and sisters.

    I feel happy when i help other people because they feel happy too!.Because if ihelp people they feel happy when they are happy we helpers feel happy too.We need to help other people because we make God happy too.

    yes because weneed to learn more on this activity.

  149. Phil joseph R.cruz

    Mission Month.
    What is "mission month" ? Mission
    month is to continue the missions to
    help others and remembering Mother Mary.
    what is a rosary?Rosary meens prayiny
    for your family what is the meaning of
    the rosary?it is the 53 roses.Why it is
    important? Its important because its
    very helpful to those in need.

    How can i show love and concern to
    others?By giving gifts kiss them hug
    kiss them.

    I feel happy because god will be happy
    with me and my family will be proud of
    me because i help other people.

    Yes i want to continue this kind of
    activity.Why?its very edu ca tional to
    all marians

  150. Krishjit S. Banwait
    4-Good Counssel
    The rosary month is for remembering what Jesus and Mama Mary did to us.How did they save the save
    mother earth.Now we pray the rosary this month we give money because its Mission Month.

    When we used to help we were happy and we love to it. Now we

  151. Allexa Gabrielle L. Bernaldo
    IV-Our Lady of Good Counsel

    Rosary Mission Month is for missionaries,for the month October only,and for Mother Mary and Jesus. Rosary Mission Month is also for us. The money we payed for the Rosary Mission Month is for the Missionaries all around the world

    I will show my love and concern for others by showing kindness

  152. Vhianca Arisha P. Flores Good Counsel
    The rosary and mision month is for asking Mother Mary to help the poor and to donate to the poor people.It is also the way of helping
    others.It is our responsibility to help others
    because,they are our brothers and sisters.

    I will show my love and concern to other people by respecting them,sharing with them
    and caring them.We can also show our love and
    cocern to nature.It is important that we love and concern for others.

  153. Wednesday Abbey B.Pascual
    4-Good Counsel
    Helping each other.Giving mission.Being close to
    mother Mary.

    Pray the Rosary for them.Sharing cannedgoods , old clothes etch.i will give them money.

    I feel happy because I am happpy that someone is also happy. I also feel happy because they are thanking me.

  154. Lilac Lauder D. Olfindo
    We can show our love for others by
    helping them in what trouble they got in to.So,
    I suggest that we should be out helping them.In
    heping oters we should look out for them.
    I feel when I help people I feel like I made someone happy.So that means I should help more people so that I can be happy all day.Studying can also be one of helping others because we can study hard have a successful life and you can use your knowledge by helping other people.

  155. Enrico Gabriel N. Crisostomo
    IV-Our Lady of Good Counsel

    I have to cooperate in celebrating the Rosary and Mission Month because it is part of the Life of Jesus Christ which is his Mother Mary .

    I will show my love and concern for others by praying them to their safety .And helping them in their problems . I will pray in their Blessings .

    I feel when

  156. Katreena N. Carabbacan
    IV-Our Lady of Good Counsel
    Rosary and mission month is for mother Mary.It is showing respect and love to mother Mary.It shows too to remember mother Mary.

    I will show my love and concern for others by donating some thing and foods for the poor.Help too the people are in needed.You can give the poor children too some things and money for their school.

    I feel so happy when I help other people because,they are happy too for the things that I have given for them.I feel so happy because,I help other people and that's one way of showing love and concern to others.

    I want to continue this activity so that some people know that how I show respect and love to others and to mother Mary.

  157. Justine Kate M. Ricaaho
    IV-O.L of Good Counsel

    Rosary and mission month is for rosaries and mission.We need pray for rosary because it help us to survive in typhoon,earthquakes and also fire because destroys the environment.We need mission because we to donate moneys to the poor.

    We can show love and concern to others by sharing to the poor and that places where in the state of calamities like Bulacan.So we need to donate even little donation.Little donation can help many people.

    I feel happy because even its little donation but it help people to survive and have new life from calamities they survive with our help.And I feel happy because it shows love and concern to others.Sometimes I feel sad because I can see them poor.

    Yes,to feel happy to like me and to help to.

  158. Jerwin De Chavez
    G4 good counsel
    For the poor needed help so they will .And they will begin again.Please help them to recover.

    Join the mission mount.Pray for poor.And please help them

    happy because I help to recover from the flood .and so they can recover

  159. Mohammad Hamdi A. Manggis
    Grade4-Our Lady of Good Counsel

    1.Rosary is for us.We are praying the rosary because it is important.We are pray the rosary so we can thank god and the mission is for the poor.We are helping the poor because they have
    no money and so thet god will be happy for us.
    2.I will show my love and concern by others by giving the poor a money,shelter,and old clothes.I will show respect to my parents,teachers,grandpa and grandma. 3 happ

  160. Ryan Ernest Dominic H.Urbien
    4-Good Counsel
    Rosary and mission month
    Rosary is important because for praying
    mission month is for street children and chruch
    gave money andcanned goods happy

  161. Bea Rogelio
    4-good counsel
    1.What is rosary and mission month for?
    answer:the mission month it is for the poor people.The rosary is for mother mary.The mission for help is eavh other people.

    2.How will you show your love and concern for others?
    Answer:I show love and concern by respecting them and helping them.I show them respect.I will help them all they long.

    3.How do you fell whon you help other people?
    answer:I feel happy because i am helping other people.if I help them they are became happy.

    4Do you want to continue this kind of activity?why?
    Answer?yes because they will bacome happy

  162. iverson jacinto IV-good counsel

    To show love and concern for God.And to ask Mama Mary what we want and to show love for Mama Mary.MIssion Month is to give poor people some foods,clothes and shelter.Mission month is to donate some money for the poor.

    I will show love and concern for others by not teasing them and not hurting them.I will show my love for others by sharing food and respecting them.

  163. princess brigette kathryna p.trinidad
    our laydy of good consel

    A rosary is reproseting how we care abut jesus and all the love he gave us and all the bhids that are ther is like rosses that we give hem

    I can show my concern for others by shering love and care help the need give them the some of your sthuf that you don't need if you bing nice some one will do someting nice for you ti is ok if they don't it is stil ok

    I feel happy when they are happy when I sher i feel when thy are happy iam happy and i love them

    YES becous it is bing nice

  164. Kyla Rossette D. Perico
    G-4 O.L of Good Counsel

    Rossary and Mission Month is for praying to our mama mary.I am offering to the people in Bulacan.

    I will help for others to their works.

  165. alex p. marcial ol. of good counsell
    answer So can you give the people who need money and other people do not clothes I will give money for them and rosary for me is you pray the rosary and remembrance for God

    I will love other people and my family and my teacher by greating and giving and respect the old man

    I feel happy because It Is great to help other

  166. Angela Antonia C. Reyes
    Gr.4 Our Lady of Courage

    Rosary Mission Month is very important because it is for the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It also makes us remember the 20
    Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed
    Virgin Mary.

    I will show my love and concern to others by donating some food and clothes to the victims of the typhoon "Pedring" and all of the poor and the victims of "Dengue". I will show my love and concern for others by sharing some food with them.

    I feel happy when I help them because of them I learned how to share.And I also learned from them how to show love and concern.
    And I learned that when you show love and concern God will always love you.

    I will continue this activity to learn so much from Jesus.I will also continue this activity to learn more about the Mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary of the Blessed Virgin Mary.And to have Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.

  167. name:Ethan kyle.P.Juanta
    section:gr.4 our lady of courage
    The Rossary month is the month of rossary and prayers.
    By loving my parent's and my play mates and others.
    I feel happy in helping other's everyday that i be a helpful kid.
    Yes because that i can participate in is lesson's everyday.

  168. Name Dianarose T cortez
    Sec Gr4 ourlady of courage

    Therosarymonthfor me is miportant to me beacuseis importeant to me the roasaryto bells uor homeand counrtyand earth and our velaven advisers.
    Therosarymoth for me is to bellare familiys.

  169. name sai craciana roshan A. herana section our lady of courage you need to pray and become a missionarise. i want to help the victims in bulacan. we will give canned goods,clothes and toys. so many victims isabella, bulacan and many more am so worred about them.

  170. Jermaine Andre Q. Antonio Ms.Lano
    Grade 4-Our Lady of Courage

    Mission Month is for the people who are poor. So we donate some foods or clothes and money. and use the rosary and you pray for them

    I will donate money,clothes,food.I will travel to other countries to donate any food ,money, clothes

    I feel I am happy.Because I am helping the poor .And I think that I am shareful to others.So the people will love me.

    Yes.I will continue this activity.Because I love this people.Because Its helping me

  171. Borres jc m
    grade 4 ol of courage

    For me mission month is the for you to give or share the blessings given to you.While rosary month for me it is the time for us to pray.Also for me mission month is also to give others a chance to have their needs .Also for me rosary month is the time for us to say sorry to our God .And also mission month is also for to donate

    I can show concern to others by participating in the mission envelope .We also show concern to others by helping .We can also show concern by doing our chores.Not only by helping others but also forcaring for others .

    I think i feel more than happy when i help .I was very happy that almost all of my family members is helping me.We also feel sad sometims because m very lazy .But i still love to help because thats my responsibility .

    I really want to continue this activity . This activity is asking our reaction during mission month.Also asking to how do you feel during rosary month.Also your feeling when helping .

  172. Renz P. Sol
    Guide Question:
    1. What is Rosary and Mission Month for?
    2. How will you show your love and concern for others?
    3. How do you feel when you help other people?
    4. Do you want to continue this kind of activity? Why?
    Mission month is to thank God for having given us a wonderful places and a beautiful places and faces.

    I will be a good to others if they are indeed i will help them and i will share my blessings to others.

    Happy because i do good to others and i help them will not a better person like others
    because if you a better person you have many more blessing to get.

    yes because you will be a good person and if you died you will not suffer eternal life.

  173. Mycah Alexine C. Costales
    Grade 4-Our Lady Of Courage

    The Rosary Month is the time that we always pray the Rosary evry morning.

    I will show my love by donating clothes,can goods, our grown -up toys ,our old bags.and treat them well.

    I always fell happy I cry when I help some and thats what we call tears of joy beacuse some of the people are reallyselfish they don't give some can goods, old clothes ,shoes,toys and ect. and I will also teach them about God's life and how to write and read and count numbers .

    Yes. beacuse you can say or give a clue to other missionarries an dyou can tell how you care about the people who needs our help our support and our love.

  174. Name: Vincent Saturnino Ferrer
    Section: Our lady of courage

    Rosary month is very important cause
    if there no rosary month mary will not
    be happy cause no one praying for her.
    We need to pray to mary cause she
    sacrifice to help others.And take care
    the creation of God.

    I will show love to ms lano to ms kimmayong
    to mr galutera to my classmate ms romabon ms
    lamo and the other teacher.I will help the
    needs of the bulacan.

    If I help people my reaction it happy and
    helpful.And we need to help the bulacan need.
    And if we do not help them they are die.And
    We need the change and we need to live.

    We need to continue the activity the cause
    we need to learn every thing that we din't
    know.We will know who is the inventor.If
    there no education oh no we will be crazy.

  175. John Harold E. Habin
    Grade4: Our Lady of Courage
    Boy 8
    We Celebrate the Rosary Month in beginning of October until the end of october.In St.Mary's Academy we celebrate the Rosary Month by Praying Rosary.We like Missionaries because on single way we help the Poor,Victims of Calamities,Flooded City and Many More.Look in just single pray you help yourself, you help your knows in your life,you help the universe and espially the Lord.

    I show Love and Concern by Helping others,Loving others and Praying for others.

    I feel like i rejoice my sins i think i the gate of Heaven is open for me i feel i spend my time for just Helping.

    Oh sure!Because it enhance my ability it enhance my mind.

  176. to be helping each ohter
    to be safe
    to be a good child
    to be a servant

    i will give him food
    i will give him flower
    i will invite him in my birthday
    i will sing

    i feel like a hero

    i feel im gentlemen
    i feel happy
    i feel im good person

    yes because it help me to do my magic fingers
    yes it help me to type
    yes because it help to how to work paragrhaph
    yes because i want to be happy

  177. Name:Ivan Lex Q. Cruz
    Section:Grade4-Our Lady of courage

    What is Rosary and Misson Month for?

    Rosary month is praying the rosary everyday.
    And were praying it together. And mission month is for donating money for the missionary.To use it from there mission.donating money and caned goods for the poor.And helping the church.Thats all.

    How will You Show your love and Concern to others?

    I will show my love and concern for others by.Helping them be concern always to them.And not insulting them.And be friends with them.And be nice to them donate food for them.And always be there for them.And alwats and always love them.

    How do You feel when you Help Others?

    Happy because your helping others.And you are making them happy.And you did a right thing.And they don't have parents so nobody is supporting them.Because i am here to support them.And to help them always thats why i am happy.

    Do You want to Continiue this kind of Activity?why?

    Yes because your doing a right ting.And your making everybody happy.And thats a good deed.I am happy doing this.So i will continue tis kind of activity always. Thats all i got.I will continue this kind of activity always and always and always.

  178. Jose victor Virata

    Rosary month is for to us remember mother Mary.the rosary month is happened on October and last day of rosary month is the last of October.The rosary month is like offering fresh flowers to mother Mary.

    I will show love and concern to others by being friendly to others .I will not fight to others and to my classmate.I will help my mom .I will do what my parents say.

    I feel happy because if I help people it means like your a servant of Jesus.I feel good because I help others.I will do it always.

    I want to continue it because its one way of doing good things.I will do it always to serve God or Jesus.

  179. Blu G. De Leon
    IV - Our Lady Of Courage

    1. What is Rosary and Mission Month for?
    2. How will you show your love and concern for others?
    3. How do you feel when you help other people?
    4. Do you want to continue this kind of activity? Why?

    Rosary Month Is Like Your Offering Crown Of Roses To Mother Mary. And Mission Month Is Like Helping People Donating Money And The St.Mary's Academy Is Giving Mission Envelope For Us To Donate Money. And We Must Give Money. Because We Must Help One Another And The Importance Of Mission Is We Help The People That Damaged By Typhoon Quiel And Pedring. Might Today They Might They Got Damaged Today Again Because Typhoon Ramon. Will Come And Might We Have FlashFloods.

    We Can Show Lover And Concern By Donating Money, Dont Starting War.And Helping One Each Other And You Must Remember We Have One World. And One God. We Must Help One Another Because We Don't Must Destroy The World.Because God Give It Us To It Because We Must Love It Not To Destroy And We Must Save One Each Other Like During Typhoon's.

    I Feel Happy When I Save People Because We Can Help One Each Other.And Im Happy Because I Have Family I Have Mother , Father , Sister , Brother. And We Must Help One Eafch Other Because When We Help One Each Other You Will Feel Happy For Those Who Doesn't Helping One Each Other I Promise You. You Are Bad People.

    I Want To Continue This Kind Of Activity Because. We Can Fight Through Typing And We Must Continue It.Because It Can Help Us. And We Can Create An New World By Typing Good Things And Teaching People That They Don't Know Who Create The World I Want To Be An Missionary Because I Want To Help An People And Be An Missionary I Feel Happy When I Help People.Because When We Help Its Like A Thing That We Save People. Because Its Like Your Concern One Another Because We Have One Family And One World.:))

  180. kian carl R. abasolo
    grade 4 our lady of courage
    Rosary month is for remembering our God Jesus christ who saved us from bad people. and sacrefice his self to save us not to be a bad people.
    Mission month is for Helping. and giving poor people food,clothes and things who been flooded by the typhoon.

    I will show my love and concern by not teasing poor people. second by giving my friend food if he hasn`t have. one and by caring my younger brother and baby brother. and I will always love my Mother.

    I feel Good because its like when i help they help me back.and when I need help my Friends always there to help.thats why I feel good when I help.finaly my Mother is always happy when i help.

    I want to continue this kind of it just like saying whats in your mind.its like saying something you like.and saying your feelings.and to next time I want to answer some more questions thats why I like to continue.

  181. Lyanna A. Padul
    G-4 our Lady of Courge

    A mission and rosary month for helping to the missionaries.for the rosary its for Mother Mary to build a crown of rose.that's for helping other people.good to other people because they know Jesus.

    I will show love to others by helping them and sharing food and all that we can gave to them.i will show concern to them by helping them.i feel happy by helping mom tell me that's good.

    I will help other people by giving them food.and i love helping other people.and my mom said if you help other people you feel happy.I love helping.

    Yes,i want to continue this because i love helping.I want to help because Jesus a mom happy to hear that word.i love to help others i love it.

  182. Nicxa Isabel A. Vitasa
    Grade 4 Our Lady of Courage
    Rosary Mission Month is important for us.Mission Month is very important because is a part of giving Blessing and loving for other peole.Rosary is step by step of what did they do for Jesus.

    I will show love to others by not fighting oter peole and helping.I will Concern to others by forgive to others and love them to.Giving food and shre your Blessings.

    I feel when i helping other people i am Happy because helping is the one of your Mission and My Mommy and Daddy is ther for me and My Sisters and My Grandparent is care for me.

    Yes, I want to coninue of the kind of a activity. Because this is a one of your Talent and your Hobbies.Activity is an Art.Activity is one of My Hobbies.:)

  183. Michelle Angelyn M. Gutierrez
    Gr-4 Courage

    A rosary is praying in the october for the poor and those who are those have no house,food and water.For the mission month you can have the money if you want it is up to you to give money.So we have rosary for the poor who have no house to pray properly.If you don't like to give money pray the rosary prayer everyday.

    We will show to others our love by praying rosary every day and do not be bad. I love my family because they always support me for my education. I love my family because i have my mother and father.If i love my parents i will pray the rosary prayer to thank my family because they support me so much.

    I am happy to help people because they will happy so much if they are happy i am happy to.So if i help people or poor my family will happy to me and they gonna give me reward because i help people.My grand ma will happy to me because i help them to solve they problem.All my parents is gonna happy to me because i am helpful to the people.

    I want this kind activity because you gonna help some people.My parents is gonna happy to me because i help those people.So the people gonna happy to me because i help they problem.All people and my parents are happy to me because i help them to solve their problem.

  184. Elisha Daphne B.Marcelo

    1.Rosary is impotant because we can pray.There are Hail Mary,Our Father,Glory Be.
    Mission Month is important to because. We can help other poor people.And sick people.

    2.I can help by using the donation.I can donate my old clothes and i can also donate some can goods and other more.I can make happy to those are sad.I can give the poor a money,old clothes,and can goods.

    3.I feel happy because they happy to.Just like my family they make me happy and i make them happy to!.And my friends to i make them laugh.And also my other teachers sometimes i make them happy usualy.

    4.Yes!.Because i can post a comment and other people can read it. And other teachers can read it!.

  185. name:Josanine Mariel D.Hinolan
    section:Grade4 Our Lady of Courage
    What is rosary and mission month for?
    How will you show your love and concern for others?
    how do you feel when you help others?
    Do you want to continue this activity?
    Mission month is for helping eachother
    we can make somethings special in sharing.
    we can pray the rosary twice a day too.
    by sharing my food to a poor I think it was ok for me to hear the word they say or talk to as.when I help many people in danger I was so happy for them because they are so safe. yes because that is my mission for god That is my promise to him.

    I will promise to god tht will pray for him. and to love others

  186. Name: Shane Angela P. Jarasa
    Section: Gr.4-Our lady of courage
    1.Rosary and Mission Month is for us to know the story Jesus and God the Father is telling us. and Mission Month is for us to share our blessings to the poor.
    2.I will show my love and concern to others by sharing them clothes,biscuits etc.And i will show love concern by donating them anything i have that is not being used at home.
    3.I feel happy and glad because i can help other people that really need my help.And its not only me who are happy also the people who i have shared something.
    4.Yes.Because this activity helps me learn magic fingers,to show netiquettes,and expressing my thoughts by typing in the computer and sharing my ideas and my answer.

  187. liezel Nunez
    g4 Our Lady Of courage

    rosary and mission munth for me is when we pray one beads in the rosary we are offering a crowd of flowers. and for mission month is we are helping the people ,don't have shelter people don't have food to eat.

    I can show love and concern to others by helping them respecting them by telling them if he or she is fine by being good friend to them. that's how i can show love to others.

    when i am helping i am so happy because they are happy to have a things or food that i gave. and i am happy too when they are saying thank you to me.

    yes, I want to continue this kind of activity because they are helping others . We are praying to mama Mary. they are praying for the safety of the missionaries.that's why i whay to continue.

  188. Kevin Bradley R. Sadie

    Mission month is to helping everybody to donate things.Rosary is to pray to mother Mary and to Jesus.The mission month reminds as about the missionaries around the world they share the good news to everybody.The rosary is to thank mother Mary because she is the mother of Jesus.

    I can show my love to others by praying for them.Helping them when their in need.Joining them to mass and showing kindness to them.Being generous to them.

    I feel happy when i help others because they help me too.They support me when i am in need or i need some help.When they teach me that i don't know.They help me when i have a problem.

    I want to continue this activities because it teach me something about god.To help the poor when their in need.I prayed to the missionaries around the world.When i help somebody i teach them.

  189. name sai craciana roshan A. herana section our lady of courage I want to be kind and helpful not to be proud of your self and not to be selfish when you have an extra food and your classmate have no maney you have to share your food with your classmate

  190. Rosary month is for
    praying for mother Mary and maybe thanking for her too.Mission month is for helping others like victims of fire,flooded and any situation that can cause hard life for them.The mission month too is donate thing that you are not using like t-shirt,pants,any things that you cant use.Rosary month is for praying for the sick and those who need help.

    I can show concern to others when I say to them that they are in danger. I show my love to others when i hurt them i say sorry.I can show my concern to others if they don't know what to do.I can show them my love by being friendly to them.

  191. Jewel C. Molina
    Grade 4 O.L. of Courage

    Rosary and Mission Month is for us people to
    teach us to be a good people and also teaches us to use the rosary and mission
    is to help other poor people/country.

    I show love and concern for others by:
    teaching them how god love them
    helping them to build their own house
    teaching them to love some one
    teaching them some new words

    When i help someone i feel good
    because helping others is not just for you and about you only it's for them to because if you help someone your help will came back to you
    because it is god blessings

    Yes,I want to continue this kind of activity because it is
    helping other people and some people get advises here
    some people can play games
    others can chat to their love life
    others can learn the sitting,hand position

  192. Pauline c. ballucanag G4 courage
    this october rosary month because thatis life ofjesus because he is in the rosary and jesus when he died and his rulesorhis
    i will help them cleaning the barangay"s in bulacan when the water comes out in the bulacan i will help them clean the citys in the bulacan all the cit's i will help them.
    i'm happy because i help peopleand others because ilove people and their are good to others and their are helpful to others.
    i want this activity because this like good to me because this is like fast
    hand position and like compitition.

  193. Julia Faye O. Daliva
    G4-Our Lady of Courage

    We celebrate the Rosary month of October until end
    of october and every morning pray the Rosary and we offer some food and dress in the Bulacan and every morning we are giving some money in the mission box.

    I will show cocern by giving some food, dress and also water to the flood victims and we are so happy to offer my blessing that i have and i will help other people.

    When i help other people i feel happy because I love other people and if i see other children i give some of my food and dress and i want to continue this kind of activity.

    I want to continue this activity because i want to help other people it is happy help other people thats why i wanna help other.

  194. Carlos lorenzo R.Pascua
    Our Lady of Courage
    My Guide Questions
    Misson month is the month of mission.
    Rosary month is a thanksgiving.
    Rosary is started on the month of Oct.
    Mission month is giving of to poor.

    I will help my classmates to learn C.L.
    I will help my classmates to provide things.
    I will help my classmates to learn many things.

  195. Van Allen M.Villas
    Our Lady of Courage

    Rosary and mission month is celebration
    that we celebrate during the month of October.
    During every morning we pray the rosary.Mission month is were we will offer or give money to the poor.It is good that we have like this kind of celebration, so lets keep it up.

    I will show love and concern by respecting others. We have to show love and concern because it is important.And by being
    fair to my classmate is a one way of showing
    love and concern.And respect your parents in
    any time.

    When i help other people i feel that i
    did a good is good that we help others.

  196. nesscha quintanilla
    our lady of courage

    pray rosary and mission mouth we bless our family
    and friend they always happy when they smile on to our face and we pray the rosary in our house and
    they also be happy when they
    also smile to me also my pet rose she also make
    me happy when i see she
    then always happy because we also smile in our family and also pray for our family.

  197. name sai craciana roshan A. herana section ourlady of courage you are happy

  198. Oct,11,2011 Jesrille Claire T. Aguilar
    Grade4-Our Lady of Courage
    For the Mission Month is to help the other people.And for Rosary is to Prais other people and all of us.And if october month we do this evry day because it is mission day.And if Rosary day we will pray evryday.

    I'will help them,i will protect them,i will give them propoer respecting.And i will share something that i have.And olso i will share it to others to do what i did to others.Because if i share it in my relatives it wil longer loving to others.

    I' feel good ,i feel loveable,i feel interesthing.And i feel helpful girl.And i making peace.And olso i doing my job.

  199. Name:Lanz Alexander I.Malto
    Section:Our Lady oF Courage
    Q:what is rosary and mission month for?
    A:rosary month is a month that we pray to God to help our loved ones.Rosary month is also a month to thank Jesus and Mary for all the things they give us.mission month is a month that we should help the poor.Mission month is also a month that we give somthing to the poor.

    Q:how will you show your love for others?
    A:I can show love and concern for others by saying good words saying po and opo to the elderly.I can also show love and concern for others by not shouting at them and not talking out of turn with them.I can also show love and concern to others by being grateful to them if they give something to me.I can also show love and kindness to others by doing anything they say.

    Q:how do you feel when you help other people?
    A:i feel happy when i help other people because its the act of love and kindness.I feel helpful because if i help i can earn friends.i feel responsible if I help others because everybody needs respect.I feel kind because i helped others.

    Q:DO you want to continue this activity? why?

    A:yes because it is fun to do this activity.Yes because i can learn much at it.Yes because it is also fun learning something in it.Yes because so that i can practice to type using magic fingers.

  200. Francine Julianna Te
    G4-Our Lady of Consolation

    I will help them by giving them donation and money.I will support them by praying the rosary.And i will pray to God help the Missionaries to finish their work.
