Thursday, September 29, 2011

Greatest Gift

“Greater LOVE hath no man than this, that a man lay down his LIFE for a FRIENDS” –John 15:13

Love is a strong affection, a feeling that is innate on us, people. From the moment that we’ve born up to the last days of our lives, love exists. People come and go, but love is endless in the sense that there is no one who can take away love from anyone. Love enters to us anytime and anywhere else. When there is love, people give importance to all the things they have and they give them values. We say that love is Man’s greatest need in life.

Love is not a test that we need answer instead love should be the answer not a question. Sometimes if we do something good to others we do not know that we give our love to them. You cannot but Love. It is a GIFT. It is a Gift from our God that we need to feel inside of us and give it also from others through sharing and trust.

When we love, be sure that don’t expect giving things in return. Remember that Jesus Christ offered his life just to save us on our sins. See how Jesus loves us, He sacrifice his life telling that He love us very much.

How about you? How much love can you give to others? to yourself? to God? and to Nature?


  1. Hjuanne Matthew Bañez
    Greatest Gift
    I think I can give my 30% love to nature and 10% for my self and for others also 10% to others while for God I think i can give my half of m,y love because God is everything to me he is the one who created me and I'm very happy with that.While the thing is my greatest gift is everything because for me I'm the greatest gift I ever had also my talents that God gave me...

  2. Charles Ivan Apolinar

    My greatest gift is my family because they help me whenever I have a problem. I can show love to others by helping them and understanding them. Love is from God so we need to show it to others. I can show love for myself by doing what I can. I can show love to God by doing good things to others. I can show love to nature by not throwing garbage anywhere.

  3. Jluke Bernard D. Ibay Gr.4 LOVE

    1.I will give them gifts that they like.

    2.I will thank God for giving me love.

    3.I will plant more plants and trees.

  4. Sebastian Jose Q. Almirol IV - Love
    My greatest gifts is dancing to entertain others.So when I get bored I can practice it.I can give them strong love because they are like family.So I can get companion too.I have no shyness to my talents because it is my gift I can't hide it to anyone.Pray everyday because he gave gifts that are talentful.Thank nature because they gave home to us.

  5. My greatest gift is my DS.I thank God. This can help me to enclose to nature.

    4 love Karl Mc Haile U. Pablo

  6. Enrique Miguel P. Rosel IV Love
    The greatest gift that i have i faith and wisdom.Because i know whats right and that i
    s why faith and wisdom is my gift

  7. 1.My greatest gift is love also.It is
    greatest to me because it helps us
    understand one another.

    2 I will love them with all my heart.

    Niccolo Cinco 4 love

  8. ma.katrina victoria D. marcelo
    g4 consolaton

    I love others by saying I love you and i will give them gifts money home and most of all food so they can eat well and to god i will pray and will said lord thank you for the everything that you give to us and the nature i will tace care and water thm most of all love them

  9. John Gabriel V Andrade IV-Ol of consolation

    100% I love people thats that i like
    i love god and people and my teachers and classmates.At home i show love to my parents and family.
    i also visit my grandfather in cementary and my grandmother thats all of my love and kindness

  10. ☻ Jilian Mae R. zornosa
    Gr.4- Our Lady of Consolation
    My greatest gift in my life is covers wen it was christmas. I allways love my gift becase it can make me happy.

  11. Josh Vincent P. Agner Gr.IV-OL of Consolation
    I love myself by taking care of me.BY loving them and helping them.I love God by giving my life and taking care the nature.

  12. John Clyde L. Tejada g4 Consolation
    MY greatest gift is christmas because their we celebrate we go in the moah move around we buy prive in toy kingdom a lot.

  13. frances naveene e. san agustin 4-consolation
    thelove i will give myself is 90 percent and to god iwill give a 100 percent love and to nature i will give 89 percent love

    rav cheizy c tan 4 consolatin

    i will love others and i will help them

  14. Alicia Jasper S. Lucena
    GR.IV O.L. of Love
    By helping them,for praying for them and everything else.(for others). I will always follow the rules in school like "CLAYGO" and obey my parents and teachers and many more.(to myself). I will thank GOD almighty through prayer and be sorry for all of my sins.(to GOD). I will always follow the 3r's and tell the people don't cut trees,don't burn trees.(to Nature).

  15. Deborah R. Padua
    G4 - Our Lady of Love

    Giving Love to others, to myself, to God, and to nature is unmeasurable. It should not be a question of how much but an answer of pure Love in my heart. Only quality and sincerity of my heart is the answer .

  16. Avelino Genaro A. Basco
    IV - Our Lady of Love

    1. How about you?
    Well for me, I have to agree that love is the greatest gift given to us by our Father. Because without love, there is no unity, without unity there would be no peace, without peace there would be war.

    2.How much love can you give to others?
    I can give enough love to them until they're happy and they feel very comforted.

    3.To Yourself?
    I can give myself enough love to look good in front of others

    4.To God?
    I can give all my love (and even my heart) to Him. For He has created us, we must thank and praise Him in all ways.

    5.And to Nature?
    I can will give importance as love to Nature, for it has been our home for thousands of years

  17. Laurence Aldrich D.Silao IV-Love

    The greatest gift I have is my family cause without them I wouldn't live today, especially my mother without her I wouldn't be born on earth. I can give love to others more than my life. I can give love to myself by not letting myself to get sick.I can give love to God by taking care of his creations. To nature I will give love to it by not littering around.

  18. Shannen Shane C. Ramos

    1.For me my greatest gift is my parents, because without the I will not be alive.
    2.I can give love to others as much as I love myself.
    3.I can give love to myself but I can give my own life for one's sake.
    4.I can offer my life to God, that's how I love my God.
    5.I will take care the nature as much as I can.

  19. Bianca Nicole A. Mangilit G-9
    Gr.4 Our Lady of Consolation
    "Greatest Gift"
    The greatest gift that I received is my family because they gave me life and love.I can give all my love to others by sharing my gifts and blessings.I will show my greatest gift by a simple love sharing to others.And also my greatest gift is god and nature because if we don't have god we don't have life in here in earth because only god can make life my greatest gift is also the nature because if we don't have nature we don't have the things we supose to have now.

  20. Arianne Marie Estrella
    Grade 4-Our Lady of Love
    For me love is an affection or feelings of a person.I can give right and enough love to others.Same with myself and to God.By always wanting the best for them,Showing that you care about their safety, always wanting the best for them and try to make them happy at all times.I can also give enough love to nature.By not destroying it and planting trees

  21. Hannah Juliana g. Angeles Grade4 Our Lady Of Consolation
    I can give love to others by helping and sharing.I can give love to myself by taking good care of myself.To God by attending Eucharist
    and spreading the words of the Lord.To nature by planting trees and not throwing garbage everywhere.

  22. Shaznaye Jhil E. Lumandas.

    Jesus said the greatest commandment is love God with all your heart ,with all your soul and all your might and love your neighbors as you love yourself. I think I can give love to others the love I am giving to my parents and my family. In that way, whenever someone needs my help, I will be there to help them. I will not treat them other people instead they are part of my family. Also I can give my greatest love to God by loving others because that makes God happy.

  23. Sean Elton Zamora
    Grade 4-Our Lady of Love

    For me, love is a strong affection and personal attachment to something or someone. If we love the things and persons around us I think we are now living in a perfect world. A world with no war, poor, criminals and more.
    I am not sure about how much love I can give to others. But I can say that I can give more and more as long as I can. Maybe it will just comes out.
    For myself, I think that is the basic so that we can give love to others. We must love ourselves first and it will manifests with others.
    I can say that honestly, it is hard for me to follow the love that God us to us. It is unconditional. But to love God back is such a great deed to give thanks to Him. I love God so much.
    It is also good to give love to nature because it is created by God. And the nature serves as our home. I can give love to nature by being a responsible child in separating garbage, recycle, reuse, reduce and being aware of the different activities and projects regarding saving our nature.

  24. Mariel C. Valenzuela
    4-Our Lady of Love

    My greatest gift is God and my family
    because they can give me the special
    blessings that I can use in my life. They
    can give me my needs in everyday life.God
    and my parents can guide us and protect us
    when we need help.They can give us what we
    I can give love to others by doing special
    things to them by helping them in chores and
    in any problem. I can also love them by being
    nice and friendly to them. We need to do this
    it is a gift that GOD gave us.

    I can give love to God by praying for
    those who are in need. Love is all that
    matters because that's the only way that
    can people do to make God happy.

    I can give love to nature by simply
    watering the plants and caring for plats in
    a nice way. Nature is where we get our
    needs. So Nature is the living home of

  25. Jim Francis Mojica
    My greatest gift is my family because they
    love me so much especially my parents .My
    parents have tender loving care in me and my
    brother. My brother love me to so much and
    also i love him.

    I love others so much because all of the
    people in the world are just one family.I can
    show them love by being good.Of course i love
    myself to.

    I can show my love to God by being
    religous,good and be faithful
    good.Of course i love myself so much

  26. Lexter Allan L. Abad
    4 - Love

    For me I can give 100% of my love to God, to others, to nature and to myself.

    There's a saying "Do unto others what you want others do unto you".

    God commands us to love God above all. Everyone should.

    If you give 100% of your love to others they will return it also with their love.

    Same with the nature. If you take care the mountain or forest and the ocean, it will give us food.

    And about loving ourselves - definitely we should do it so that we can do our job to love other and the nature.

  27. Angel Marie B. Lubreza
    4- Good Fortune

    My greatest gift is my life and i must love God more than anything else being a child of God. I love my family, my friends, my neighbors and the less fortunate. I also love the animals, the plants, all things created by God. Love is kindness, mercy and forgiving.

  28. Patricia Mary L. Carpio Iv -love

    How about you?
    My greatest gift is my family because they care for me. Especially the most important persons in my life is my parents. Because they take care of me since when iwas a baby

    How much love can you give to others?
    Doing great things to them like being nice to them.

    To Yourself?
    I could be myself but helpful to others.

    To God?
    I will take care his creations and be naturalist.

    And to Nature?
    I will not destroy them. If I will cut trees I will plant another one.

  29. My greatest gift is love . I can give my 100% love to others ,to myself ,to God and nature

    Whenever we make other people feel loved , we are showing our loved, we are showing our love for God. The same is true when we show our love to nature ,we also show love to God because we are taking care of his gifts to God.

    Whenever I take care of myself , it is showing that I love God also , because He created me and HE will be happy that I am not doing any harm to myself.

    Niccolo Cinco
    Gr. 4 love

  30. Cheska Janelle S. Dulatre
    Grade 4- Our Lady of Consolation

    I will love others by helping them. I will not do things that can harm them and make their sad. I can love myself by taking care of my health and by having a proper hygiene. With God, I can give all of my love to Him because He is the one who created us. And last, I can show my love to nature by not throwing garbage anywhere, planting more trees, and recycling things that can be useful.

  31. Zia Nicole Francisco
    IV- Good Counsel

    I can show my love to others by means of sharing my blessings to them, giving donations to those who are in need. I will show my love for myself by having proper diet and hygiene. and last, I will show mu love to God and Nature by praying to Him, attending mass, paying respect to Him, planting trees and recycling materials.

    Nov 7 2011

  32. Aaronn Albert M. De Jesus SEPTEMBER 20 2012


    I will show peace to everyone Because It is QUIET NO war. and no fight to Everyone to promote my country. I will clean our place. to give my people a joy I will give them a houses.I will plant a trees and flowers.

  33. Anna Eunice Labong

    I can show my love,care to others and to our family.I will respect my classmates,teachers and others

  34. Anna Eunice Labong

    I can show my love,care to others and to our family.I will respect my classmates,teachers and others

  35. dianachristine N.quilon
    GIV O.L. of good fortune
    two this i love about this wedsite me more info about the school
    2.i can play educational games
