Thursday, July 21, 2011

1st Quarter: Reflection #1

Direction: Answer the following questions below. Answer in a complete sentence.

1. What are the proper way of sitting and typing position?
2. Why do we need to follow the correct sitting and typing position?
3. How will you apply the skills in typing to your daily activities?


  1. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Patricia Nicooe G. Baugbog G4-Ol of good fortune.

    Put your left hand to ASDSF and for right hand
    JKL;.sit strait so your back will not have a back problem

  2. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Caleejann P. mangunay
    Gr.4-Our lady of good council

    1.your right hand is on the asdf the left hand is on jkl; and sit like a gentelemen cross leg be right not wrong if you are wrong then the teachers will punish you or comment other things like eggrole fish or carrot

  3. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Jasper Nickangel Yulo Moleno
    G4-Our Lady Of Good Counsel

    1. Sit up and rest your back then typing your magic fingers.
    2.So your back will not hurt and not be slow typing fingers
    3.By using your magic fingers then faster typing in correct typing postion.

  4. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Allexa Gabrielle L. Bernaldo
    Iv our lady of good counsel
    the proper way to of sitting and correct typying position is leaning at the back the chair and using magic fingers
    so your back and hands will not ache
    practice it

  5. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Rea Joanna T. Mariano
    Gr 4 Good Councel

    1.sit properly qiet do not make nois and listen to the teacher

    2. To learn something and toge now how is the proper position

    3. i will o to yhe computer and apply

  6. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Kirsten Phoebe Salting Bautista
    4 Good Counsel
    1the correct sitting position is just relax your body then put your feet on the ground.
    2 so you can relax your body properly and you can type properly.
    3 by practicing correct hand typing position and correct sitting position.

  7. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Gurharjaap Singh
    Gr.4-Our Lady of Good Counsel

    1.the sitting position is your backbone is at the
    the chair and the corect typing position. not be blinde and not be wrong spelling. using Magic fingers.

  8. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Haixent Lauren R Sotto
    G-4 our lady of good consel
    sit properly and feet on the floor
    to not get a steep neck
    to be great hand tyipingand good searce

  9. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    krishjit s. banwait
    grade-4 o.l of good counsel
    1.magic finger and need concentrate on the monitor we will now what to do in the comp lab
    3.remember the rules

  10. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Phil joseph R.cruz
    GR-4 good counsel
    1.put your back bone in the spine of the chair
    2. so that we learn.
    3.i will practice typing.

  11. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    By sitting like a queen and by doing the Magic fingers
    So we could be comfortable while your typing
    By doing your very best

    Lilac Lauder D. Olfindo

  12. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Wednesday Abbey B. Pascual
    Grade 4 Our Lady of Good Counsel

    1.put your fit at the floor and lean your back at the back chair

    2. so you will feel well. you will type faster if you don't have time left

  13. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    ryan ernest dominic h.urbien
    g-4 good counsel
    answer:your feet at the floor

    your chair is proper position

    your left hand at the hand

  14. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    princess camila g. martinez
    g4-our lady of good counsel
    feet on the floor and straight back and hands an the correct magic fingers.
    the correct hand position is important so we could type properly and no ache at the back.
    the daily activities can be applied by correct hand position and good typing.

  15. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Zia nicole G.francisco
    IV-our lady of good counsel
    Answers properly. know how to do magic finger's.
    3.I will practice the magic fingers.

  16. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    jerwin de chavez g4 good counsel
    1 by siting srately
    2 so to be cotoble typing
    3 to use the magic finger

  17. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Vhianca Arisha P Flores 4 Goodunsel 1 Correct sitting

  18. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Marie Sophia A. Lagula
    grade4 good counsel
    1.The way of sitting and hand position are close
    feet and use magic finger last sit properly.
    2.To improve are skills in computer and in home.
    3To apply are skills in are daily life use correct
    hand position and sitting.

  19. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Nina ysabella c. aquino
    grade 4 counsel 1 the correct sitting position is your back is put on the chair 2 beaucase if we dont follow your back will be cureve 3 learn it

  20. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    krizia u oasnon
    4 good counsel
    by sitting by a quin so verry pretty and her dress

  21. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    reienen andrei c. palma
    g.r.d 4 our lady of good councel

    1rest your back and property pin magic fingers

    2to consentreyt and to read the word sat the monitor

    3do the magic finger and rest your back

  22. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    bhavna tricia Chandumal
    4 GOOD Counsel
    1. the correct sitting position is your feet should be at the groud and your back should be at the back of your chair.
    2.we need to follow the corret sitting poisition because that is the right thing.
    3.i wii apply it by making a story at home.

  23. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    ito ay maganda

  24. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    charles bernard l. barcena
    G4-our lady of good councel
    1. your back is on the back chair
    2. beacuse you will never know how to sit and typing typing faster

  25. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Rod Stephen R. Salvacion
    Gr. 4 good counsel
    1.The sitting Position is to strate your back
    2.The proper typing is magic

  26. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Erika Codie D. Reyes
    Gr.4 Our Lady Of Good Counsel
    1.Your feet must be not swaying and proper in position.
    2.So you will not be tired using the computer.
    3.follow your teacher's instructions.

  27. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Koleen moira Quiambao. Fontanilla
    Grade4 Our Lday of Good Counsel
    1.bye using Magic Finger.
    2.WE need follow the sitting Becase may be we have to acsedent and we need Follow the typing position because if we are not follow we need to folow because we did not now the typing position.
    3.we need to apply

  28. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Rea Joanna T.Mariano
    Gr4 Good Councel

    !.sit properly qiet
    2.To now what it is the proper way
    3.watching news

  29. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Katreena N. Carabbacan
    Gr.IV-Our Lady of Good Counsel
    The proper way of sitting and typing position are put your back on the chair and put your fingers in the coorect magic fingers.
    We need to follow the correct sitting and typing position because you can learn more how to sit properly and how to use the magic fingers.
    I will apply the skills in typing to my daily activities by following the proper way of sitting and typing position in using magic fingers.

  30. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Princess brigette katheryna .p Trinidad
    G-4 our lady of good councel
    sitt strat and feet on the ground.
    so we will be proper.
    try try agin until you got it

  31. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Justine Kate M. Ricacho
    G4-Our Lady Of Good Counsel
    1.The proper way of sitting position is lean on the back of the chair and put your feet on the floor,the proper way of typing is use the magic fingers.
    2.We need to follow the correct

  32. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Enrico Gabriel N.Crisostomo
    G4-O.L.OF Good Counsel
    1.The proper way of sitting is straight back your body and typing position is the Hand position in the keyboard which is the A,S,D,F,SPACEBAR,
    2.We need to follow the correct sitting position and typing position to know the proper and correct position.

  33. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    iverson jacinto G4 our lady of good counsel

    1 by sitting properly and use correct typing possition
    2 to type faster and esier to type
    3 by using the magic finger propely

  34. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Maria Klarissa Carylle Revamuntan Trino
    Grade 4-Our Lady Of Good Counsel

    Proper Way of Sitting Position Is that your Back is Straight.And Your Hands Must Be In the Ways of the Magic Fingers.And Always Follow The Directions Of The Teacher.

  35. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Bea Rogelio
    G-4 our lady of good counsel

    1.The proper sitting position and typing of position is put your hands to key board properly and the sitting position and sitting strate
    2.To the teacher will be happy and not be angry
    3.I be correct all teaching of the teacher like correct typing posistion

  36. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Angela Antonia C. Reyes
    Gr.4-Our Lady of Courage

    1.a)Use a chair with adjustable height. Don't use a low chair. It is always better to sit higher.

    b) The angle between the side and the thigh should be around 90°; Angle between thigh and calf should be greater then 90°

    c) Main backrest should start near to pelvis and pelvis should be gently pushed forwards.

    d) Sit staight. There should be a space between the legs. Don't push out your chin.

    2.So we can type comfortably.

    3.It helps my body reflexed. I could easily get a job.

  37. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    name:rafael john l. serrano
    1.back is in the chair side. that well enjoy using the coputer. using magic fingers.

  38. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    1. In typing your hand should be on the magic finger and your back should be relax.
    2.So that you will feel relax and not to be stress.
    3.We can apply this skills in:
    for example:
    When teachers ask you to do hands-on
    And by communicating with others

  39. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Name:Lyanna A. Padul.
    Gr\Sec:G-4 Our Lady of Courage
    1.Sit back straight and the foot on the floor.
    2.Becouse so we can not have numbness.
    3.So we know how to use the magic finger.

  40. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Michelle Angelyn Gutierrez
    Gr-4 Our Lady of Courage

    1.The way of proper way to sit is resting your back...

    2.To fast to type and not painful your back...

    3.I can apply skills in typing in my daily activities such us texting to the Cellphones,Researching on my projects through computer...

  41. AnonymousJuly 22, 2011

    Jesrille Claire T. Aguilar
    G4 - Our Lady of Courage

    1. The lower leg should be vertical on the floor.
    The lower arm should be resting on the desktop in a relaxed position.
    The desk and the chair should be adjustable.
    The backrest of the chair should be adapted to your back for support.
    The monitor shelf can be lowered to follow the natural tilted position of the head for the direct line of sight.
    It will also help reduce stress in the back of the neck.
    The keyboard tray should help rest the arms and provides relaxation and sufficient distance from the screen.

    2. To feel comfortable while doing computer works and to avoid neck, back and wrist pain.

    3. By sitting properly not just in classroom but also at home while doing my homework and also by writing and doing household chores.

  42. AnonymousJuly 23, 2011

    Nica Isabel A.Vitasa
    Grade 4- Our Lady of Courage


    1.The feet should be on the ground.The hands are not lean on the keyboard. and the shoulders and hand should be reaxed,. and you'l need sit up straight.

    2.So that we will not have back pain. and we will be able to type well and comfortably.

    3.I will apply these when I grow up. When I know the coorect typing position , I will easily get a job.

  43. AnonymousJuly 23, 2011

    Martina C, Cabrido
    Gr.4 Our lady of Good Fortune
    1.In typing position we should use are magic fingers and in sitting position we have to seat back straight and relax.
    2.To feel comfortable and so that is not ugly to look when we are typing.
    3.We can apply skills in typing while writing.

  44. AnonymousJuly 24, 2011

    Name:Vincent S. Ferrer
    Grade4 Our lady of courage
    1 Sit Back and relax.....
    2 Just use the magic finger.....
    3 Listen to your teacher so that you know what you will do.....

  45. AnonymousJuly 24, 2011

    John Harold E. Habin
    Grade 4-Our Lady of Courage
    Q-1. What are the proper way of sitting and typing position?

    A-Good sitting posture at your workstation means your shoulders are relaxed, your feet are flat on the floor, and you can sit up straight to do your work. Guidelines include:

    A chair that maintains normal spinal curvature. A supportive chair:
    Is adjustable, so that you can set the height to rest your feet flat on the floor. Keep your feet supported on the floor or on a footrest to reduce pressure on your lower back. Some people like to sit in a slightly reclined position because it puts less stress on the back, although this may increase stress on the shoulders and neck when reaching for items.
    Supports your lower back.
    Has adjustable armrests that allow your elbows to stay close to your sides. If you are not comfortable with armrests, move them out of your way. It is still important to keep your arms close to your sides even if you choose not to use armrests.
    Has a breathable, padded seat.
    Rolls on five wheels for easy movement without tipping.
    A computer keyboard and keyboard tray that allow comfortable typing or keying.
    Your keyboard should be at a height that allows your elbows to be open (bent no more than 90 degrees) and close to your sides.
    Many keyboards and keyboard trays have wrist supports to help keep your wrists in a neutral, almost straight position. But wrist pads are just there for brief rests. They are actually not meant to be used while you are typing. But some people find the pads helpful even when they are using their keyboard or mouse. When you type or use your mouse, try raising your forearms a little so your wrists are in a neutral position and your arms and hands can move freely. If you have arm rests on your chair, you may be able to adjust them so your forearms are parallel to the floor and your wrists are neutral. You may want to alternate between resting your wrists on the pads and raising them up. If you use a wrist pad, it's best to rest your palm or the heel of your hand on the support, rather than your wrist.
    The tilt of the keyboard can be adjusted. Some people find in more comfortable if the keyboard is flat or tilted slightly down at the top. Try different tilt angles to see what is most comfortable for you.

    Q-2. Why do we need to follow the correct sitting and typing position?

    A-To Prevent accident

    Q-3. How will you apply the skills in typing to your daily activities?

    A-You can practice or apply your skills computering at home in the website like the ff:
    Thats evrithing i known for
    this day!
    thank you!

  46. AnonymousJuly 24, 2011

    Josanine Mariel D. Hinolan
    Grade4 Our Lady of Courage


    1. By sitting correctly lower arm must be relaxed lower leg should be verticaly relaxed.

    2. To feel comfortable and avoid damages in our bones.

    3.Can be applied in my daily activities in doing good/correct posture

  47. AnonymousJuly 25, 2011

    Diana Rose T. Cortez
    G4 - Our Lady of Courage

    1. The proper way of sitting and typing position, you just sit back and relax, use your magic finger in typing.

    2. So that you will not get tired already and also to do our activies properly.

    3. I can apply the skills in typing every time we have actives and also we can also apply proper sitting postion even in listening to the teacher.

  48. AnonymousJuly 25, 2011

    Diana Rose T. Cortez
    G4 - Our Lady of Courage

    1. The proper way of sitting and typing is when you use your magic finger and also just sit back and relax.

    2. We need to follow the correct sitting and typing position for us to do our activities properly.

    3. I can apply the skills in proper typing and sitting when do activities in school and also inside our classroom so that you can understand what the teacher is teaching us.

  49. AnonymousJuly 25, 2011

    Diana Rose T. Cortez
    Grade 4 - Our Lady of Courage

    1. the proper way of sitting and typing is when you use your magic finger and sit back and relax.

    2. So that you can do your activities properly.

    3. we can apply proper sitting and tying also inside the classroom so that you can understand what your teacher is talking about.

  50. AnonymousJuly 26, 2011

    Gabriele Anne L. Arcega
    G4-O.Lady of Good Fortune
    My Answer is
    1. By using magic fingers and relaxe your back your ducument or files will be correct and your positoin will be correct too fallowing the proper position and so you can do it properly

    thats all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  51. AnonymousJuly 28, 2011

    Van Allen M. Villas
    Grade 4 - Our Lady of Courage

    1. What are the proper way of sitting and typing position?
    ANSWER: The proper way of sitting and typing position are sit up straight and don't lean on the computer table. Make sure that the wrists are well rested on the computer table for more comfortable typing position so it would be easy for the fingers to move on the keyboard and also not to strain the wrists.

    2. Why do we need to follow the correct sitting and typing position?
    ANSWERS: We need to follow the correct sitting and typing position for us to be comfortable in doing our tasks in the computer, either typing documents and the likes. By following the correct position, it will not be hard for our body to do the said task.

    3. How will you apply the skills in typing to your daily activities?
    ANSWERS: I will apply the skills in typing on my daily activities by encoding my assignments, reports and projects in school.

  52. AnonymousJuly 30, 2011

    Jose Victor Virata
    our lady of courage

    1.By using magic fingers and sitting properly

    2.To be relax and fast typing

    3.By doing it at home to

  53. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    Jose Victor Virata
    Our lady of Courage

    1.By sitting properly and using the magic fingers be fast typing doing it at home

  54. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    Jazmine Benadette P. Cua
    IV- Lady of Courage

    1. What are the proper ways of sitting and typing position?
    Answer: The proper way of sitting and typing position is to sit with your shoulders relaxed, your feet flat on the floor, and your back straight. Keep your wrists in a neutral, almost straight position when typing.
    2. Why do we need to follow the correct sitting and typing position?
    Answer: We need to follow the correct sitting and typing position so we can be comfortable and to lessen stress in doing our activities.
    3. How will you apply the skills in typing to your daily activities?
    Answer: I can apply the skill in typing to my daily activities by sitting with correct posture.

  55. AnonymousJuly 31, 2011

    G4-Our Lady of Courage

    1. What are the proper way of sitting and typing position?
    1. Push your hips as far back as they can go in the chair.
    2. Sit close to your keyboard and position it so that it is directly in front of your body. Make sure that the keys are centered with your body.
    3. Adjust the keyboard height so that your shoulders are relaxed, your elbows are in a slightly open position, and your wrists and hands are straight.
    4. Determine the tilt of your keyboard based on your sitting position.
    5. Use wrist rests to help maintain neutral postures and pad hard surfaces.

    1. Keep fingers relaxed and slightly curled.
    2. Tap lightly. Tap, not press.
    3. Ideally, your fingernails should be short.
    4. Move your fingers across your keyboard. Don't be lazy and over stretch.
    5. When pressing more than one keys, use two keys instead of stretching to use the fingers of one hand.
    Mouse should be held loosely.
    6. Keep your wrists off the table or any surface for that matter.
    7. Don't lean on your elbow when working at the computer.
    2. Why do we need to follow the correct sitting and typing position?
    To make us more effective and competitive in our work or school environment.
    3. How will you apply the skills in typing to your daily activities?
    Answer: By keep on practicing at home and apply to any school computer related activities.

  56. Ivan Lex Q. Cruz
    Grade4-Our Lady of Courage

    1.By having a good chair and not moving and have a couch at the back of the chair and place your hand in the proper place.

    2.So your hand will not get hurt and you will be fast typer and to avoid accidents

    3.By doing it properly and by practicing it at home and using the magic fingers.

  57. Ivan Lex Q. Cruz
    Gr.4 Our lady of Courage


    1. Sit up and rest your back then typing your magic fingers.

    2. To relax our body so we can type properly.

    3. I can be apply in my daily activities by doing right things.

  58. Lanz Alexander I. Malt
    Grade IV- Our Lady of Courage
    1. What are the proper way of sitting and typing position?
    - The proper way of sitting and typing position are the following:
    A.) Sit properly
    B.) Lean your back in an upright position.
    2. Why do we need to follow the correct sitting and typing position?
    - We need to follow the correct and typing position so that we can be comfortable and to avoid back pains.
    3. How will you apply the skills in typing to your daily studies?
    - I will apply the skills in typing from my daily studies by doing the right hand position or using the magic fingers in a right manner.


    So it will be not hard to type if we use only one
    finger you will get tired of typing.We need to
    sit properly to show self-discipline if we don't
    sit properly our back will sometimes hurt.

  60. Hjuanne Matthew Banez

    There are many proper ways of sitting like keeping your back straight on the chair and your foot shall touch the ground.There are
    also many proper ways to show the correct
    typing position like you should use the magic fingers correctly and also your fore arm shall
    also touch the computer table.

    We need to follow this things so that the
    body will be relaxed/comfortable.We also
    need to follow this so that we can show the
    proper posture and the discipline that we

    I can apply my skills in typing while using
    the internet and typing without looking at
    the keyboard of the computer with this I can
    easily finish everything that im doing in the
    internet fast and accurately.

  61. Kuljit S. Gill
    IV-O. L. of Health
    1.Put your left hand to ASDSF and for right hand
    JKL; sit strait. you won't have your back problem.
    3.when you are typing paragraph use magic fingers
    and sitting and typing position correctly.

  62. Carl Alex E. Clarito August 23, 2011
    Grade IV- Our Lady of Love
    Ms. Anna E. Lano

    1. The proper way of sitting and typing positions:

    - Sit comfortably, your back should touch the back of your chair. Your feet should rest firmly on the floor. Keyboard should be in the center of your monitor. Your eyes should be at the same level as the tool bar. Do finger and hand exercises.

    2. We need to follow the correct sitting and typing position so we could not easily feel tired and restless, and to maintain our good posture.

    3. How will you apply the skills in typing in to your daily studies?
    - By following the correct typing position and by using magic fingers in my daily studies can improve my skills and speed in typing. In this way I can do and finish my assignments and researches correctly and effectively.

  63. Ashley Y. Lomongo
    IV-Our Lady Of Health
    2.Why do we need to follow the correct sitting and
    typing position?

  64. Ashley Y. Lomongo
    IV-Our Lady Of Health
    2.Why do we need to follow correct sitting and
    typing position?
    1.SO we can be feel better.
    2.SO we can know how to use the magic fingers.
    3.So we can know to sitting position.

  65. Name:Allyannah Miko S.Teus Date: Aug.23, 2011
    Gr/sec:G4 Good Counsel Teacher: Ms.Lano
    1. What are the proper way of sitting and typing position?
    a. You should type using your magic fingers.
    b. Do not slouch when sitting
    2. Why do we need to follow the correct sitting and typing position?

  66. Allyannah Miko S. Teus
    G4 Our Lady of Good Counsel
    Ms. Lano

    1. What are the proper ways of sitting and typing position?
    a. Sit with your back at an angle from the back of the chair. But do not slouch.
    b. Fingers should be positioned at the home keys. Use your magic fingers.
    2. Why do we need to follow the correct sitting and typing position?
    a. To avoid backache.
    b. So that we can maintain good posture.
    3. How will you apply the skills in typing to your daily activities?
    a. Maintain good posture and do things the proper way.

  67. Lord Jamir Q. Belen
    Grade IV- our Lady of Health
    The proper way of sitting and typing position are the following:
    1.Push your hips as far back as they can go in the chair.
    2.Use Magic fingers.

  68. Lanie M. Dizon
    Gr4-Our Lady of Health
    Why do we need to follow corect siting and typinng position

    So we can search easily and our body will be relaxed while typing or searching.

  69. lanie M. dizon
    Gr4 o.l of health

    So our body will be relaxed

    august 24 2011

  70. Maria Tatiana D. Delos Reyes
    G4-Our Lady Of Health

    Why do we need to follow the correct sitting and typing position?

    We need to follow the correct sitting and typing position so there will be no accident and we can concentrate in our computer works.

    Also, we need to follow this so we won't have pain in our backs or any pain from sitting slouchly.

  71. Leif Euriche J. Cruz
    Grade IV- Our Lady Of Health
    The proper way of sitting and typing position are
    1.Lean back so you won't have any problems on your back
    2.Always use magic fingers

  72. Charles Ivan Apolinar
    Grade IV-LOVE
    The proper way of sitting and typing are the ff.
    1) Lean back and sit your hips properly.
    2) Use magic fingers always.

    We need to use the proper way of sitting and typing so you can be relaxed in using the computer.

    I will apply correct typing position by using Magic Fingers in yping.

  73. Leonel Marck L. Omilig
    Grade IV-Love

    1.Lean your back on the chair and sit straight.
    2.So that you can type properly.
    3.You can finish your activity on time.

  74. Lance Albert J. Viguella
    IV Our Lady of Health
    1. Sit up straight and lean your back on the chair, do not look close at the monitor, because the blue light of the screen can affect our eyes. Use the Magic Fingers System. Put your left hand's fingers on A,S,D,F, your right hand's fingers should be placed at J,K,L,; and your thumb on the spacebar.

    2. We need to follow the proper sitting and typing position, because if we sit properly it will help our bones to be straight and to avoid too much closeness to the computer, the typing position will help us type faster and easier.

    3. I can apply magic fingers in my activities, when I need to type rushed documents to be able to type fast and to pass them as early as possible.

  75. Komal Dabb
    IV Our Lady of Health
    1. Sit up straight and lean your back on the chair, do not look close at the monitor, because the blue light of the screen can affect our eyes. Use the Magic Fingers System. Put your left hand's fingers on A,S,D,F, your right hand's fingers should be placed at J,K,L,; and your thumb on the spacebar.

    2. We need to follow the proper sitting and typing position, because if we sit properly it will help our bones to be straight and to avoid too much closeness to the computer, the typing position will help us type faster and easier.

    3. I can apply magic fingers in my activities, when I need to type rushed documents to be able
    to type fast and to pass them as early as possible.
    4..Lean your back on the chair and sit straight.
    5.So that you can type properly.
    6.You can finish your activity on time.
