Thursday, February 17, 2011

Reflection #3 (M-W)

Direction: Please write your name and section before answering:

1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?


  1. Reef Andrea J. Jusayan G-10
    Our Lady of Courage
    1.The benefits we can get from paint program are:We will learn how to use paint program, We can also share it with others
    2.By using it everyday. And by teaching others of it.

  2. josephine navarro gr-4 courage we can memorize and use paint in computer
    and learn so are teacher is happy learn and

  3. G-20 Samantha 4-courage
    1.I can get benefits by using and practice using paint progarm

    2.I can apply my skill in practicing and doing it always

  4. b3gabriel courage
    1.i can get benefits if there is something or project to learn something about paint.
    2.i will apply this by doing it good ways.I can also do my project in paint.

  5. John Kenneth V. Cunanan

    You can teach your friends.Your friens , teacher and parents will be proud of you.


    By Practing it. By doing it at home.

  6. b1 Ridge 4-courage
    1. so wecan memories the tool box all different tool in pait program master the skills in the paint program

  7. B-14
    Carl Daniel M. Punzalan
    1.You can learn a lot of things.You can paint many things like drawing anything.

    2.You can draw many things like monsters and a lot more.You can be famous by doing cool things,monster,aliens,and many more kinds.

  8. Michael V. Labrador B-10
    Grade4 Our Lady of Courage
    1.The benefits i can get in paint program are to practice it and by always doing the skills in paint program.I can share it to others.

    2.I can apply my skills in paint program by always practicing at home.I always practice the shortcut keys in paint.

  9. b 12 franz albert c. miranda
    1.i can paste my drawing if i need to copy the drawing that i need to past. saving the drawing or paint in the program.

  10. B-15 Ruel C. Ret 4-Courage
    1.I can do the benefits by using paint always and doin some paint activities in paint program using some slogans and other works in paint program

  11. Clarence Miguel s. Santos B18
    you can practice your drawing in paint.

    I will save my drawing in paint.

  12. Joaquin Castillo 4-Courage
    1.The benefits I can get is it helps me in doing my requirements.It helps me in upgrading my skills in painting.
    2.I can apply my art skills in paint program by making my project in paint.By making art works in the paint program.

  13. Mike Allen C. Balmaceda b2 courage

    It can make us our project and assignments.

    thank you!!!

    I will practice and do it everyday.!!

  14. G-15 Josephine Navarro GR-4 Courage
    1.Memorize the benefits and memorize.
    2.And use it properly throw paint.

  15. G-13 4-courage Ella Denise B. marcelo

    1.The benifits that we can get in paint are doing art project in MAPE and art in computer.
    we can get to by practicing it.
    2.i will apply it bydrawing it in paint and make it project in any subject that need art.

  16. Greca R. Caturan G2 Courage

    1.It can feel us happy and cool.It can build our creativity to arts.

    2. I will apply it to children and I will master it always.

  17. B16 Neil Laurence B. Reyes
    you can paint or draw in paint program.
    you can apply your skills in paint by practicing in your home.

  18. Danielle Marie G. Pasaol G-18 4-Courage
    You can draw your drawings and posters in paint.

    By creating and practicing my drawings.

  19. g12 Rheana Marie P. Manpat- Gr4 O.L.of Courage
    1. The benefits that we can get from paint progam,.We will how practice or memorize and we can share it with others.
    2.I will apply skills by using. The keys or teachings each other.

  20. Jasmine P. Dolisen
    Gr.4-o.l. courage

    1.)the benifits are :we can learn how to use paint program.we can also teach them how to use paint program.

    2.)by teaching it to others by using paint using it in my whole time life.

  21. Juliana Denisse L.Ahongon G4-Courage

    1.It can help us our drawing to be beautiful.And it make us happy and feel excited

    2.By using shapes,brush,colors,pencil,and others materials.

  22. B13 Gabriel Christian R. Monfero ol of courage

    1. we can get benefits by drawing hard drawings.
    2.i will draw professional and hard drawings

  23. Riana Lila G3 Courage
    1.When we are bored we can draw in paint.we can express our feelings through paint.
    2.we could draw beautiful drawings and inspire others who want to learn to use paint.that's all.

  24. Arianna Coleen T. Ochua G-17
    1. The benefits is you can do your project in ohter project.
    2.I will apply my skills by practicing at home.

  25. Eeurha Dyana T. De Leon
    1.The benefits that i can get is the learning in paint program.By the benefits they are the examples of our learning so that we can use the benefits of our paint.

    2.I will apply my skills by adding them in our learning .I will practice them so that they will use them us are skill

  26. Miu R. Shimogawa 4-Courage
    1.The benefits that I can get in paint program is getting high grade and it can make you feel good.
    2. Iwill

  27. Jerdhen D. San Diego... Gr.Protection

    1.I can benefits my skills doing Paint Program,and also my creativity..

    2.I will apply my skills doing Paint Program by doing it at home and teaching children how to use Paint Program...




  29. Kelly Muralla iv-protection usinging it in my project using it always

  30. Name:Paolo Paris G. Erasquin
    Grade 4 Our Lady of Protection

    1.The benefits i can get in paint program are to practice it and by always doing the skills in paint program.I can share it to others.
    2.I can apply my skills in paint program by always practicing.

  31. Nicole Faith O. Zacarias 4-Protection
    1.The benefits that I can get from the paint program is that I can draw anything on it.And another is I can study about the uses of the paint program.
    2.I can apply the skills in using the paint program by practicing my drawings in the paint program.And also by going back on the previous lesson about paint program.

  32. Kimberly Veloso
    1.the benifits that i can get are the following
    a.having a good time with nature by planting new trees making plants grow faster. using my imagenation , by seeing new things in the world be a better place to other poeple.
    i can apply my skill using paint by the following:by seeing my talent to others ,by being a writer and a lot more other things.

  33. Rose Antonette May P. Lope
    Gr. 4 Our Lady of Protection

    1.The benefits and I can do my assingments I Can draw their when i am boring.

    2.I will practice it.

  34. pauline mae t.tolentino IV-protection G-20
    1.when we are bored we can draw anything in just in paintprogram and in just a min. We have a beautiful drawing and you can print and save if you are not done and you can post it in the facebook practicing at home and I will teach my friends so they can teach there friends too.

  35. -Christine Fernandez Grade`4 Protection G9-
    The Benefits we can get from paint program is..
    1.We can Learn more.
    We Can Teach Other How to use `Paint`Program`
    We cam Share to people are talent in `Paint`Program`
    2.Practice it Everyday because Practice makes Perfect .. ^^

  36. Kimberly A.Petallar IV-Protection

    1.I can BENEFITS PAINTING by PRACTICING and learning.

    2.I will MASTER it.

  37. richard p.polhen jr.grade four our lady of protection

    1.doing paint

    2.i 3ill practice and practice

  38. Ryan Albert L. Balahadia Our Lady of Protection

    1.The benefits you can get in paint we can help our community by painting good things that they may change their bad attitude.

    2.we could draw beautiful things like caring for nature and inspire them learn to use paint

  39. name:jan kendrick sia sectoin:protectoin11
    1.The benifits we can get is we can memorize the tools name using paint program

  40. jennifer p. rellesg G15
    1.the toolbox to learn how to use paint program. posting a drawing or painting..

  41. Naomi Rhona M. Santos IV-Protection

    1.The benefits that I can develop my skills
    2.I will do it everywhere and i will do it every weekend

  42. Name:Renelyn L. Enrile
    grade 4 our lady of protection

    1.if you are bored you can paint if you want.we can expres our feelings true paintings
    2.we can draw our beautiful paintings and we will practice and practice

  43. Franz Austin V. De Mesa IV Protection
    1.The benefits that I get from paint are project for your school.
    2.I will apply my art skills in paint by expressing my feelings.

  44. Stella Christine C. Gerolaga
    Gr.4 - Our Lady of Protection

    The benefits that I can get from paint is painting easier and I could do my projects in there.
    I can apply my art skills in paint by using it every time

  45. name:shammira

  46. kae p. rodriguez Gr.4-protection

    I can benefits my skills by practicing it at home.
    I can apply my skills by teaching childrens

  47. Nikki Juliana G. Purog 4- Protection g13

    1. I can benefit my painting by doing my 3ork and dra3.

    2. by teaching to other

  48. Nicole Ann B. Santos IV- Protection
    1. I will do the benifits of paint by using this always
    2.I will do this and draw it

  49. ma sofia isabelle e. espinosa 4-protection
    1.the benefits that I can get in paint program is by creating more paint
    2. i will apply in paint program is by practicing

  50. abcd domingo our lady of consolation
    1.we can get it like drawing are favorite fruit.we can get it like teaching our brother in painting.

    2.i will master it by drawing our using paint everyday.

  51. Michael angelo Q altar
    IV-Our Lady of consolation
    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    The Benefits that you can get to paint program is use the paint program crectly and properly
    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?

  52. Aaron daniel U.
    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?

    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?

  53. christian jesric G. libutanb8
    1.i will memorize the toolbars.And iwill draw my daily activities

    2.i will draw a art evryday and i will practice more at home

  54. KimAndrew C De Martin
    4 Consolation
    1.The benefits that I can get in paint program I can master the skills that I learn by practicing more at home

    2. By doing paint and you can post it in any program

  55. zino r. miyajima
    4 consolation1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?by not copying any answers of your classmates because you will have a low grades.
    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program? paint carefully because its a pt#

  56. Adrian Villanueva Gr.4 O.L.of consolation
    1.1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    answer:The benifits that i could get is painting.
    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?
    answer:by expressing my feelings by paint program.

  57. Anton Miguel Arcigal gr-4 consolation
    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    answer; you can apply your benefits by teaching it to other
    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?
    answer; by still doing it

  58. Roel John Robbie B. Lopez
    the benifits that you can get is
    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    the benifits that you can get is the activity paint draw and color & i can learn from it 0000
    just like the part of it.And you can do any thing.

    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?
    you can apply this in tour life in arting. and performing.

  59. Hannah Dagdag - Consolation
    1.We can entertain people.We can make a graph.Construct a building.
    2.By reviewing its parts.Using its tools one by one.By using the "TEXT TOOLBAR" when i draw.

  60. Sean Gabrielle B.Delos Reyes
    4 consolation b5
    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?

    We can get benefits by using paint by using it in our prijects.And by art projects.

    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?

    i can apply ny skills in paint by using it in our daily lives.ican apply my skills in paint by always open it when we are doing in projects and in art projects.and it can use it in hele an mape.

  61. danille therese mandac
    4 consolat1.
    What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    ican get is some good have great paints in paint program
    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?
    to have to master the skill by using have good to poost some painting in paint program

  62. Fe Elenor M.Tupas
    grade-4 consolation

    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    Answer: You can learn more about computer.And you can learn how to use computer.
    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?
    Answer:By drawing and painting.And by being good in drawing and painting.

  63. B-12
    Aironne Quintela
    IV-our lady of consolation learning th MSPaint
    2.I will apply skills in paint program by:creativity.
    Samantha Manila 4Consolation
    1.the benifits that i can get is that i can learn more about MSPaint.
    i can use some of the shortcut keys.
    2.i can make posters for some occasions.
    i can do my projects in art.
    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?

  64. Name:Hener R. Cifra B-4 Consolation
    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    We can learn more paint program in using the paint toolbox and learn any things in paint program.
    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?
    I learn paint program

  65. karl josef s. suva b14
    our lady of consolation

    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    answer:arts,painting,coloring and drawings
    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?
    answer:i will draw.iwll color

  66. James jobert c. visperas
    our lady of consolation

    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    answer: I will practice and practice an till i got so i practice benefits using paint program.
    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?

    I will open enitime the piant program and i will
    teach my sister and my brother. So we apply my skill in paint program

  67. Bettina Sophia M. San Pablo G4-consolation
    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?

    answer:i can get good benefits by making my projects and drawing what i want.And the bad benefits that i can get is sometimes other people draw bad pictures or drawing.

    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?

    answer:I can apply it by by practicing hard and when i have feelings to let go i draw it in the paint program and .I will even master it and do it at home.

  68. ashley ann m. manalo
    4 consolation

    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    answer:the benefits using paint program its so you can do it quietly and care.

    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?

    answer: i apply the skills using paint program
    and and i want to do this so that your skills to care and always care your paint program pain program is important to us because we can draw thing ex. nature,cartoons,and thing...

  69. Ellissa Mae Alanonay
    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    - Paint is important in my life because paintis
    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?

  70. angeli ofel m galeno g8
    1 the benifits that i can get in paint program is i can paint or draw.And ican make posters.

    2I will paint.And i will make an art

  71. Maria Andrea M. Cueto
    Gr.4 Consolation

    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    The benefits that i get in paint program is using the tools to learn more.And I learn the tools in how to use paint program.

    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program? I will apply my skills by practicing everyday.And posting art in the paint program.

  72. Ajaypreet 5ingh 4 con5olation

    1. 3hat are the benifit5 that you can get in u5ing
    paint program in your daily activitie5?
    The paint i5 important to u5 becaue5 3e can do our project and re5earch 3ork5.

  73. Diane Marie M. Angeles
    Gr4-Our Lady Of Consolation
    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    The benefits you can get in using paint program in your daily life is your project or your self-creativity.Cause self-creativity means you can get a royal creativty with fealing in your life and benefits means where an you get the goodness in paint program cause paint program you can do all your activities if ther is paint but if ther is no paint program we cannot do our activities and our other works.
    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?
    I will apply it by showing it to others and practicing the goodness of paint progaram and we an also pally it by our hearts.And in paint progaram is the skills of childrens and our family cause paint is also known as the art attack movie it has many paint and many activities in life like also artzuka it is also creative in our whole benefits in life.

  74. Precious Angela Marie M. Aying G3 4- Our Lady of Consolation
    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?

    We can get benefits by making a poster and projects.We can also make cards to give for someone.
    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?

    By practicing it and by teaching others.We can also apply it by making arts.

  75. cassandra mahan consolation

    1.Iwill always see it.di it.
    2.I will use it.Iwill do it.

  76. T1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?tristan Lloyd M.Tatlonghariiv-consolation
    ans.1 The benefits I can get in paint program how
    draw in computer.And Ican draw using my skill
    that I learned paint in paint progam.
    By practicing it at home.By teaching other children in painting.

  77. Pamela Nicole R. Balid 4- consolation

    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    answer;skills and talents

    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?
    answer;by practicing and sharing it to others

  78. Tanya S. Sharma
    Grade-4Our Lady Of Consolation

    1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    Answer:I can learn.And so i can do it properly.
    2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?
    Answer:I can apply by doing it creativity.And become a nice drawing

  79. Adrian A Silva
    Gr 4 Our Lady of Love

    1.What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
    Ans: I can learn to express creativity and imagination.

    2 How will you apply your art skills in using paint?
    Ans I will practice it in doing it day to day so I will master it.

  80. Karl Adrian T Tabios love
    1.You can practice your skills in drawing objects and painting or coloring them.and you can express your feelings by comic strip if you want no one will know your feelings about them.
    2.Iwill make my drawing more realistic and attractive and I will do it with creativity.
    March 14 2011

  81. Madelein Raymundo g-24

    1.we can draw anything you want to say or you can also express it by drawing in paint program. doing your imagination or your creativity in doing paint

  82. Lenina Sasha Nadine O. Liuag
    Gr. 4 Our Lady of Love
    The benefits is that you can express your feelings through paint.

  83. Andrea isabel A. medina G-22
    our lady of love

    1.One example of the benefits that i can get in using paint in my daily activities is being resourceful,more creative and being educated in different also helps me in learning in new things that I see.

    2.I can apply my art skills in using paint program by using my creativness in drawing and apply what i learn in what I see around me.And also by drawing what i am imagining.

  84. Ruiz B. Chavez Gr. 4 Love

    1.We can practice our selves. Example your a grade 3 pupil and

  85. Kristian Angelo
    G4 LOVE
    1.Our skill in painting improves everyday through paint
    2.Just imagine that you're doing a regular painting

  86. Gabriel A. Hildawa B8

    1.What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daiy activities?

    -Our skills in paint will be enhanced and to be a good painter or drawer.

    2.How will you apply your art skills in using pain program?

    -By using its designs and styles.

  87. Stephanie Robledo G-25
    1.We can be more creative.
    2.I can apply it by doing it well in paint program...

  88. Marjonela Claire S. Mas g21 love

    1.We can be more creative and resourceful if we use paint program in our daily activities.

    2. I can apply the skills in using paint program by teaching it to others so that they may be artistic and creative in doing their works.

  89. zino r miyajima
    4 consolation

  90. Montejo Armarie B. G-13 Conolation


  91. Rodhine Anjelik G. Tatel
    IV-Our Lady of Health

    We can solve our assignment/homework if we use internet.Because of internet,you can create more perfectly in your assingments too.This are the work that you can do in the internet.

    March 15,2011
