Thursday, February 17, 2011

HELE 5 Reflection #2

Direction: Please write your name and section before answering:

1. How do ornamental plants help us to beautify the surroundings?
2. Why do we need to plant?


  1. Yvan Dwight Lee Zaulda
    Dennis C. Vergel
    1.How do ornamental plants help us to beautify surroundings?
    answer.`need water and sun light and care with it.
    2 we need plants for food and for fresh air.

  2. Ma.Andrea T. Angeles Eizhner Ryan L.Balahadia
    V- Purification Of Mary
    1.It helps us so our surroundings very beauifull.
    2.So we have fresh air.

  3. Angelica samantha T. Alloso
    1.The ornamental plants help us to beautify the surroundings because it is attractive to people...

    † Angelo Gabriel E. Azucena †
    2. We need plants to lessen Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and to beautify the surroundings.

  4. 1.ornamental plant help us to beautify the surrondings by:fresh air and the surrondings make colorful.... stop the global warming,makes the surrounding beautiful and makes the fresh air....
    5-purification of mary

    Yvonne kyle l. Zaulda
    Kris Angelo Von S.Moraleja

  5. Delilah Dior D. Olfindo
    5-Purification of Mary G-11

    1.They help the surroundings beautiful by giving out fresh air and showing their green and nature color

  6. Babielle C. Benitez
    V - Purification of Mary

    1. It has beautiful colors.And has many kinds of plants.

    Christopher Norman g.batalla
    V - Purification of Mary live with healyhy body

  7. Yvan Dwight Lee Zaulda V-Purification of Mary
    1. How do ornamental plants help us to beautify the surroundings?
    Answer:by Giving water,sunlight,and air
    2. Why do we need to plant?
    answer:bi giving us air

  8. David Francisco Purification of mary.....
    1: by the color of the plant's and flower's

    2: to clean the air..

  9. its color.
    2.we need to plant because it lessen the impact of global warming

  10. 1.Ornamental plants help beautify our surroundings.Because the ornamental is beautiful.
    2.To prevent floods and pollution.Plants gives us fresh air.

    By:Chistian manzano b14

  11. † Angelo Gabriel E. Azucena †

    1. by making it attractive to people, gives the surroundings fresh air.

    2. We need plant in order to get food, oxygen and lessen the pollution or helps us in Global Warming.

  12. Kevin Andrew P. Gamboa
    V-Purification Of Mary

    1.The Plants Mix With The Objects In The Place.

    2.The Plants Give's Us Oxigen And Absorbs Co2.. :)

  13. 1.Ornamental plants help beautify our surroundings.Because the ornamental is beautiful.
    2.To prevent floods and pollution.Plants gives us fresh air.

    By:Chistian manzano b14

  14. Eizhner Ryan L. Balahadia
    1.It helps because of its beautiful flowers.And it help because of its smell.
    2.So that we will have fresh air.And to have a beautiful surroundings.

  15. Victor George Felix Bermundo
    gr.5 Purification of Mary
    1.)how do ornamental plant help us to beautify the surroundings?
    answer:It help the surroundings beautiful by its flower
    2.)why do we need to plant?
    answer:so that we can have something to eat.

  16. 1. We need fresh air makes our place beutiful

  17. Edryxzhon Jinn R. Ponce helps us to make one place colorful and beautiful and healthy that we can have enough oxygen for us to breath with

  18. John adam E.Cifra Grade 5-Purification
    Becaus the plant are surrounding.

  19. France Milenio D. Guadalupe

    V-Purification of Mary

    1. ornemental help our sorrounding beautiful by: caring them.

    2.we need plants because animals will be no foods and other people so we need plants

  20. d0n paulo lapira
    V purification of mary

    1 i cant help us to hepl the sur0undings by beautify the plants
    2 to prevent p0llution

  21. *louise miguel* (v-purification)
    1. It can produce fresh air.It makes our world nice and eco green
    2.We need fresh air

  22. ♥ Bianca Nikkole M. Guevarra ♥
    5-Purification Of Mary

    1.Ornamental plants can be a decoration so the surrounding became beautiful.

    2. We needs plants to prevent floods.

  23. -Chandler Pryce E. Gawaran-
    ♀V- Purfication of Mary♀

    1.) How do ornamental plants help us to beautify the surroundings?
    2.) Why do we need to plant?

    1.)Ornamental plants beautify the surroundings by its colorful flowers and leaves.
    2.)To have enough supply of Oxygen and to lessen the Carbon Dioxide (CO2) in our atmosphere.

  24. Rexielle keith Cabague

    1.By making it attractive

    2.We need to plant because we have food and oxygen

  25. christopher norman g. batalla
    purification of mary
    1.ornamental plants can be beautiful our place and and can be nice to our home
    2.because it can beuty are place

  26. Yvonne kyle l. zaulda
    5-Purification Of Mary
    1.Ornamental PLants Help Us To Beautify the surroundings by their flowers....
    2.we need to plant because the environment need now the plants and the air to be fresh....

  27. Elijah Matthew B. Espiritu
    V-Purification of Mary
    1.How do ornamental plants help us to beautify th surroundings?
    A:Ornamental plants help us by their natural colors and uniqueness in different parts of the world.They also lessen the extreme heat from the sun to prevent global warming that damage our only home,beloved Mother Earth, the living planet in the whole universe that mankind has ever known.

    2.Why do we need to plant?
    A:The answer is very simple. We need to plant so that it can prevent too much heat from the sun. We also need to plant in order to beautify our surrounding and give life to the environment.They also help lessen carbon dioxide that is causing global warming to Mother Earth. They also attract lots of people that love their unique colors and smell.

  28. bricks S.lapuz
    Gr.5- Purification of mary

    ornamental plants helps to beautify our surrounding to lessen the heat

  29. Angelica Samantha T. Alloso
    V-Purification of Mary
    1.ornamental plants help us to beautify the surroundings by their attractive colors..

    2.we need to plant because we can recieve fresh air and we have a good enviroment and so our surroundings become beautiful.

  30. Delilah Dior D. OLfindo
    V-Purification of Mary

    1.It helps make the surroundings beautiful by showing is nature green color that is good for our eyes and the flowers make the surroundings colorful

    2.They give out fresh air and helps us during rainy seasons especially during floods.And so the surroundings will be beautiful and so we can have food.

  31. Ma. Kristina Angela D. Gianan
    Gr. V- Purification of Mary

    1. How do ornamental plants help us to beautify the surroundings?

    Answer: It can help us to beautify surroundings by its beauty. We can use it as a design. And it can prevent carbon dioxide because they need carbon dioxide to create food on the process called "photosynthesis" and when it created food it releases oxygen.

    2. Why do we need to plant?

    Answer: We need to plant in order to live because we need oxygen to live. The plants release oxygen that we breathe. We need to plant to beautify our surroundings.

  32. Ky1a mari h paj0ta
    V-Purificati0n 0f mary
    1They he1p us beutify surr0ndings because 0f they c010r
    2 Because they give 0xygen ang they zip f100ds and prevent g10ba1 warming

  33. Babielle C. Benitez
    V - Purification of Mary

    1. How do ornamental plants help us to beautify the surroundings?

    - It can beautify our surroundings by its color and its flower.

    2. Why do we need to plant?

    - Because if there's no plant we will not have fresh air and no plant our surrounding will not be beautiful.

  34. mariah jessica tito
    5-purificaction of mary makes the environment beautiful and colorful. the air pollution will lessen.

  35. Angelique Y. Flores
    5-Purification of Mary

    1.How do ornamental plants Help us to Beautify The surroundings?
    It helps us beautify our garden by their colors and beautiful leaf .

    2.Why do we need to plant?
    We need to plant because it help the environment Lessen the pollution. and it help us breathe Fresh Air.

  36. Aila Bernadelle L. Caleja Gr.5 Purification
    1. How do ornamental plants help us to beautify the surroundings?
    The ornamental plant can help us to be beautify the surroundings in our home&in any place

    2. Why do we need to plant?
    if we plant more ornamental plant or other plant we will have fresh air any where.

  37. Angela Isabelle T. Velasco
    Holy Name of Mary

    1.Because of the colorful flowers and leaves.
    2.We need plants to lessen the carbon dioxide and release oxygen .

  38. jannus dylan o catapang
    holy name of mary can help us by bearing beutiful flower that can beutify our school.
    2. we need plants to have to eat, and brethe.

  39. Pauline Anne M. Cueto
    5-Holy Name of Mary

    1.How do ornamental plants help us to beautify the surroundings?

    Answer:Ornamental Plants help us beautify the surroundings by its beautiful colors,petals and its wonderful smell...

    2.Why do we need to plant?

    Answer:Other people say that Planting is just a hobby or a chore but planting is just not that it also helps us give oxygen.It helps our world to be more greener

  40. Andrea Xanthe Fulgencio
    5-Holy Name Of Mary

    1.How do ornamental plants Help us to beautify the surroundings?
    It hepls us by decorating our home and making our country green and healthy.

    2. Why do we need plant?
    We need plant because if we dont have plants we canot smell the good air and it will cause flood if the trees is not ziping the water.

  41. Katherine Abisamis
    5.Holy Name of Mary
    1.How do ornamental plants help us to beautify the surroundings?
    Answer:By their colorful flowers.
    2.Why do we need to plant?
    Answer: So that we can prevent the global warming.


  43. Ana Rose Fallaria
    V-Holy Name of Mary :)

    1. How do ornamental plants help us
    to beautify our sorroundings ?
    - It can help us by making our home home
    looks beautiful .It can help us Because of
    their colorful petals and good fragance .

    2. Why do we need to plant ?
    - Because , if we plant ornamental
    plants , it can lessen the polluted air
    it also make the place Beautiful :)

  44. Lorie Chris C.Morales
    V-Holy Name of Mary

    1.How do ornamental plants help us to beautify the surroundings?
    -Their colors,texture and their beautiful stem.

    2.Why do we need plants?
    -Plants give us fresh air,medicine,can beautiful the surroundings,foods,we can build house.

  45. catherine marie d. munoz
    V-holy name of mary
    1.The ornamental helps us beautify our surroundings by thier beatiful colors.the ornamental plant make tha earth colorful.the ornamental plants make the surrounding because thier
    2. we need plant to survive on earth because plant are the one who make oxygen.plant are the one who make our planet color green. plant are the one who make our atmosphere smell fresh.

  46. Andrea Xanthe Fulgencio
    Holy Name of Mary

    1. How do ornamental plants Help us to beautify The surroundings?
    the plants beautify our surroundings by thier color green leaf and their colorful flowers.

    2. Why do we need to plant?
    We need plant because if their area flood the plant will zip it and their will no land slind or mud flood.

  47. Brixter Genre G. Gonzales
    V-Holy Name of Mary
    1.How do ornamental plants help us to beautify surroundings?
    Ans.Ornamental plants helps us to beautify our surroundings everywhere.

    2.Why do we need to plant?
    Ans.To help lessen the pollutions anywhere.To help the environment clean and green.

  48. Arvie Alcaraz
    Holy Nmae
    1.How do ornamental plants Help us to Beautify The surroundings?
    Ornamental plants help us by their natural colors and uniqueness in different parts of the world.They also lessen the extreme heat from the sun to prevent global warming that damage our only home,beloved Mother Earth, the living planet in the whole universe that mankind has ever known.
    2.Why do we need to plant?
    We need to plant because it lessen the impact of global warming.

  49. Paola Richelle M Natividad
    5-Holy Name of Mary
    1.THey can beautify by their colorful colors
    by their pleasing scent
    2. SO their somethng beautify the sorroundings
    so we can be healthy

  50. Paola Richelle Natividad
    %-Holy NAme of Mary
    1.BY their colors,By their Plaesing scent
    2.SO we can be healthy,so it can beautify the sorroundings

  51. Alva Mae C. Dinglasan
    5-Holy Name Of Mary

    1)How do ornamental plants Help us to Beautify The surroundings?

    answers: ornamental plants can beautify the surroundings by it color.

    2)Why do we need to plant?

    answer: we need plant to have fresh air and if their is a plant we have foods if there is no plant no food also.

  52. Jan astrid R. Uyseco 5- holy name of mary
    1.hmmmm it makes the place clean and green
    2.we need to plant because we can save mother earth by planting the plants.........,it give as oxygen

  53. Regine marie sales 5-Holy Name of Mary give us a colorful surroundings..
    2.we need to plant so that we can help in preventing floods....

  54. Rhea May B.Perez
    5-Holy Name of Mary

    1)The ornamental plants helps the surroundings be beautiful because of the colorful colors of the ornamental plants...♥

    2)WE need to plant because it can help us to prevent Global Warming to our Nature...And We need to plant so that we can have beautiful surroundings......:) ♥♥

  55. BRENDAN QERBY S.CACDAC V-HOLY NAME OF MARY B2 helps as beautify our garden and we can breathe fresh air.

    2.We need plant because it helps mother earth healthy,green and clean and it helps us breathe fresh air.

  56. John Margot A.Mamar
    5-holy name of mary
    1. How do ornamental plants Help us to Beautify The surroundings?

    Ornamental plants helps us make our city clean and green

    2. Why do we need to plant?

    We need to plant to save people from smokes and flood plants help lessen floods.the water of the floods make them their food

  57. Angelo Casaclang
    G-VHoly Name of Mary

    1.It can help us make a beautiful surroundings by a beautiful flower by means of color

    2.We need plants to have a beautiful surroundings and it can make more oxgen

  58. Sophia Ann Marie P. Doria Ü
    V-Holy Name of Mary

    1)It can beautify our surroundings by the flowers.It decorates our homes our home will be attractive :"">

    2)We need to plant because if we know how to plant,we can beautify our own places and we know how to make it attractive

  59. ♥Therese Angelica Jean B. Jimenez♥
    ♥Holy Name of Mary♥

    1. Ornamental Plants help us beautify the surroundings through it's quality. If the quality of the plant is nice and can attract, it already beautify our surroundings.

    2. We need to plant because it is important to our environment and plant prevents flood and it can give us fresh air.

  60. Catherine Marie D. Munoz
    5-Holy Name of Mary help us to Beautify the garden or the pollution.
    2.So that we can help the pollution to are home and all place that we can see and we can ha ve a fresh air if we have more plants and more tree and we can save the environment.

  61. Raymond M. Tumaneng
    5-Holy Name Of Mary

    1)It helps by their color
    2)to have fruit,vegtable and Beautify the place

  62. Edjan R. Remanente
    5-Holy Name Of Mary

    1)How do ornamental plants Help us to Beautify The surroundings?
    Ornamental plants can beautify the surroundings by there color
    2)Why do we need to plant?
    To convert carbon dioxide to oxygen and it make our home beautiful.

  63. GABRIEL bernardo villegas
    holy name of mary
    1.the colors and the smell we have fresh air

  64. Rounie Bert O. Castro
    V-Holy Name of Mary
    1.The ornamental plant Helps our environment by cleaning our air in our places.and ornamental help us also by preventing a flood.
    2.We need to plant Because it help us to clean our air in our environment And it help us also to prevent a flood.

  65. marie angelique p. aiguilar v-holy name of mary helps us create great design. help mother earth

  66. Angelo Martinez
    V-Holy Name of mary

    1.Ornamental Plants can Help us beautify our surroundings by it pleasant smell
    2.We need to plant to prevent global warming and help us to have fresh air!!!!

  67. Zhan Kalel Ron
    V -Holy name Of Mary help's us beautify the Surrounding's by making the earth color green.
    2.we plant because its the order of thing's we create carbon Dioxide that the plants needed to create oxygen that we need

  68. Peter M. Mendoza
    V-Holy Name of Mary

    1.It helps us beautify our garden by their beautiful color flowers

    2.We need plant because there are many pullution

  69. bricks S. lapuz
    5 purification of mary

    1. can help us to buetify tthe soruondings by making the earth color green

  70. <3Eizhner Ryan L. Balahadia<3

    1.It helps us beautify our garden by their beautiful color flowers.The plants help us to stop some floods.
    2.We need to plant to stop pollution.We need to plant so that we will have fresh air.

  71. Chandler Pryce E. Gawaran
    V- Purification of Mary
    1. How do ornamental plants help us to beautify the surroundings?
    2. Why do we need to plant



