Tuesday, October 12, 2010

4 - Our Lady of Love

Reflection/ Journal

Direction: Make a simple paragraph about "GOD'S GIFT" by answering the following questions below. Each answer consist of at least five or more than five(5) sentences to create one paragraph. Follow the correct format in creating a paragraph. Type first your class number and your complete name before answering.

1. How will you describe the beauty of nature?
2. In what way you can show care to our mother nature?
3. As Marian, how can you prevent Global Warming?


  1. G-14 Christelle U. Laquian

    For me God's gift is our world.With out the earth we will not leave.I can describe the beauty of nature is the trees,flowers and other plants are healthy and growing well.Clean waters,clean air and unpolluted land.The ways that I can do for mother nature are by not wasting water,don't throw trash at the streets or water forms,by planting trees or any plants.There are many ways how we can save mother nature and this can also prevent global warming.As a marian I can prevent global warming by saying to people to help one another by cleaning the streets and water forms,by joining programs for our environment.we should save mother nature and be one.

  2. G-10
    Juliet Mae Clement U. Espadilla 4-Love
    1. I'd describe it greenand sometimes brown.
    Sometimes, I smell fresh air from the trees. The lakes, rivers, streams, oceans are clean.I love my surroundings.I see beautiful nature.

  3. B-16 Johnelle Jerrel O. Tiu

    God has many gifts to us. The examples are intelligence,and creativity.others are kindness,and love.there are many Gods gift to us. These are the other gifts of God.

    God's other gifts are blessings that we receive everyday. Even our family and teachers. Even the solar system and the Earth. God created water, land, and atmosphere or air as we know. The animals that we see too! They are one of the important living things that God made for us.

    There are very many living things that God made. We need those God's gift. So we can be alive.And for us to survive.So we have to take care of God's gift.

  4. The nature is God's gift to us. in provinces ,you can really appreciate the beauty of nature. There are fresh air, trees,scent of flowers,friends and many more.How nice is the nature to look at and who made it? GOD did.

    There are many ways to show care for our mother nature. I can help by planting trees,conserving water, not playing with plants. As my motto says;How wonderful would the world be if there is love and care from me.I can show it also by joining different projets that can help us save our own living planet, EARTH.
    Global warming is the one who destroys our planet so I,my self can help prevent global warming.I could just use cars that operates battery so not have pollution,not throwing garbage to any land form orwater form,that is why when I grow up I want yo be an environmentalist so I could help others clean surronding.

  5. g21 Marjonela Claire Mas
    God's gift should be praised and thanks because He had given us so much.The beauty of nature will be beautiful if we take good care of it and love it.We should thank God for all that he done for us.

    We can took good care of Mother Nature by planting many trees,throwing garbages in their proper places and many more.mother Nature is important because it gives us shade,shelter,food and many more.

    As a Marian,I can prevent Global warming by using solar energy panels,planting more trees, and more.we can prevent Global Warming in our own little way.We should thank God's gift because it has so many uses for us and we should take care of it.

  6. G-11 Aubienne
    The nature is beautiful like all humans.It's also beautiful like butterflies Above.It is how we care for them.They are like animals.Like plants that are green.
    All of us can show care to our mother nature.We can help in cleaning our cities,house,and the roads.We can also plant many trees.By not throwing garbage.By not cutting trees.
    I can prevent global warming by not using plastic bags.By not letting our car's engine working even someone is not using it.By not throwing garbage.By helping in cleaning.By not burning trees.

  7. B-17 Gabriel Alexis T. Tolentino

    The beauty of our nature is created by God. God made this for us to see the clean and beautiful nature. God also made this for us to live here to take care of it. I can describe this as our body,Because if don't take care of it it will be dirty.

    We should participate in cleaning projects like "Takbo para sa Ilog Pasig" .In this projects we can also inspire others to help in sustaining the beauty of our mother nature.Another way is to make rules like "No Littering" and reminders like "Clean as you go".In making rules and reminders others can also participate in following these things. That way everyone can participate even in our own little ways.

    As a Marian ,I will find ways to help in sustaining the beauty of our mother nature . And I will also follow the rules and reminders in some other places. And I can also listen to some notes from Nickelodeon "The Big Help. We can find some notes here like ,"Do not leave your cars engine on ,because it can increase th rage of Global Warming . I will also participate in the projects for our mother narure.

  8. G-25
    Stephanie Mae M. Robledo
    1.The nature is created by god.It creates beauty to our surroundings.The beauty of nature can helps us.It's wonderful.It's beautiful.
    2.I'll show care for our Mother Earth by cleaning.By telling others that we should decrease pollution.By helping each other.By planting trees.By not cutting trees.
    3.I can prevent Global Warming by planting trees.By not cutting plants.By supporting programs about preventing global warming.By helping doing the 3R.By helping cleaning our surroundings.

  9. G17-Mary Dorothy Macsabejon

    I can say the Beauty of the the nature is made by God.And God make anything ugly.We should take care of our environment .Because the earth is the only place we can live in.

    Taking care of the environment is one way of taking care of the Mother Nature.We can also help people cleaning the streets.Or we can also join environmental campaign or programs that can help in taking care of the Mother earth.

    As a Marian, I will recycle some thing that can be recycled.I will help by not throwing garbage at the sidewalks.

  10. B-11John David S.Miranda
    I am a peace lover so that I can share peace in three ways.

    God's Gift was peace. Peace is a process of loving. The best way to start peace is at home. At home you take care of your parents. Secondly is to start in the community. In the community you help clean the streets. Third is in school. In school you study for your future. I also do all those things because it is good for our health. I am trying to be a very good boy so that God's gift will spread all over the world and we will all be happy

    I can prevent Global warming by turning of the engine. Second I will never waste water. I will plant new trees for our survival. I will also help by conserving plants. I am going to start a group on saving water.

  11. Adrian Andag Silva B-14 O.L Love

    Nature is a beautiful thing to have been created by our Lord Jesus Christ.Nature is one of the countless things that God s gifts to us and even our every opening of our eyes every mourning is a gift of life, because God makes us live for one more day.

    Showing care to nature means more then anything now, but let us go back a couple of centuries when the Earth was lush and green,when there was no wars to ruin the peaceful era of the Earth and where all living creatures live in peace,but now there is rarely a forest where living things may live in peace without deforestation and war. If we do not act now then our world will plunged into a an era of suffering and death because we pollute the world in our world

    As a marian I will help people stop global warming around our planet and in the way we will help other people with the problems of their environment even if it takes our livelihood to make it better as much as we can make it. The people deserve better then the state where we are living in right now as we do.

  12. G-22 Andrea Isabel A. Medina
    God's gift is us and nature,where we live.I describe that nature is beatiful.We must takecare of it.Some times people takecare of it and some times others just dont care about it.most people dont care about it thats why nature becomes unbeautiful.

    In my own little way,I can show love and care to our mother nature by not throwing trash everywhere.Because trash sometimes affect our health or our surroundings.And by cleaning our surroundings,helping others clean.And byplanting many trees.Because all of us needs air from trees.

    As a Marian I can prevent global warming by using the rest rooms properly.And by not writing vandalism.And by closing the sinks tightly.Beacause even a little drip can cause lots of waste of water.

  13. G-10
    Juliet Mae Clement U. Espadilla 4-Love
    I can show care to our mother nature by throwing trash in the right places.Sweep sometimes in the streets.Join the community service.Help pick up trash.Do not use vehicles always.walk instead of vehicles.It helps you to be more fit.

    I can prevent global warming by not using vehicles al the time.If you are using vehicles, turn off the motor of your vehicle when not in use.Do not waste water.Do not smoke.Do not burn garbages.

  14. G-8 Kiana Tarayne L. Dizon

    The beauty of nature is a wonderful creation of God . God made us so we can take care of our nature. I can describe that the beauty of nature is the best, because if there's no nature we can't live in the earth . If God did not made our mother nature for sure we will only see people and no other color than black & white. That's why I can say that our nature is the best and wonderful creation of God.
    I can show care to our mother nature by, helping my nanny clean my room.Joining programs like cleaning the barangay etc... By also throwing my garbage in the write way.
    doing also householdchores . Teaching my brother and sister put their trash in the trash bin.
    As a marian, I can prevent Global Warming by planting trees. Cleaning my own garbage . Not cutting trees. not polluting water and air.helping others clean their garbage

  15. G-26 Katherine Nicole P. Tulay
    You should thank God for all His gifts to everyone of us,because without God there will be no Plants,Animals and All other beautiful things in the Nature.

    I can take care of the Mother Nature by practicing the 3R's,Planting tree's and by Throwing trash properly and in proper way.

    As a Marian I can help in preventing Global Warming by doing the shopping bags every Wednesday to prevent pollution and to prevent Global Warming.If we don't prevent Global Warming the Earth will become worst and worst everytime and everyday.All of us should prevent Global Warming to make God happy.

  16. g-15 Sophia S. Larracas

    The beauty of nature is so wonderful.It has many color,it has peace, and it is Quiet.It is beautiful and it is good to see.it has many animal,people and it has beautiful houses.And,it has many people who are good.

    I will plant trees.I will take them nutrition food.I will love them.I will help them to their future.And,I will love them.

    I will not throw garbage.I will help my family to clean our surroundings.I will attend programs that are unite to Global Warming.I will throw Garbage in the proper places.And,I will help other peoples.

  17. G-23,Allyssa Jane B.Orejudodos

    I can describe the beauty of nature by respecting it bcuase God create it for us to have a beautiful nature.As a Marian I will take care of it.

    I can show care to our Mother Nature by
    voluntarily to join to the program about the earth.

    As a Marian I can prevent Global Warming by helping to plant trees every program because it si the sign that you respect God and God will become happy to us if we are voluntarily to take care and voluntarily to
    plant trees

  18. b-9 kristian
    1.I say that the beauty of nature is wonderful.Its magnificient beauty calms me.
    2.I can show my caring to mother nature in many ways.I can plant trees,I could save the world.3.I can stop global warming by doing 3R.

    These gifts that god gave us.

  19. g-16
    Lenina Sasha Nadine O. Liuag
    I can describe the beauty of nature by telling other people that we should take care of it because it is made by God.And we should always take care of Gods gift.
    I can show care to mother nature by not throwing trash in the oceans ,seas etc.I can also show care to mother nature by not using dynamites in fishing and many more.

    I can prevent global warming by turning off elctric appliances when nobody is using it.

  20. G3 Carmen Luisa P. Cabral

    The beauty of nature is God's gift for us. It is very important to take care of it. Our nature consists of bodies of land and water that should be taken care of. We should appreciate the beauty of nature because we can show that we love God. The beauty of nature is very delightful to see if it stays beautiful all the time.

    Taking care of mother nature can prevent pollution. If pollution is not prevented, other people will be affected. Even if I am still a young girl, I can do a lot of things for the next generation. I can just simply follow the rules around us. Or I can participate in some projects and activities that can help save mother nature.

    Global Warming can possibly affect many people. So as a Marian, I will follow the rules and regulations that can prevent Global Warming. For example, I will prevent burning plastics and non- biodegradable stuff that could affect our atmosphere. Also pollution can cause Global Warming. Polluted air can make people sick. So even if we prevent Global Warming, we also prevent sicknesses.

  21. G-7 Nicole Dela Cruz
    Do you see how beautiful is nature? God create them all for us to live peacefully.God create the Earth with the Sun,animals,plants and us.The nature is so beautiful so let's not destroy what God give us.Let's take care of what God give us for the future generation to have see how beautiful God's creation.

    Do you sometimes show care for mother nature?We can show care for mother nature by throwing garbage in a proper place like garbage can.The officials of the country is placing garbage can along the streets for us to place our garbage.Another way of showing care to mother nature is using compost pit.You can make a compost pit by just digging a hole in your backyard and place their your biodegradable trashes.The compost pit lessen your garbage and gives you fertilizer at the same time.

    As Marian,do you sometimes do ways to prevent Global Warming? Global Warming is the Warming of the Earth as Global Warming continue the ice in the south and north pole will melt and some of the countries in the world will sink.I can prevent Global Warming by planting trees or not cutting trees.I can also prevent it by using enviromental fuel.Let's take care of mother nature for the future genereation.

  22. G-24 Mary Madelein Anne O. Raymundo
    I can describe that beauty of nature is one of Gods Gift.God gave it to us so that we can have a home and we also have a misssion.God also give it to us to take care of it.He also give it to us because we need it as a human.
    I will take care of our mother nature by putting the trash in a proper way.I will also separate the biodegradable to the non-biodegradable.I will also pick up the trash in the suroundings.I will ask my father to dig a hole in our garage so that our trash will be put there and it will be the fertilizer of the soil.
    As a Marian i will not make any violence about our mother nature. I will also thank God for the gift and Blessings that he gave to us.the third is i will the role model in school in saving the mother nature. the fourth ones is I will tell to my classmates that we can can do the things that we have to do in saving the mother nature .
    For me all of us can change4 the world and we are the future of the other generation.

  23. G1 Jetka Tisha Venice T. Abogado


    God gave us nature to live a happier life. Nature is very important to us. The nature God gave us is very beautiful! In there, there are waving green grasses, shaking leaves, cute birds flying up in the sky, colorful flowers and our friendly pet pals in our sight! Nature is very wonderful!
    Nature needs care by the people lives in it. We have hands to hold and eyes to see. We can use our hands for caring and eyes to see what happens. We should obey signs everywhere, mountains or streets, airplanes or boats, everywhere! They're not only signs, they are for our safety, and for the nature! Even a single "Don't pick plants" sign, it can also protect flowers from picking and protecting people also because when the flowers are finished, there will have nature problems and the people will also be finished.. Then second, make a poster about caring for plants. The one passing your way can read it. There are still many ways to show care for Mother Nature.
    We have science teachers to teach us how to prevent global warming. As a Marian, I will prevent global warming by throwing trash in the proper place(s). Trash has a very simple way to prevent. Trash is one of the most common pollutant to Mother Nature that's why lets prevent it in the SIMPLEST way.

    Let's work together, one by one. Prevent pollutants that can destroy Mother Nature; before it's too late.


  24. B1 Avian Lance M. Basco

    The beauty of nature is wonderful I can describe it more by taking care of it, by not throwing garbage at nature. I can describe it more by using it properly. And by using it correctly. That is how I can describe nature.
    And showing ways to describe nature.

    I can show it by not cutting trees , not stepping on the grass , not picking flowers , and other more things. I can more take care of it by following rules always. And lastly I can show it by saving the Earth . Then that is the way I can show care to Mother Nature. And showing ways also.

    As a Marian I can prevent Global Warming by using loot bags and not plastic bags when shopping and other more things . I can prevent global warming more by Global Warming more by turning of gas or fuel when refuelling gas at the gas station. I can also do it by getting or by recycling things that are reusable. athen that is the way ican prevent global warming. and lastly that are the ways preventing global warming and by showing ways.

  25. G-12 Camille Ann Rose V. Galutira
    It has plants and animals and trees to give us oxygen. It is full of color and wonderful things theirs things we can discover. Some of us can't see the beauty of nature so we just do bad things for nature like cut trees or burn them. Sometimes I wonder if it would be like with no vehicles or factories. I can't explain the beauty of nature because there are many ways to describe nature.
    I can show care by planting trees or other plants, or trowing garbage in the right place. Not cutting or burning plants because they give beauty and also life. But if we do not show care to our mother nature maybe we can loose it. A way I can show care to mother nature is doing good things. I will tell even the peoples that I know to show love and care to mother nature.
    As a Marian I can prevent global warming by not burning woods or trees. And by Telling my family when we use the car to turn off the car so the smoke of the car would not spread. I will recycle papers so the trees would not be few only.

  26. G-2 Mikhaella B. Bautista
    "God's Gift"
    Nature is green and lovely.The beauty
    of nature is special for us in many ways.Birds soaring high in the sky.A beautiful sunset and dawn.Rivers and steams full of clean
    water.Forests so green.
    I will show care for Mother Nature by planting more trees.If there is a program by the goverment I will join it.I will throw my trash in the proper place.I will not pick flowers in private places.I will pick the trash I see.
    I will prevent Global Warming by not using plastics.I will plant more trees and other plants.By conserving water.By throwing in proper place. By conserving Electricity.

  27. B4RuizlorenzoB.Chavez
    Nature is beautiful. Because of it we need to take care of it. I describe natures beauty is so amazing. If you look at it you will be satisfied. Some of it is a place where tourist go.

    I can show care to mother nature by planting trees. We can follow the 3R which is Reuse,Reduce,and Recycle. We can reuse the paper that we use. We can reduce CO2 by not chopping down trees. We can recycle newspaper.

    As a Marian I can prevent Global Warming by suggesting my dad for using unleaded gasoline. By not chopping trees.

  28. G-13 Francine Alyana Juan

    The Beauty of Nature gives happiness and joy. Its gives us big responsibilities by taking care of them. The Youth like us must unite to take care of it. Giving each other peace helps Nature grow better and better day and night. Lets all take care of it in our own simple and fun way.

    Caring for Mother Nature is a big responsibility in each and every one of us. I will give care to it by not destroying the plants but watering them.Never ever destroy or kill nature because its the starter of all we have. Lets not use bad chemicals for nature. Lets care for nature in our own simple and neat way.

    Preventing Global Warming is a big job for us. As a Marian, I will do my best to prevent it. I shall prevent it by recycling some things. I will tell my friends to use recycled bags instead of using plastic bags.

  29. B-10 Harold S. Medina

    If you will describe the beauty of the nature it's not beauty anymore because the people today is not anymore doing what god gave to our nature.
    The other people think that God didn't make the beauty of the nature,we are just living it alone.
    I will show care to our mother nature by caring to our nature,by being obedient to our nature,because if you will not take care of it our nature will not be beautiful and be gone.Let's save the mother nature.
    As a Marian I will prevent global warming by

  30. G20 Angela Vanessa V. Manuel
    The beauty of nature is unbelievable.It is also one of a kind.it is green and we can have fresh air.it is also beautiful in our eyes.And it can also help us in our daily life because of it's beauty.

    I can show that I care for mother nature by using it properly. And i can also show that I care for mother nature by loving it and I can show that I love mother nature by following the rules written in taking care of mother nature like "Don't pick flowers".I can also take care mother nature by joining campaings that help mother nature.I can show that I realy take care of mother nature by 0conserving them.And most especialyI can show that I care by making it beautifuler.

    I can prevent globa warming by not burning garbages.I can also prevent global warming


    God made the nature for us to live.The world is very beautiful because of the nature.You can see many things in the nature.There are many animals and people inside the nature.Their are lots of living things that you can found in the world.

    Firstly i will plant trees.To prevent floods and to give us oxygen.Secondly i will join the activities to save mother nature.So that i can help Mother nature.Thirdly i will join to clean our barangay.

    As a Marian i will not throw the the trash everywhere.Because

  32. B-2 Carl Justine J. Bondad
    God's Gift

    Thanks to God we have a very beautiful world also known as the nature.The Beauty of Nature is wonderful to see.The examples of our beautiful nature are:Waterfalls,Streams of water,Mountains,Valleys,Plateaus and many more.We can also see Beautiful colors such as Forest green,Red as an apple,Violet as the space,Yellow-Red as the sun,Dark white as the moon and many more beautiful colors.There are also many cool creatures that walked on earth millions of years ago such as the Dinosaurs,some are living on earth until now like Crocodiles,Fishes and birds,while others are just evolving like Birds Lizards Fishes and many more, while others are not yet seen by our eyes.

    We can show care to our mother nature by obeying rules,not throwing garbage and many more.Becoming Eco-Friendly is also one of the thing that the mother nature needs.Not Killing animals or not hunting animals.Actually we also need knowledge on how to take care of ourselves.By caring for ourselves is also caring for our mother nature.

  33. B-3 Jon Bryannt o. Cabahug
    As of now,Mother Nature is almost destroyed by man.But,there are still wonderful places on Earth such as valleys,mountains,plains and many more.Those are some reasons that Nature can be said as"WONDERFUL EARTH".As what I said,Earth is destroyed by man.So,we must do something to SAVE THE EARTH. There are some ways to save the Earth.Some of this are planting trees, trash segregation and many more.

  34. B-5 Benedict R. Ching
    The beauty of natures that god made are making the tourist happy and it is making us happy too. For me the beauty of nature that god made is dirty now but long time ago it is beautiful. That is the reason why we should take care our nature. Helping the nature is helping god because god made it. There are many ways to save it. You are you gonna save the mother earth?

    Firstly by throwing our thrash in the right place. secondly by secondly by not cutting trees, you could cut trees but just replace it and many more. We should do this so we when the next generation come the nature that god made is beautiful. If you do not save mother earth it means your attitude is not that good. If you do the ways how to care mother nature if you are in the nest life the more you will have blessings.

  35. B-8 Gabriel A. Hildawa

    Do you see the beauty of nature?Its nice right?God created them all!We need to thank God for his gift to us.Nature that God's gift is very nice and beautiful.It makes our world peaceful and nice.Nature also gives our needs like the trees,It gives us shelter and food,plants,It gives us medicine for our daily life.

    I will show care to mother nature by not throwing garbages everywhere,participating in clean and green organizations and many more.We have many ways to show care to mother nature.But,you must not burn trashes just do the compost/composit pit for not polluting and showing care to our mother nature.Composit pit serves as fertilizer for the plants.You must put biodegradable trahes in it,not non-biodegradable.

    As a Marian,We must prevent global warming.If we prevent global warming we will not be sick.Our plants will not be wilther.If we have global warming we will have few foods to eat.And if we will have only few to eat,we will be sick and hard to prevent it.

  36. G9-Psalm T. Dorado
    The beauty of nature is the perfect place to let let the people to relax.Because it is God's most beautiful gift of all.It gives us inspiration to care for nature.It also lets us to be close to God.It will help us to trust God, and always pray to him.
    But as you see our nature is not good to look anymore.It is because we are not caring for it anymore.But as Marian I could do something to solve our problems.We just need to plant plants,then that is all.Of course we need to care for it.
    If we do it we could prevent Global warning.

  37. G-6 Chelsey Marie A. Dantes

    The beauty of nature is green,clean,relaxing and , you just wanna discover it.If you're having such a time ,well you might wanna try to go on a vacation with your family.The perfect place to go on a vacation is in the province.Its clean,green and relaxing in the province unlike here in the city,pollution and stress are the problem.So go on a vacation with your family and adore the beauty of nature.

    I can show care to mother nature by disciplining myself and by planting different kinds of plants.I can show discipline by throwing my trash in the trash bin.I can also plant different plants on the roof top of our home.In fact I already did that things!.So join me to do that thing's and help mother nature!.

    As a Marian I can prevent global warming by closing the engine of the car when parking it and by not rubbing the stiyrophone.

  38. B-5 Benedict R. Ching
    The beauty of natures that god made are making the tourist happy and it is making us happy too. For me the beauty of nature that god made is dirty now but long time ago it is beautiful. That is the reason why we should take care our nature. Helping the nature is helping god because god made it. There are many ways to save it. You are you gonna save the mother earth?

    Firstly by throwing our thrash in the right place. secondly by secondly by not cutting trees, you could cut trees but just replace it and many more. We should do this so we when the next generation come the nature that god made is beautiful. If you do not save mother earth it means your attitude is not that good. If you do the ways how to care mother nature if you are in the nest life the more you will have blessings.
    As a Marian I can prevent global warming by not throwing thrash or garbage anywhere. We should provide land field for the garbage disposal. Factories must have proper way to dispose their toxic waste to avoid poisonous. Factories should use proper way to dispose their smoke to avoid pollution. We should do this everyday.

  39. B-7 Carl Jason L. Guinto

    Nature is beautiful because of the things that surrounds us we have different colorful flowers. A lot of trees that are big and greener. Beautiful beaches that we can be proud of and attracts foreigners to visit our country. Boracay and Hundred islands are one of those popular tourist spots that we have. These are God's gift to us so we must cherish the beauty of nature.

    By planting trees to prevent heavy floods. Separate the biodegradable from non-biodegrable. Be responsible to throw trash on the right places.Avoid using chemicals that are harmful to the ozone layer. And by saving water.

    As a Marian, i should be well discipline and responsible in my every actions. I should not throw trash everywhere. I will avoid using things that can be harmful to ozone. Participate in tree planting if there are any.

  40. B13-Ranielle Daryl C. Resultay

    For me our nature is our sources and our protection from disaster.to save mother Earth I will plant trees and joins many activities to save mother Earth.As a marian,to prevent Global Warming is turned off any energy appliances.

  41. Juliet Mae Clement U. Espadilla
    Our nature is beautiful at provinces. Trees, grass and plants are reigning the ground. Fresh air is ruling the air. I l♥ve to look at God's creations. I l♥ve God's Gifts.
