Tuesday, October 12, 2010

4 - Our Lady of Courage

Reflection/ Journal

Direction: Make a simple paragraph about "GOD'S GIFT" by answering the following questions below. Each answer consist of at least five or more than five(5) sentences to create one paragraph. Follow the correct format in creating a paragraph. Type first your class number and your complete name before answering.

1. How will you describe the beauty of nature?
2. In what way you can show care to our mother nature?
3. As Marian, how can you prevent Global Warming?


  1. Micolo Francesco Coching B2

    1. I will use the internet to communicate to other .Country and other people or to my love one
    and.To your love one in .Other country like america,usa,canada,india,thats why.Computer can help us say that nature is.Beautyfull

    2.We can help mother earth by not throwing trash
    in the.Trash can and do, not build many factory so the air will be.Polluted and no bad will happen to mother earth els we wil be sick and we will mith die

    3.I will always take a bath or els i will say to the janitor to always.Coll the aircon and i will tell to other.Marians like me to bring a fan always so thew will be prevent hotness and.GLOBAL WARNING

  2. G4 Eeurha Dyana T. De Leon
    By respecting are nature for the nature.We need to help or to take care of our planet earth so that we have the beauty of the earth.Because we need to help our mother earth.We need to have the protection of are world\earth by our mother earth who helps us to care from the harm effects of the world.

  3. maria sofia g jornacion g9

    I will describe the nature by looking and appreciating the nature. The nature is healthy. The nature is clean. The nature is maid by god. The nature is very beautiful.

    I can show care to the mother nature by not cutting the trees.By following the laws. By recycling. By reducing garbages.By reusing papers to save trees.

    I can prevent global warming by planting many trees. By not burning the trees. by joining a program that helps to prevent global warming like run to the pasig river. by doing the 3rs. By using the garbages in making a fertilizer for plants.

  4. Ma.Rosarito Espia G6

    God created nature. Nature is important to us humans because plants give us oxygen. Nature is beautiful to us but we must take care of it but one of became careless we destroyed nature and now it has problems it has global warming and climate change.

    We can prevent pollution by not throwing trash any where in the streets, rivers, etc. We should plant more plants, trees, flowers. We should not use vehicles that can cause air pollution we can just walk or use a bicycle that would help mother nature and it can exercise our body and we should participate in planting trees.

    I can prevent global warming by not using smokey vehicles and I can just walk or vehicles that can't release smoke and I will not throw my thrash any where I will put them in proper places. And I can just plant trees and flowers in the garden.

  5. Trisha G8
    The beauty of nature is good to people.If we don't
    clean our surrondings it will have many pollution
    like air pollution,water pollution and soil pollution.The nature is kind a peace world sometimes.Sometimes the nature is polluted.The nature is beautyful.
    I will show care to mother earth by helping to clean the barangay.I will not put chemicals in the ocean so the fish will not die.I will not trow trashes in the sides of the street.To prevent pollution i will said to those like to smoke that
    don't smoke cause the air will be polluted.I will say to my classmate who's saying badwords always
    don't say badwords cause it's bad.
    As marian i will prevent GLOBAL WARMING by not saying badwords.I will clean our barangay.I will not trow trashes.I will not smoke when i grow up.

  6. G-15 josephine navarro Gr.4our lady of courage
    it is good to our place.I'm happy because our country is clean and our nature.are nature have many plant,people,food,animals and any thing over in the nature.our nature is beautiful so we can play no throwing any mess in the place and any thing in the house and in the school.because we have respect to the people and to the parents and teacher.So are teacher is happy because are nature is clean not dirty.
    i see good because god is work are nature
    so are mother nature is happy i help all the teachers and my parent because save our nature.and i take care of them because our nature is clean the teachers or parents not like our nature is dirty.are mother nature is going to work this are nature.i do good to my people because why did you have your mother is sad.our teacher is happy because our nature is beautiful no have a pieces of paper or anything.
    i prevent as a maria i can help and i can do my best.and my teachers happy for me my best is good and I'm healthy because i have a good and I'm help other to prevent global warming.i see to the teachers is good because i have a good.i love a good as i can see a good position and anything.i can have a good position i have a good posture.

  7. B8 Jack

    I will describe the beauty of nature by helping the people work and no war.I will not fight to others and cleaning the surroundings.By take a bath daily, watching the weather news and wear a cap, umbrella, and other clothes that can cover your head.And also when your at the beach, use sunblock so that you will not get sunblock. And also take a bath in your swimming pool because you might get fresh.

  8. G12 Rheana Marie P. Manapat

    I will describe the beauty of nature to communicate to the other country.And to my love one's and to the other people.And how can many people.Love the beauty of our nature.
    From:GOD'S GIFT.Then the computer helps us to care and for our beautiful nature.

    We can help mother earth by conserving plants.And not throwing trash in the streets/any places that can be.And by not cutting the trees in any where.And help each other to clean or save our Mother Earth.And don't fight each other to save our mother earth.

    I will prevent global warming i will take a bath everyday.And to take care to the
    GLOBAL WARMING.Global warming is an warning that can be care about your self.And it's to take care.And global warming is to give a sick when you do not follow the instruction in global warming.

  9. G-16 Arianna Coleen T. Ochua
    I will describe the beauty of nature by loving the nature.WE have to take care the nature because it is our home.We have to take care for nature because God created nature so we have a home to live in.We have to love the nature by cleaning it,not polluting it.We have to love and care for nature because nature is our home,it is God creation and nature has many thing that is beautiful and we should not destroy it.
    I will show care fo our nature by making it clean ,by making it beautiful like God create it. We have to help one another by cleaning the surroundings so our nature is clean ,and we will not be sick.We have to love nature because God created the nature.We have to work hard so our nature will be not pollute.We have to make our nature a beautiful when god created it.
    As just a person we can't prevent global warming by doing good for our nature.We have to make the tree reproduce so global warming is just sometimes happen.We have to make the air still fresh.We have to recycle so global warming will sometimes happen.We have to make the nature beautiful.

  10. g-22 nikki vasquez

    I will describe the beautiful of God's creation.Because of it's colorful colors.Most especially in it's different function that He gave to them.All of them must be taken care of us human being.it can help us do anything.we want to do

    I will show care to Mother Nature by taking care of God's gift to us.I will show my Love to mother nature by doing my own little way.And not destroying what is given to us .By God we will have nothig else in the earth.Because without the creation of god we cannot live.everithing that god created is for us humah being.And I will not throw trash.

    As marian,I can prevent global warming by taking care of God's creation.I will take care of god's creation by not destroying He's creation.God created the human being because there is no one who will take care of the mother EARTH. Cause imagine when there is no human being no one will take care of the mother earth.And if there is people like today there is plenty of plants.And there is someone who will take care of the mother earth.

  11. B17 EthanJean

    I will go to the forest and i will see the nature.I will climb up to a hill so i can see everything.I will not hunt the animals.I will hear the birds sing and see the beautiful flowers.I will see the beautiful nature and God's gift.

    I will not cut trees or kill the animals.I will feed the animals.I will not put trashes on the lake or rivers.I will recycle trashes in the recycle bin.I will put the biodegradable in the soil to fertilize the plants.

    I will not use plastic that clogs our drains that causes flooding.I will minimize my trashes.I will use unleaded gas for not smoking the air.

  12. G-20 samantha ramos
    I can describe by taking care of it,and sharing to the poor wants.I love gods creature.I wish God's creatures will not be distoyed,and let it clean for cleaning our surroundings.i want all of the people will obey nature because nature is important.

    I can show it by obeying mother earth by not trowing trashes,not cutting trees.I want mother earth to be clean and no pollutions
    mother is important bec if we don't have earth we will not live.

    I prevent GLOBAL WARNING by preventing pollution,not trowing trashes,following rules all over the place.

  13. B19 Ralph Daniel M. Torres
    I will Use The Power of the internet or Computer.
    To Tell The People Our World IS Beautiful Without Garbage.And I Will Send Messages so our world Will Rise At beauty And Love.I will Send It To Other Country's Like Japan India
    and Spain.I can Say Through This Message Our World Will Be Beautiful!!!!!.
    .We can Show Concern By Not Throwing Garbage In The Water.I will Not Burn Anything Because It Gives Out Smoke And Smoke Is Bad For Our O-zone Layer.I will Not Throw Non Biodegradable At The Soil.I will Tell To The Other People To Walk If There Are Going To A Near Place.I will Plant More Plants So It Will Stop Our Lessen Of Of Oxygen.
    I will Go At The Factory To Talk With The Workers To Stop Giving out Smoke.I will Always Bring Fan To Prevent Us To Heat . I will Request The Teachers To Have A Educational At The Places That Give Out Smoke . I will Tell The Kuya's To Turn Off The Aircon.I will Take A Bath

  14. G13 Ella Denise B. Marcelo

    It is Beautiful but we need to beautify,clean
    and don't cut trees in our environment.if we do that our environment will be clean.To beatify our
    nature,we need to do the 3R.if we do the 3R our trash will removed in our environment.

    I will clean our environment,help other people and plant trees.I can help in our mother nature by joining the planting of trees, saving electricity and saving water in school and in home.that is the way to save mother earth.

    I can prevent global warming by joining
    to plant trees,pick uping trash in the school campus,caring our environment to prevent global warming.

  15. B15 Franz Albert C. Miranda
    I will prevent Global warming by not using the light for to long. And i will prevent pollution by not trowing garbage in any places like in waters and streets. And i will not waste

  16. G19 Charysse Allana A. Paulino

    Our beauty of nature is like a heaven.

    because of our beautiful plants and all of our surroundings is clean.our beautiful nature is one of the most clearly and discipline surroundings in all of the world.and our surrounding is like a clean and good manner of us. and it is a lovely manner that i have seen.

    we can save mother earth by showing
    good things and making other not to fight each
    other and making them happy.

  17. G1 juliana
    I describe the beauty of nature by it's quite, there's peace,the people did not do bad things,there's many trees.I will show mother earth care by i will pant trees and fruits,i will put the garbage to the trash can,i will say something to the people so that they will not do bad things,i not say bad words to everyone and i will say everyone do not say bad words.I will prevent Global warning always by i will not fire the plants,i will not waste the water,i will water the plants,i will say everyone do not smoke everyday so the air will not begin to smoke,i will protect the mother earth,i will not fire the house most of all of all i will protect the nature or mother earth always and i will plant many many tress always.=)

  18. G-7 Kyla A. Funtanares
    1.I will use the internet to post are commet and to post are picture of the earth
    2.we can help mother earth by cleaning and throwing and cleaning are home to help mother earth and to say our earth to beauty and to say our peace
    3.I will take a bath or else i will get dirthy

  19. B-10 Michael V. Labrador

    The beauty of the nature is the greatest gift of God to us because God made all of this to us so we will not destroy our home planet. If we destroy our planet earth their will have global warning. Don't throw too any garbage anywhere and throw them in the proper place. The beauty of the nature makes our planet beautiful. I will plant more trees in the mountains.

    I will plant more trees in the mountain, forest. I will not throw garbage anywhere. I will clean the surrounding by sweeping. I will not build many factory so we can't prevent air pollution and water pollution. I will save the earth when it is needed.

    By planting more trees. I will not use too many electricity.

  20. B-13Gabriel Monfero
    I can describe the beauty of nature by many mountains and plant , flowers, animals, reptiles.
    many kinds of trees and many kinds of flowers.
    clean grasses clean waters like oceans, seas and river.
    clean atmosphere clean trees oxygen many places.
    many many animals and mammals.

    we can show care to mother earth if we
    clean streets

  21. B4 Joaquin Derick R. Castillo
    The beauty of nature is clean and healthy.
    I thank those who clean everyday the street because the street is clean.The beauty of nature make everyone happy because it is clean.The beauty of nature is colorful.The beauty of nature is created by God.

    I will clean the streets daily.I will not throw garbage anywhere.

  22. G2 Greca R. Caturan
    I will describe the nature that is wonderful.God is creative,he has a great gift he make to us.I'm very happy because God is the one who made to us.I will shall care what God made to us.I'll prevent war because war is bad to our place.
    I will care the mother nature and I will not throw garbages anywhere.I will always recycle my trash because now a days people don't recycle and theyburned trashes.I will always do what's best from mother earth.Mother Earth will be angry to us if we are not preventing earth.I will not always pick flowers.
    Me as a marian,I will prevent giobal warming by not always turn on the lights if is not needed.I wiil always clean my surroundings.I will always plant trees.I will save mother earth.

  23. G-21 Miu Shimogawa
    1.I can describe the beauty of natures if the I see is clean.All of the natures is made by God.Computer can help us to do our research,we can play games,and others.

    2.I can show to care our mother nature by throwing in the proper trash can.I will not disturb in their own responsibilities.I will not hurt others.
    3.I will bring always bring fan so I will not get heat stroke.I will always take a bath.

  24. b-20 Andrei
    I will describe the beauty of nature by saying it is good into our look. and it is we get our food and it is the habitat of animal it is the

  25. G4 Eeurha Dyana T. De Leon.
    We need to show love for are planet earth who give us the nature for the beauty .Because if we will not show beauty for are plane earth the earth will be ugly.We need to show beauty for are planet earth.So that are planet earth will be happy for us to make are nature love to others.We need the protection of our planet earth.

    We need to show love for are mother earth.We need to show care for our mother earth.We need to show concern for our planet earth because mother earth need our love,concern and help by people.We need to help our planet so that are planet earth will not be destroy by people.We need to show love because the planet earth is only are home.

    By saving are GLOBAL WARMING.We need to help our mother earth by helping our global warming.We need to protec are mother earth by the global warming.We need to show good so that we can help our mother earth.We need to reclye so that we can hepl our mother earth.

  26. B9 - Patrick Joel Medina Gomez
    The beauty of our nature is created by God. God made this for us to see the clean and beautiful nature. God also made this for us to live here to take care of it. I can describe this as our body,Because if don't take care of it it will be dirty.

    Taking care of mother nature can prevent pollution. If pollution is not prevented, other people will be affected. Even if I am still a young boy, I can do a lot of things to save the Earth. I can just simply follow the rules around us. Or I can participate in some projects and activities that can help save mother nature.

    I will not throw garbage.I will help my family to clean our surroundings.I will attend programs that are unite to Global Warming.I will throw Garbage in the proper places.And,I will help other peoples.

  27. B-13 Gabriel Christian Monfero
    God loves us very much. Because God gave us a clear blue sky. The morning sun shines to us every morning. During the night, the moon watch us sleep. God gave us mountains, with tall trees, plants and animals. He also gave us beautiful flowers to make us happy and birds singing when we our sad.

    We can show our care to Mother Nature by cleaning our house, throwing trashes in garbage can. We should not cut trees. But we should plant trees and flowers. Help clean the surroundings.By not using chemicals that will harm the nature.

    As Marian I can help prevent global warming by recycling materials. I will throw my garbage properly. I will conserve energy. I will turn off the light if not use. I will not use plastic bags.

  28. b20lyrisk m. suelto
    you are a marian you shoud

  29. G18 Danielle Marie G. Pasaol
    By not throwing garbage in our street.I will not litter around our house,so it will not be messy and dirty.I will describe the beauty of nature by following the 3R.Our world is created by God. So don't litter around your surroundings.

    I will show care to our mother nature by recycling the bottles and papers. By not smoking.Because when you smoke it can prevent pollution. Pollution is bad for our country. I will switch off the water so it will not waste.

    As Marian, I can prevent Global Warming by not wasting water. I will turn off the lights if it is not use. I will use a fan so our electricity will not be wasted. Also I will encourage our barangay to recycle all recyclable materials.

  30. g16 nelora.
    You can't help other people what it is.You help other people it will not know about computer in american.I will help people to love countries.
    We will help other people It will no wrong about writing in america.
    I will love my country and american.

    I will help to clean our mother earth.We will clean It will not have sick.
    I will help to clean our mother ang country.
    We will clean the country ang mother earth.
    I brucsh the mother earth.

    I will help the vintim of Global Warming to having not sick.
    I will help the victim of Ondoy ang pepeng.
    I will use the fan and alectricfan.
    We will giving the gifts of the victim.
    I will have giving the fan.It give the good place to the vintim of ondoy ,pepeng and Global Warming.

  31. B5 John Kenneth
    Nature is given to us by God. Everything was in place and in order . We wonder how there are tall trees , flowers and animals in different place. It is so faschasnating seeing the water falls from the mountains , different colors of birds and so on. Lets take care what God has given to us.

    We can take care of our mother nature by so many thigs . With our water which is so important don’t waste it , save water. The trees, flowers and plants take care of it and don’t cut it down. The animals and insects God put them in proper places to give us food and help us in pollination.

    Global warming is here already .We cannot prevent it but we can help by not making much damage to us. Everybody knows that floods , typhoons are damaging us, we should minimize using plastic and stop
    throwing everywhere . Local Government should dissemate information to stop garbage throwing anywhere . Collections of garbage should be on time daily.

  32. G3 Riana Lila M. David

    Nature is God's gift. It is special and beautiful.Nature's beauty can be describe by beautiful and colorful flowers we see in the meadows,green leafy trees in the forest, green mountains,clean and fresh air we smell. Nature can bring a lot of beauty into our lives.That is why we must show appreciation by taking care and love for our nature.

    As Marian, I can show my love and care to mother nature by being a good example to other children like me. Discipline starts from the house, by separating garbage and use proper disposal, not by throwing them in the river.Do not cut trees and flowers. Plant more flowers and trees. Keep my home and surroundings clean and tidy.
    As Marian, I can help in preventing global warming by using more paper bags instead of plastic bag. Practice doing 3 R's: re-use, recycle and reduce. Do not burn rubber materials. Do not use styrofor/styrofoam. Conserve energy by switching off the lights when not in use. Use natural lights by opening the windows.

  33. Reef Andrea J. Jusayan G-10
    1. The beauty of nature isGods gift so it is very
    beautiful and resourceful and peaceful
    2.By being resourceful,recycling and planting more plants.
    3.I will prevent global warning by using the 3r"s
    and by not wasting anything that comes from mother nature or by not destroying anything that comes from mother nature and always conserving and protecting mother nature.

  34. B16 Neil Laurence B. Reyes
    Nature has many animals ,trees,and plants.
    dont trow trashes on saes, and oceans.
    by cleaning our environnment

  35. b1 ridge kerlstein g. alao
    gr.4-our lady of courage

    1.our nature there our many animals and plants
    2.i will help our mother nature to grow plants
    3.global warming is so dangerous to us its not helping our body

  36. Mike Allen C. Balmaceda B-2

    Nature is very wonderful and amazingly beautiful in every aspect,the cool air after a rainfall,the shining stars at night and the beautiful colors of blooming flowers are just some examples of it.God made all of these for us and it is our responsibility to protect it.
    In little effective ways like saving energy is one way of caring for mother nature.We must turn-off the lights if isn't necessary.We must not wash dishes in running water,we also limit the use of aircons during cold weather and also try to use rechargeable batteries.I think these simple sacrifices can help in saving mother nature.
    As marian,i can help in preventing global warming by recycling my things like bag,shoes and dresses instead of buying new ones or give it to other kids.I will also eat more vegetables than processed meat Done in factories.

  37. courage Neil B16
    Nature has many trees and many animals and plants.By cleaning our environment by working together.

  38. Nelora G.16
    The nature have many trees.
    You can clean the mother earth.
