Thursday, October 14, 2010

4 - Our Lady of Consolation


Direction: Make a simple paragraph about "GOD'S GIFT" by answering the following questions below. Each answer consist of at least five or more than five(5) sentences to create one paragraph. Follow the correct format in creating a paragraph. Type first your class number and your complete name before answering.

1. How will you describe the beauty of nature?
2. In what way you can show care to our mother nature?
3. As Marian, how can you prevent Global Warming?


  1. B-6
    KimAndrew C. DE Martin
    I can describe the beauty of nature by:
    telling others what is the beauty of the places the land have the tall mountains like mt. Apo like the shape of perfect cone and mt.Mayon the same with mt. Apo and a valley is a tall land and at the top is straight land.

  2. B-16 Kenji Vincent Usami
    I can thank God for the gifts that he has given us by Taking Care of the natures he has given us.I can take care of Gods natures by Cleaning, Tell the people do not throw trash and many more.I hope all the people dont cut the trees that god gave us.And I also wish that no one will smoke because the air might pollute.And I hope everybody could take care the wonderful natures

  3. B-16 Kenji Vincent Usami
    We should need to take care God's natures.We can take care it by cleaning;Tell the people do throw Garbage And many more.I hope The people wouldn't cut trees.And I also hope that no one will smoke because the air will be polluted.And i hope everybody would take care God's natures

  4. B-6 KimAndrew C. De MArtin
    I can show care to mother Earth by not throwing garbage anywhere and to the cannals and conserve water do not use water if it is not needed use sone paper conserve paper by use the back page and recycle the garbage to be an decoration

  5. G-17 Bettina Sophia M. San Pablo
    I can describe Nature by the plants growing,the trees and many more.You can describe nature too.By planting and many more.It can be well describe.Describe the nature by the things growing.

    I can show it by Planting trees,planting some plants and more.You can show it too by planting and taking care of your plants.And don't play with your plants soil.And do not waste water.If you will drink water get the right amount of water.

    I can prevent global warming by saving water,when we are going for a pit stop I will tell my dad or who ever is driving turn of the vehicle so there will be no air pollution.And I will not leave the faucet open.I will water the plants.I will not throw any water.I will not let food be spoil.I will always plant my plants I will plant some trees too.

  6. b8 Christian jesric G. libutan

    iwill describe nature by not trowing trash to the higway.and dont pick flowers.and do not use who will pollute the air.and do not play the plants.and do not usewho can pollute air

    dont trow trash to the sea.iwll do good to the mother nature.and i will help plats trees.and i will do i will run for the ilog pasig.and I will do good to our mother nature

    i will not pollute the air .And i will make the trees germinate.And i will not cut trees .And i will do fish germinate.And i will make the fish grow.

  7. danielle therese mandac
    4 consolation

    I discribe the buety of nature by are nature is are place to live but now the buety of nature is gone. the buety of nature is the paraiso.the beuty of nature thats why we can lived in the nature of beuty.i will plant tress in the forest. i will not throw any trash every where.i will said to every whone that dont throw every whone.i will care some pet dogs and cats in our house.i will teach every one that us 3r.i prevent global warning by i will serve water. i will serve ligth and use shellfor my car.i will convers water.

  8. B-16 Kenji Vincent Usami
    I can show care to mother earth by not smoking.You cant smoke because the air will be Polluted and its could Air Pollution.Air pollution will cause us astmha.And another one that how can you take care of mother is by not throwing garbage at the water because it can cause poison to water.And if the water has poison the fishes will die.And I hope everyone can take care of mother earth.

  9. G15 Jillian Dwayne C. Pascua

    God's gift

    Nature is so much beautiful.There are lots of things you can seek/find/see.There are beautiful trees and lots of animals in the forests.And lots of sand and water in now we called as "BEACH".And the most beautiful of all is heaven in all of god's gift.

    Mother nature is getting forgotten. Everyones throwing a lot of garbages around.
    Let's clean our sorroudings every time we leave it.And also take care of everything around us.Most specially our plants,cause they help us when there is rain flood.

    Global warming is sorrounding our world.As a little child/marian we can help by cleaning our sorroundings.BY helping do the house hold chores. And by joinig programs like "Kapit-Bisig para sa ilog pasig" and more.
    thanx! ☺ ☻ ♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ • ◘ ○

  10. Andrea Marie G. San Pedro
    The nature is beautiful,it is clean,it can give as anything like food,shelter and etc.The humans takecare the nature so it wiil not clean.I will clean the surroundings.I will throw trash properly.Iwill help the humans clean our nature.

    I will takecare the mother nature by throwing garbage properly and in the trash can.I will pick up the garbage in the surroundings.I will clean our surroundings. I will throw properly.I will love and care our mother nature.I wiil not cut the trees.

    As a marian,I will not cut trees so it will not have a flood.We will use the umbrella to prevent the sunlight from the heat.I will not bath to the flood because it is dirty.I will not throw trash can in the surroundings.I will garbage in the trash can.

  11. g7Ma.Therese Hosanna V.Dagdag
    I can describe the beauty of nature.It is a beautiful gift of God.I can see the flowers like a rainbow hard and tough.I can see the trees so useful,you can hide and seek.oh!Really amazing throwing water at each other.I can also see the birds high and daring.
    I want to take care of mother nature.I will take care of her by throwing garbage properly.I will also take care of her by planting trees so dearly.I will just use a cup brushing my teeth after lunch.I can also turn off the foset after using some of the water.
    I can also prevent"Global Warming" by cutting trees that are old but don't forget to change them to baby plants.I will also throw garbage in a proper place.I can also take care of nature that's really
    great.I really need your help.Ihope you can help.

  12. b11 thomas morfe
    i will describe beauty of nature. It is beautiful. .
    Because the places in there is beautiful.Like the volcano,ocean and others.

    do not cut the not smoke always.iwill care all that god gives.

  13. g2 diane marie m angeles
    I will describe the beauty of nature by describing or saying it or let them see it or i"ll take picture it and post in in any website like facebook,youtube and any more to be seen by the whole world or poising it any country like philippines,boracay or anywhere that where i can go.
    I can show care to our mother earth by telling some peopole that fithing is nothing to the our mother earth and fithing is not good to children"s because if some childrens saw the people fithing they might do it even they are still children"s to the mother earth and to the whole people all of us are children"s of are mother earth and all of us are the helpers of our country because jesus will not help us god will not help us or even the saint"s cannot help us we our the helper"s of them because jesus god and everything all of them our trusting us and we also trust them like are father mother and sisters and brothers and were not figthing each other because we our one of sain't of god and i know to that all of us are throwing our trash anywhere if were not throwing our trash anywhere all of usare great childrens of god and all of us are saving our mother earth.
    i can prevent global warming by teaching them a good way or a disciplining them and tell them don"t throw in this city because this is our world and this is our life global warming cannot save our country it can destroy our country our it can destroy ourcountry our it can let us die that why one you throw something and it has global warming all of your trash will go back to you and you will apologize to your self because you throw something in to your city or in other city that is not your"s and you will get out the trash and you will know that one"s you throw something it will go back to you.

  14. g-22 angela

    I will describe the beauty of the nature by being proud of it. If we have a tourist i will
    say to them that we have a nature like this . like the BUKAN MAYON . That the bulkan mayon is like triangle shape.And many more.

    And iwill take care of the MOTHER EARTH iwill take care of it by not throwing my trash in the street and separate the boidegredable and nonboidegredeble and use 3R.

    And i will prevent GLOBAL WARMING by not burning the pastic and the trash . And dont broke the plants and just plant plants in the garden

  15. B-17 Adrian D.V. Villanueva

    i will follow my teachers.and i will clean my house.and clean the surroundings.and give shelter and food to beggars.and follow my teachers istruction.and i will eat vegetables.and help my friends.and best of all do all my works.and do all my research i can have high grades maybe.

    and i will not cut trees.and do all my homeworks.and have fun in my fieldtrip.and

  16. g5- Eleandrey Therese H. Buendia
    I will describe the beauty of nature by not trowing trash in the river and . Puting signs like don't sey bad words to everybady and . Planting tree's and flower's and . don't weys water and . don't cut tree's and . I can show care to mother nature by not cuting tree's and . Don't weys water and . Don't trow trash in the river and . don't show pollution and .

  17. Hener R. Cifra B-4
    I will describe the beauty of nature by helping others people at all times.I will greet my teachers and my parents at all times.I will not fight other people and my parents.I will clean our surrounding at all times.

  18. g12
    Samantha Louise M. Manila
    I can describe the beauty of nature as clean,beautyful and inspiring.I can describe

    nature as a peaceful place to be.Nature is something important.Nature is important for humans like me to survive.Nature is made by God.
    I can show care to mothernature by not destroying nature.By keeping it clean.By telling others especially the elders to stop smoking.By not throwing garbage anywhere.By telling others to start moving and save mothernature.As a marian I can prevent Global Warming by walking so that I can prevent airpollution.

    I will describe Beauty of nature as a Marian i will clean my Place CLEAN AS YOU GO.I will describe the Mother nature i will say all the Marian

  20. G-20 Tanya S. Sharma

    I will describe the beutiful of nature by not throwing any kind of things .And by also cleaning the nature.And also by helping each other to clean our very own nature.And by dong the 3R's.

    And also by making the flower's look's so good.And for the MOTHER EARTH is by sharing our things to them.And also making the MOTHER EARTH a beutiful country.And giving our MOTHER EARTH a peace country.And also make help with eachother or our communinity people.

    And as a marian of ST. MARY'S ACADEMY

  21. b1 aaron daniel u. aguya
    nature is beatyful becuse der are beatyful animals,flower and tree.The animals ther are lion,elephat and mokey.The nature is full of steag thing and full of animals and pleat and beatyfull.
    by cleaning pollution,not bruning treash,pikeing treash,planting trees

  22. Sean Gabrielle B. Delos Reyes
    The Beauty of Nature is good to us because it has a greeny trees and leaves. And there has peace and qiuet .the nature is made by God.
    Do not cut trees. And do not pick flowers.And other plants beacause plants can turn the bad air into good air.
    As a marian ican prevent Global Warming by planting trees to make cool air.Do not throw plastic matereals everywhere to prevent clogged canals from preventing flood.Do not throw chemicals from the sreams and rivers beacause it will go to the sea and spread the chemicals.And do not make vandal in trees and in walls and other Public places.

  23. G-14 Julia Marie E. Padilla

    I describe the beauty of nature by presenting my world as the gift of God and my country as the beautiful gift of God. And I will do my best to remain my country and my world be the loving country and world at the nature.And I will pretend that the beauty is inside not outside so I will keep my nature inside my heart.I will protect my nature at the global warming and anything that is bad to our country.

  24. G3-Precious Angela Marie M.Aying
    The beuty of nature is not that beautiful now.Because some people is just throwing their trash anywere.And because some people cut trees.And because some people throw trash on the rivers and lakes.And because some fishers use dynamite in fishing.

    I can show care for our mother nature by not throwing trash anywere.And by cleaning at home,at the community and at school.And by planting trees.And by joining the programs that helps mother nature to be clean.And by recycling things.

    As Marian,I can prevent Global warming by planting trees,so that when their is flood, the trees can zip the water.And by recycling things that we can use again.And by not throwing trash anywere.And by following the rules like dont throw trash here.And by cleaning places.

  25. g-19 Kristina Casandra D. Schnitzius

    I can describe the beauty of nature.i think the beauty of nature is beautyful because the first name is beauty and i can believe that is beautyful. I can always see the clean surrounding.I can always believe in it cause i see it in the surroundings.I will save it so it will be more beatyful.I can thank god that he bring this to us.

    I will clean the surroundings.I will plant many trees and different kind of plant.I will not throw any garbage in the ground.I will throw the garbage in the trash can.I will have PEACE in all places.

  26. B-15 Tristan Lloyd M. Tatlonghari

    God's Gift

    I'Describe the nature's beauty as
    polluted because it is not beautyful because of the pollutants.We need to care and protectthe Mother Earth. In other country like Philippines it has nature.But other country have enough nature.So protectour nature♣

  27. B14-Karl Josef S. Suva

    I will describe the beuty .by cleaning the places that i go .helping otheres andgiving foods to otheres.

  28. G6 Maria Andrea M.Cueto
    The Beauty of Nature is the Earth's Nature.The Earth's Beauty is the nature's beauty of the world.We should clean our environment so our places will be clean.Cleaning environment is the natures beauty.Nature's Beauty is the cleanliness of the environment.

    I can show care to our Mother Earth by cleaning our environment.Our environment should be clean.If you do not clean your environment if there's a thpoon and there's a flood the garbage will float in the flood.If you do not follow the mother nature our environment is clean.We should

  29. B-19 Gian Aldrich M.Yu

    Im thanking god from his gift he gaves us.And thanking for the blessings he gave our family.God thank's for the beutiful nature u give us and i will take care of our nature.ill not throw garbage in our sourrounding and in our rivers,lakes etc. I will not pollute our air by the cars and factory's that cause air pollution.

    I can prevent Global Warming by planting many trees and plants.I will clean our sorrounding. I will help others to consorve water.

  30. G-4Pamela Nicole Reyes Balid
    Beauty of nature is a thing that when a nature looks good.A "beautiful nature"is clean,the peoples obey the rules like "Dont pick flowers".And also as a marian i will obey the rules so our nature will be "beautiful".And I will also join clubs that helps our nature to be beautiful.and last but not the least everybody also should obey the rules.
    I will show care to mother nature by not throwing trash in the sea. but throw it into the right place for example the trash can.Planting more trees in "deforestated forests". As a marian I will join clubs to help save mother earth if nescesarely .And I will also clean my surroundings.
    As a marian I will avoid "Global Warming" by not using cars that pollutes the air but instead using electric jeepney.And also as a marian I willdo things right to save mother earth.and also every body should follow the rules.

  31. B-2 michael angelo Q Altar
    God's Gift
    God's Gift is beautful things that i see.
    I can show the care to our mother nature is to
    protect the beautyful things thatwe see and save endangered speasis of mamals on Mother earth's lous of nature.
    I will prevent Global Warmingis to preven wast to Garbage all over the Worldso do recycling every time or any place on the world.SOthateverynation toour country for saving mother earth so no one cando bad things to nature use 3r's to do the things we need to do even inthe future untill weare no more on earthso even we are gon steel the nature will be never destroyd forever.Until the new humans
    on earth for new generationsof all univers.

  32. Kim Andrew C. De Martin
    As a Marian I can prevent Global Warming by cleaning our environment and do not use smoke to prevent pollution . throw your garbage at the right place i tell the others to care the environment

  33. g8 angeli ofel m. galeno
    I will describe nature by not pickking
    flowers.I will describe nature by makking poster about nature.I will describe nature by loving the flowers.I will describe nature by loving trees.I describe nature by makking poster about trees.
    I will show care to our mother nature by not trowwing trash.I will show care to our mother nature by planting more floers.I will show care to our mother nature by plating more trees.I will show care to our mother nature by makking poster about saving plants.
    I will show care to our mother nature by planting more trees.

  34. roel john robbie. lopez b-9
    I wil describe the beuty of nature by
    caring for mother earth.And i will join any program that is lead to mother earth.I will make a poster of caring for mother earth. I will plant some trees or plant. I will not be a litter bug.
    not cutting trees.and by saving are planet by conserving water.and by not plogging the cannal.andnot wasting not kill people and animals for no reason.
    do not turn on mosethings that is composed to energy.when your dadis parking in the parking lot turn off the car if not burn plastic. do not smoke. love mother earth.

  35. james jobert c vispers B18

    Iwil describe it by clean the nature and be proud of it to the tourist like chocolate hills. by not throwing the trash in the street.

    i will not throw garbage in the street.

    iwill clean the place to prevent global warming.

  36. AironneQuintela b-12
    i will not throw garbage
    i will love mother earth
    i will use 3r's

  37. B7 Abcd E. Domingo
    I will describe it as the nicest and best place every human being could live.It is a clean place.

    I will not throw garbage in the streets.I will clean dirty places.I will put garbage in right place.I will plant trees.

    In my opinion we can prevent the global warming byminimizing the use sprays such us hair spray paints pesticides especially the smoke belching vehicles that harms the ozone layer

  38. B-13 ajaypreet singh

    "God's Gift"

    Our nature is one of the most beautiful creation of god it consist of animal, flowers and trees that makes our world beautiful enough to be seen by every human. that is why we should be thankful of this gift from the lord.

    Taking care of our mother nature is the only help that i can share so i will do my best to protect it and take care of it by keeping everything neat around me, planting plants, and recycling things that can still be use. Doing little things to our mother nature is showing big love and care to the world that we are living in.

    I can help prevent global warming by using recycled materials, not throwing garbage on the streets that can block drainage that causes flood, i can even help save energy power at home by studying instead of watching t.v or playing with my psp.

  39. G21 Fe Eleanor M.Tupas I will describe the beauty of nature by showing them or saying it to them.And by not throwing trash anywhere.And by cleaning the nature.And by recycle the pieces of papers.And by throwing the pieces of paper in the right place. . I can show care to mother nature by not throwing trash everywhere.And by using 4Rs.And by planting more trees to prevent flood and not cutting trees.And also by planting flowers. . By making posters about environment and how you can help improve it. Thats why as a marian student, i will also help in doing things. Also by teachig younger students for lower levels. To be able to accomplish all this things, i will study hard to reach my goals. I may be young and small but in my own small way of helping is a big thing.
