Wednesday, October 13, 2010

4 - Our Lady of Good Fortune

General Performance Test

Direction: Make a simple paragraph about "GOD'S GIFT" by answering the following questions below. Each answer consist of at least five or more than five(5) sentences to create one paragraph. Follow the correct format in creating a paragraph. Type first your class number and your complete name before answering.

G5 Maria Anna E. Lano

1. How will you describe the beauty of nature?
2. In what way can you show care to our mother nature?
3. As Marian, how can you prevent Global Warming?


  1. B2 Blanco
    1)I will plant trees and recycle papers to save mother earth
    2)use the 3R's
    3)use the e-jeep or electrical jeep

  2. G1 Ambata

    We plant trees and throw the trash in the right place and water the plants to make beauty of nature.
    We can use to care our mother nature by preventing pollution,garbage

  3. G-11 Alexandra Layag

    The beauty of nature have fresh air.The beauty of nature is good to our health.The beauty of nature is good to your body.Bsomethimes they throw garbage anywhere.

  4. B10 mark jayson V. geronimo

    1.I will describe the beauty of nature frist the meaning of beauty is the graceful or beaityfull

  5. Avery b3
    I describe the beauty of nature because of its many green plants.And of

  6. B-12reesemykellB.martin i will clean the road and iwill not throw the garbage and i will pick up yhe trush

  7. g-13 nadia c. navidad
    1.the beauty of nature is beautiful because we take care of our nature so we can smell good air ang green grass.

  8. G-16 Angelica Mae G. Runas
    I discribe the beauty of nature by discring the texture.I discribe

  9. b5 carlvincent m. carolino iwill describe the beauty by putting trash in the right trashcan . iwillshow care by planting plants in the land. iwillpro

  10. g17 tricia nadine r.santos

    If will ask to describe the beauty of a nature i will describe the nature is very dirty because of the people who throw their garbages in any place. I will ask

  11. G15 Julia Therese
    1.The nature is paradise like structure of the creation of God.It is nice how the trees are tall.How plants are small.The animals are free and no tresspassers there.It is a paradise

  12. G12 Ayezza-beauty of nature is peaceful like the peaceful of nature is god's creation.

  13. b11 Artemus Ezeqkiuel S. Hababag
    By watering plants.

  14. g9 StephaniE Chloe Gaon

    The nature has many animals,The nature has many trees,the nature has many fruits.

  15. It is beautiful and many plant.There are animals.And now it is dirty because of the scattering garbage.And the animals is being gone because of the garbages.

  16. G-21 Gwen aurie C. Villaver
    The beauty of nature is really hard to describe now that our surroundings are filled with pollution. Before, the beauty of nature is also hard to describe before because of the beauty and because people always clean their surroundings.I can show my care for mother nature by joining activities and programs that can help save mother nature.As a Marian, I can prevent global warming by planting trees and using the 3R's.Reduce,Reuse,and Recycle.We also need to have teamwork and understanding because if we don't have teamwork and understanding, we will not be able to finish the things that we need to do easily. Let's save mother nature for the children of tomorrow!

  17. g4 Mellea annie P. Dalucapas

    I can describe the beauty of nature by telling to the other people what are beutiful places here in Phillipines.I can show care to our Mother nature by make the Earth green and clean.

  18. G3-IV-Our lady of Good Fotune - Annamika

    The beauty of nature is a beautiful land that god made for us but what did we do we did'nt did it good we ,ade it horrible.....

  19. G3-IV-Our lady of Good Fotune - Annamika

    The beauty of nature is a beautiful land that god made for us but what did we do we did'nt did it good we ,ade it horrible.....

  20. B7 Phillip
    Do not waste our nature by not throwing garbage in the sea or do not cut tree so their wont be a flod

  21. G2 DaniMari M. Araneta

    I wiil describe beauty of nature by taking it's own natural beauty by the creation of God's work of beauty to the world nature is we need to our surroundings even wilderness the animals,trees that made by God to the world.I will show care to mother nature by not destroy them we should not dirty our surroundings that is made by God and we should be caring God's creation because we are one with nature and God's creation.As marian i should care for our environment our own hands can make a diffrece

  22. Camille angelika c. flores help

  23. g5
    our nature is

  24. b-20 lyrisk m.suelto
    bieng a marian is a hard work my club is boyscout.
    we boyscout are cheerful strong obedient and kind we boyscoutare so we help other marian make our good school

  25. i will describe beauty of nature by doing not trowing garbages to the street and planting tree in the forest i will show care to mother earth by doing praying to not destroyed the earth and if isee a guy trowing trash to the street i will prevent the global warning cleaning the street

  26. John Marcus Daniel M. Abatayo B1

    We can describe the beauty of nature as a very beautiful suroundings.It has many beautiful places like mountains.It has many trees.Thare are so many animals.We can get materials from the woods of trees any many more.We can take care of mother nature by not destroying the trees.By not killing the planting more changing another trees if your gonna get the woods of the trees.By supporting programs like clean and green.As Marian I can prevent global warming by doing the rules.I will put my garbages in the proper place.I will help to protect our environment.

  27. g 17 tricia nadine r santos
    1.I will describe the earth is dirty right today and last year it is clean.
    2.I will show clean in the mother nature by joining in the program in the shcool or everywhere.use 3rs in your daily lives.
    3.I wil prevent global warming by cleaning the barangay surrondings and by joining a program.Do not make the earth clean and healthy do not be selfish always do not put your garbage anywhere throw it in the proper places always put on your mind to always to prevent global warming.

  28. B8 Dylan Joseph C. Gatchalian
    God's gift is important.Because it's good to our nature.Because if we don't save god's gift we will be in sick.And our world be erupte.And our world will be in bad hand.

  29. phoebe Nicole c. De Silva g6
    1. i will describe the nature as it seems. it keeps being polluted because of our behavior a bad behavior
    2.we should use the 5s's, and 3r's.joining the environmental programs.throwing trash in the right place that's a good deed in helping the mother nature. being resourceful
