Tuesday, October 12, 2010

4 - Our Lady of Good Counsel

Reflection/ Journal

Direction: Make a simple paragraph about "GOD'S GIFT" by answering the following questions below. Each answer consist of at least five or more than five(5) sentences to create one paragraph. Follow the correct format in creating a paragraph. Type first your class number and your complete name before answering.

1. How will you describe the beauty of nature?
2. In what way you can show care to our mother nature?
3. As Marian, how can you prevent Global Warming?


  1. B-13 Eric Gabriel Madrid
    Nature is very beutiful, flying birds, fragrant flowers, and the fresh air. I will show care to mother nature by recycling, and planting trees. As a marian, I will recycle, and plant trees.

  2. G12Kristina

    1.The beauty of nature has the place of rivers, lakes , and seas with no garbage,smoke is not polluting the air.

    2.I will not throw garbage into the rivers,lakes, and seas.And I will not use pesticides improperly to plants.

    3.I will prevent global warming by not using the vehicles much so the smoke in the vehicles will not cause global warming.

  3. B2 Robert Kyle
    4-O.L of Good Counsel
    1.How will you describe the beauty of nature?
    ans:nature is beautyfull because it's like an garden full of flowers.
    2.In what way can you show care to our mother nature?
    ans:don't throw garbages in water.
    3.As Marian, how can you prevent Global Warming?
    ans:throw garbages in the right place,water the plants and don't fight with each other.

  4. Sean Aineken D.Cinco
    Our lady of good counsel
    gods gift:
    god created the world.and he give us blessings
    god creates us.and save us from bad people
    god love all people and animals.
    god makes the environment.
    god cares for us.

  5. B1 Lance Lawrence J.Acuin

    I will describe the beauty by it's perfection.I can show my care to our mother nature by my own little ways.As a Marian,i can prevent global warming by my own ways.First,i will not throw garbage.That's the simplest thing a person can help to prevent global warming.I will also support the campaigns which supports for a cleaner environment.

  6. Sean Aineken D. Cinco
    o.l. of good counsel
    god save us from harm
    god give us blessing
    god helps us
    god showing love to us and care
    god created the world
    god creates the environment
    god creates people and animals

  7. Kurt marcus P. Delos Santos
    1.Beauty of nature is GODS gift to us we can keep it beautiful by not cutting down trees like the illegelal loggers so GODS beutiful nature will be not be gone.
    2.we can show to mother nature by recycling some papers,trashes and and others destroying gods gift to us.
    3.I can prevent global warming by not cutting down trees because trees are important to us peoples cause if u keep cutting down trees it will preven flood,and even land slides and the animals will never have any houses like the birds,birds always need some trees to make their nest so keep the EARTH CLEAN AND GREEN!

  8. Gian Robie C. Dela Cruz
    IV-Good COUNSEL B8

    I can describe the nature that the nature is beautiful beacuse there is plants, and flowers for coulor.Animals, and humans for beuty.Air as for pease.The nature is beutiful and great.

    I can take care mother nature by.Watering plants so they will grow.I wont burn trees so that the tree will continue growing plants, and flowers.I wont destroy the beauty of mother nature.And I wont destroy the house of animals.

    I can prevent Global Warming by.Not burning trees. by guiding the kitchen if something that can burn as. By not using dynamite.And not burning.

  9. b-7
    john rafael c deguzman
    1 Ill show how to clean and do not cut trees and when you cut trees plant again trees so that it whill not flood again
    2 care for mother nature is you clean up and help others to those ho are poor and beegar
    3 ill prevent globall warming clean and make sure its peace not war

  10. g8-Alessandra c frianela
    1.the beauty of nature is like an beautiful girl.
    2.I can show care to our Mother Nature by planting trees,watering the plants.
    3. i will prevent global warming by planting,trees,throwing garbage in the trash can,not doing bandalism,iwill clean the sourroundings.iwill prevent it not only in our home.in school i will prevent global warming.

  11. G-14 Catherine Zita Marzan
    The nature is our home God create our home and nature.We should clean our nature and take of our nature.We should not throw garbage anywhere.We should throw the garbage in the proper place so that we will not get sick.
    God give us our home so that we not destroy it.We should plant trees and flower.We should water the plants and flowers to we get fruits.If we cut trees we should plant a new trees.We should take care the animals.

  12. G-20 Patricia O. Sobremonte
    God's Gift
    I can describe the beauty of of the nature as god's of gift.I can describe the beauty of the nature as the home of the people in our surrounding.I can also called the beauty of the nature as Mother Nature.
    I can show care to our mother nature by joining a program that can help mother nature.I can also show care by to mother nature by helping to clean the society.
    As Marian I can prevent Global Warming by doing the good thing in our society like throwing garbage's in proper places.I can also prevent Global warming by sweeping the garbage's on the street or in the home.I also help in our community by joining clean and green program.

  13. Leandro Miguel U. Sarmiento
    1. I will describe the beauty of our nature by it's beautiful surroundings.Like Beautiful butterflies,or It's Beautiful places like "Banaue Rice Terraces" it is one of the "7 Wonders of the World"

    2.I will show care to our mother Earth by planting trees in our nature.Or good stuff.Like
    Culminating Activities.Like Planting.And many more.That's why We can show care to Our Mother Earth.

    3.As a Marian I will prevent Global Warming by avoiding throwing trash anywhere.And avoiding throwing Chemical subsistence like dynamite in fishing.AS a Marian we should always prevent global warming.So that our Mother Earth is safe.

  14. G6-Amenah Jannah L. Calaca
    The God's Gift
    showing the tourist that the philipines have many beauty of nature.I will help mother nature for caring the nature that God's created it.As a marian I will prevent the global warming or preventing the pollutions. I will thank god that he created the beauty of nature. I will love the mother nature.I will respect the mother nature.

  15. G-22
    Ursula C. Uy
    "GOD'S GIFT"
    The beauty of nature is very wonderful for me because it makes me happy.I will help mother nature by loving my surroundings.I will stop Global Warning by watering plants,cleaning my surroundings and by not fighting w/others.I want everyone to be happy so there would be peace.I thank God for giving me life and the thing's I want,and those are the gifts of GOD


    1.Fresh air and many trees are growing around as.There were no cutting trees.No killing animals like birds.No putting dynamite in the
    sea.Planting trees around us many trees.
    2.Plant trees many trees.To prevent flood.

  17. g-16 Risha Louise M. Peyuan
    I can discribe the beauty of nature by my hand,nose and eyes.
    I can show care to our mother earth by helping our enviroment and nature.And helping others to show care to our Mother earth.
    As a Marian I can prevent Global Warming,by helping others to help our nature and enviroment.And to show care to our Mother earth.And to show care to others.

    By helping others I can show care to our Mother earth.
    We can show care to Mother earth by helping our enviroment.And to show love.
    We need to show care with Mother earth.To prevent global warming.

    As Marian we care our Mother earth.We show care and love.
    We always care with mother earth.We need mother earth because if thers no mother earth we dont have shelter or we called home.

  18. B5 Lance kristoffer O. carandang
    gods gift is buitiful and charist Gods gift. nature is wonderful and amazing. and cretures that are amazing and buitiful

  19. G- 19 Cristina Sophia A. Serafico
    I will describe by caring the n

  20. G-5 Patricia Joann A. Bull
    I Discribe the beauty of nature is just simple its have A; water Pollution,air pollution, and mostly the garbage every where in the city and in the Province,close some factorie so no more air pollution mostly in the big cities.
    Me in what I can show Mother Earth is to do the 3R's (reduce reuse recycle)so we cannot throw many garbage in the ordinary trash cans ,use the tin cans of sadinas and bottles to make a pot of flowers reuse the plastics dont burn them.

  21. B3-Angelo James L. Aquilino
    1.)The beauty of nature is a happy,clean and beauty and the people is happy like me if the nature is clean and the animals is living together like us if the nature is clean and no pollution and we can eat,bath,play if the nature is clean.
    2.)I can care the mother earth nature is I will put the trash in the "Garbage Can"AND i will not pollute the air and I will not destroy the trees in the forest and don't abuse the mother nature.
    3.) i will prevent global warming is don't pollute the air save the mother earth save the mother earth is i will prevent global warming is i will not abuse the mother earth and save the world in pollution

  22. G-11 kristine grade 4 our lady of good counsel

    1.I will describe the nature by saving nature,making the nature clean and green,making the nature in a lot of beauty,taking care of the plants and serving for nature,fertilizing water

    2.I can show care to our mother nature by making it beautifully,conserving water,watering the plants,making the places colorful and clean, making nature in beauty

    3.I can prevent global warming by saving mother earth,caring for plants,making it safely,prevent in nature,transferring beauty to another beauty.

  23. G3 Klairren J. Arma Answer: the beauty of nature is beautifull becuase the beautifull surroundings and things beautify the nature 2. I will plant trees,I will recycle and I will not throw garbages in the rivers,ponds,lakes,seas and oceans. 3. I can prevent global warming by conserving water,by not throwing garbages anywhere.

  24. B-14 Rene Ricardo A. Mercado

    1. I can describe the beauty of nature cause wonderfully made them.I will take care of the creation of God by watering the plants and trees.I will tell the people to stop throwing garbage's in the sea's,river and lakes.I will help to clean pasig river to make it beautiful again.I will tell the people to stop burning tree's and garbage's cause it can make pollution.

    2. I can show care to mother nature by watering the plants and tree's.I will throw my garbage in the proper place not in the lakes and rivers.I will tell the person'swho are cutting tree's to stop.

  25. G-1 ma. elizabelle a.aberion

    "God's gift"
    God give us so many gifts.So we have to thank to God for the gifts he has give to us.Nature is beautiful, we have to take care about the nature to have abeautiful nature.

  26. G12 Kristina

    1.The beauty of nature is where there are no garbages in the Rivers,Lakes,and Seas.The beauty of nature is where also are no smoke polluting the air.Beauty of Nature is also seen when there is no bad events happenning in the place.

    2.I will show care for Mother Earth by not throwing garbages in the rivers,lakes,and seas. Even I will show care for Mother Earth by not using the vehicles so that the smoke will not pollute the air.

    3.As Marian , I will reduce using the vehicle so that the smoke will not enter the clean air.

  27. B-18 jeremy j. vendivel

    1.I will describe the nature by when i am fishing i will not use dynamite for fishing. when i am young or old iwill not drink or not eat drugs even if its in the rice or water or juice.
    by not throwing raps of candy anywhere.I will not kill anbody because I am not killer.when I am not using the lights i will close it.
    2.i will save mother nature by I will not cut trees but when i cut a tree I will plant new.
    when I am in a lrt station if I see poor childs
    I will give them food or money. I will find a job and i wll hardwork

  28. G4 good ounsel b12 jerell michael

    1. I can discribe the beauty of nature because nature gives us beauty but not spceily us but olso Mother Earth and to other people because Mother nature is important to us she gives us cloths food and water.

    2.I can show care to our Mother nature by separeting baiodagredable and non-baiodagredable,by trowing garbage at the raet place.

  29. B-6 Jules Carlo A. Diaz
    I will describe the beauty of nature by loving nature and by caring nature . I can also describe it in sharing my knowledge about the beauty of nature. I can describe it by my own ways. The beauty of nature is really important so all will be happy. Do you also have your own ways to describe the beauty of nature?

    I can show care to our mother nature by picking up the trash and putting in the waste can. I can do it by helping others to clean. I can do it also by registring in programs about cleanig the nature. We are

  30. G-23 Alaine Julianne Villamarin

    1)Nature is beautiful because Mother Earth helps us to plant some plants.

    2)By showing Mother Earth a beautiful nature we can plant some of our plants in land.

    3)I will show Mother Earth a Beautiful care in Mother in cleaning in earth.

  31. G-7
    Cielita:-The Beauty of Nature is beautiful
    because the beauty of nature helps
    the world beatiful.
    -Don't throw garbage anywhere,dont
    cut trees.
    -Plant more trees to prevent floods
    and landslides.

  32. B-19 Mark Anthony R. Villarba
    1. beauty describe the beatiful because beatiful for loving sharing and giving beauty to others and beatiful and preety.

    2.I will give nature to mother and sharing foods to mother and giving love to others mother and hug to my mother.

    3.I will help if Global Warming and earth quake and fire and i will prevent to the Global Warming.

  33. G-17Julia Rae Plarisan
    1.} I can give mother nature a beautiful nature by telling to person do to do not give harm to mother nature.
    2.} We need to plant trees to prevent floods.
    3.}In school, i will tell to my schoolmate that do not do anything that can harm to mother nature.

  34. G-23 Alaine Julianne Villamarin

    1)Mother Earth is good because Mother Earth helps as to have many plants.

    2)I will care Mother Earth by cleaning the rivers,hills and streets.

    3)I love Mother Earth because Mother Earth is helping as to have clean green.

  35. g4 Bianca Andrea A. Banaga
    The nature is important because is it can give us food,shelter and others that plants can give us.And it make the world more beautiful.Without nature we can't survive because the plant give us oxygen.

    I will take care of the mother nature by joining tree planting program.And doing 3R reduce reuse recycle.

  36. 1.I will describe the beauty of nature by saying the beauty of nature means the nature is beautyful

    2.I will not throw garbage on the floor,i will throw garbage in the trash can.

  37. b10 edrick
    god's gift
    i will love the nature and the people and the animals and the earth.the people want the peace and want to share.

  38. B-15 Esmeraldo T. Reyes
    The beauty of nature is being destroyed now because many people destroyed the nature. When God created the nature it is beautiful now its destroyed cause of deforestation we need to recycle materials so that people will not waste money.

    I will recycle materials and i will join the campaign in our barangay if i plant trees i will plant another more so that we will not have a strong flood like the typhoon Ondoy

    As a marian I will plant trees to prevent global warning

  39. Allanah Nicole Aldovino
    IV-Our Lady of Good Counsel
    The beauty of nature is sometimes dirty.Because

  40. G18 Jea Justine Y.Sendico

    I will describe that the nature is beautiful because,God created the nature.The nature will be more beautiful if you will not pollute the air,water and others.Use the proper the care of nature.If you don't use the proper care the nature will die.You can save the earth by helping.
    I will show care by throwing garbages in proper places.Don't polluting the air.Separating biodegradable and non biodegradable.I will not cut trees.And I will use the reduce,reuse,recycle.
    I will prevent Global Warning by

  41. G-10 ALaisah L.Gorondaya
    "God's Gift"

    1.The Beauty of nature is given by our God.
    The beauty of nature is important because if the nature is dirty it can affect the life of people.
    We can prevent the beauty of nature if we always clean and do not dirt the nature.
    The beauty of nature is our life because it can affects us.
    If out nature is clean it will be safe for the people.

    2.I can show care to our mother nature by not dirting the nature.
    I can show care to our mother nature by planting plants.
    I can show care to our mother nature by helping the people clean the nature.
    I can show care to our mother nature by

  42. G-13alynnaronilebantino
    1.I will describe the beauty of the nature by taking care of the animals,i will plant trees and by not throwing garbage's.And the beauty of the nature is given by God.And all the things and animals here in the world is created by God.So we should care of the nature.Because God created all,us people and of course our life.
    2.I can show care to our mother nature by planting trees and not throwing garbage's.And by taking care of the animals.And by planting plants.
    3. i will prevent global warming by not burning plastics and by not cutting trees and of course and by not throwing garbage;s in the ocean and by not throwing dynamites in the oceans.
