Tuesday, October 9, 2012

IV - Our Lady of Love

2nd Quarter - General Performance Test

Direction: In celebrating the "Rosary and Mission Month" this October, pupils are trying to give their hands to the needy especially to all missionary Priests whose trying to help also other people from different countries. Through this, pupils will create a simple paragraph on how to cooperate in the said celebration.

Guide Questions:
1. What is Rosary and Mission Month for?
2. How will you show your love and concern for others?
3. How do you feel when you help other people?
4. Do you want to continue this kind of activity? Why?

Note: The following are the important reminders that need to do while doing the activity:
1. Show Netiquettes
2. Spelling and grammar
3. Use of magic fingers
4. paragraph format
5. Content
6. Discipline

Type your complete name and section before you start typing paragraph.


  1. Alec Therese Rocero
    Grade 4 Our Lady of Love
    Rosary and Mission Month
    Rosary and Mission Month is for celebrating The Mission month this october.Mother Mary teaches us how to pray the rosary. The Mission is for the other missionaries in the world.We should pray for the missionaries in the world because they help the less-fortunate. We should be a charitable person.

  2. Alec Therese Rocero
    Grade 4 Our Lady of Love
    Rosary and Mission Month
    Rosary and Mission Month is for celebrating The Mission month this october.Mother Mary teaches us how to pray the rosary. The Mission is for the other missionaries in the world.We should pray for the missionaries in the world because they help the less-fortunate. We should be a charitable person.

  3. Edward Timothy M.Sotto

    Be Generous

    You need to be generous just like me. I give 100 pesos a day so children,missionaries,and other things.Rosary and Mission Month for me is helping others.I can show love and concern to others by being generous.I feel happy when helping other because helping other can help you to.Yes I want to continue this activity,because I can show I love other people.If I were you I will be generous to other.If you give some day you will get reward to.

  4. Anna Nicole A. Margate
    Grade 4- Our Lady of Love

    We are Called for a Mission
    Rosary and Mission Month is important. It is for us to remember that Jesus entrusted us a mission that we need to do. We should remember that we need to do a mission. We are all disciples of God.

    We show love and concern to others when we are praying the Holy Rosary and doing our mission as catholics. When we do our mission like missionaries, we show the value of SERVICE. It means that we serve others. When we pray for others, we also show love and care for them.

    When I help other people, I feel very happy and I also feel eagerness. When I serve others, I also show love to God. I know that when I help, it is like sharing the blessings I received from God, Jesus and Mama Mary. Now a days, many people needs someone to help them. When I have time, I try to organize the things I could donate to those people who are in need.

    Yes! I really want to continue this kind of activity. It is a sort of a gift or blessing for those people in need. Even I am just a Grade 4 pupil, I can still do my best to help others. In my own little ways, I can show service. When you serve, you should not ask or wish for something in return. When you serve, your willingness should come from your heart.

  5. Jose Paolo S. Santos

    Rosary and mission Month
    The Rosary and Mission Month is for celebrating the rosary and the missionaries hard work for the others to have faith in God.I can my love or concern for others by joining the missionaries and helping the needy and teaching other people how to pray the rosary.When I help other people i feel very happy because i get to help the people in need and i can make many people happy.If someone ask me if i want to do this again I will say yes because if we are helping others you will feel great and joyful.

  6. Mark Angelo B. Lubreza

    The mission month is the month that we give help to our brothers and sisters in the world. The mission month happens during the month of October.

    The mission month is about loving each other and show concern to other people. We can show love and concern to other people by helping them, take care them and many more ways.

    When we help people, we feel happy because helping is good.

    I want to continue this activity because many people will be affected by the help of us.

  7. Jarella Daphne S. Vivero
    Our Lady of Love
    Rosary and Mission
    Is rosary and mission month important?Does
    it help others?Let us know more about this.

    Rosary and mission month is about showing
    gratitude to our mother Mary.We also have
    money collection which will be given to the
    poor in the country.It is also about helping
    others by prayer and by donating.

    In rosary and mission month we need to
    show love and care to others.How can we show
    love and care?As I said we have to help and
    respect others.We can show care for the poor
    by donating money.For our loved ones and
    others we should send them sincere prayers.

    Helping makes others happy.But how do we
    feel when we are the one that help?Me,I feel
    happy.Being helpful is great not because
    people see that we are helpful it is because
    we showed praise to Jesus.We should always
    help others and be happy because we helped.

    We should continue this activity because it help others and we can show love and care to others.This mission can help many people.I hope many people join this mission t help others.

  8. Quinn kirsten Magsaysay Nuestro

    Rosary and Mission Month
    During October we celebrate the Mission and Rosary month.This is for our faith in God and praying the rosary for Mother Mary.While praying the rosary we should respect what we're doing rosary respect our classmates also.
    I will show my love and concern for others by being a charitable person because if we share our things to others we are already showing love and also the slogan "If we share we care".I will show my concern by also caring, because when we're caring we show concern because when we're caring we don't want to hurt them.

    I feel when I help others I feel happy because when we're helping them they are also happy and that also made you happy because you did something good and when we are helping by the time we need help they will help us

    I want to continue this kind of activity because I want to continue to be good and show my faith in God so that when I die I will go to heaven and to be a model also and for the sick,poor or those people who needed help I will pray for them.

  9. Symon L. Geverola

    Rosary and Mission for All

    Rosary and mission month is for showing gratitude to Mother Mary, Jesus and GOD. Rosary is for Mother Mary who made the rosary for all of us.Mission is for the churches to make facilities and for missionaries to have their budget in spreading the word of GOD. We should give our mission to help other people. We should pray the rosary to show gratitude for the Lord our God and to the Heaven.

    I will show love and concern by loving them. In concern i will make feel comfortable in the world they are living at. Sometimes we need love,to get love we need to care for others.sometimes we need concern we need to be more caring to others.Love and concern is all i need to make peace.

    I feel happy when i help.I feel more comfortable when I help.When we help maybe they shall help us in return in what we have done for them.Helping don't need rewards. If you nor everyone will ask for rewards maybe the world will be poor.

    I want to continue this activity. To help churches to build their facilities. And for missionaries to have their budget in spreading the word of GOD.And to show gratitude to Heaven. Having gratitude is important because it shows thankfulness.

  10. Mikaela Althea M. Leviste
    IV-Our Lady of Love

    We Are Assigned for a Mission
    Many would say that it is just nothing.But it is meaningful to me.The Rosary and the Mission Month is for our tribute to Mother Mary.It is a devotion to Jesus.We should be ready for this activity.

    Showing Love does not only having friendship.It is also preventing war and hatred.No one would like war,right?As a Marian, I should know what is the right thing to do.I don't like arguements.

    If I have helped someone, I will be joyful.Of course I will not be disappointed.I will be overjoyed.Not just helping others is the meaning of peace.

    Absolutely, I have always wanted to continue this activity.Even though that someone don't like.I will always continue it.I am not a perfect person.Life without being religous will not be complete.

  11. Jillian Dominique C. Sebastian
    Grade 4- Our Lady of Love

    Rosary and Mission Month

    Rosary and Mission Month is for praying the rosary and for donating money for the poor. Rosary and Mission Month is helping others by donating money to the less - fortunate. Rosary and Mission Month is important so that we can help others. We pray the Rosary so that there will be peace.We donate money to the less - fortunate so they will have money.

    I can show show love and concern for others by donating money to them. I can show love and concern for them by giving food to them. I can show love and concern for them by giving them clothes. I can show love and concern for them by giving shelter to them. I can show love and concern by giving medicines to them when they are sick.

    I feel happy for them because the things that they don't have it is there for them already. I feel happy because they are happy too. I feel happy because they are glad to receive the gift that I gave.

    Yes, I want to continue this activity because this activity is good. Because they are happy. I can continue this by doing the good things for them.

  12. Lance Oliver F.Balila
    Rosary and mission month is for the people to give thanks to all people around us especially mother Mary because we help the the poor around us .the missionaries do their work thy travel all around the whole world just to show gratitude to everyone and God.

    I also like to be a missionarie by helping them to be good and honest and concern for others. if we don't help others we are like not respecting the others.I will also show faith for others. I will never teach them bad things because it is a bad manners.

    I think I will be glad and happy because I helped other people and that is showing gratitude to the people around me. If I will do that I will never forget what I did and I supposed that Jesus will be happy for me. ^_^

    Yes because helping people is a kind of manner that shows respect to God like his disciples and apostles they show strong faith to God.

  13. Lyndon Kyle Asuncion

    Celebrating Rosary and Mission Month

    1.What is Rosary and Mission moth for?
    - Rosary is a way to pray and get closer to mother Mary. Also, Rosary is a way of praying for the less fortunate and for our 2 Filipino saints. Mission Moth is for helping also the poor, less fortunate and those who need help. Mission month is also the moth of "Missionaries". Also Rosary is a way to pray for our forgiveness to the ones we hurt. Also Rosary can helps us be a good model to our brother and sisters.

    2. How will you show love and concern for others?

    - There are many ways show love and concern for those who in need. Also I can show love for them by not just saying I will do it but We will do it in action. Also I will show solidarity to the people. Also We can show love for them by imitating the Missionaries and Venerable Ignacia.

    3. How do you feel when you help other people?
    - I feel happy when I help other people. Because I am not only the one who is happy helping people the one who I am helping is also happy. it's like helping Jesus removing from the cross. Also it's like we are making peace in a little way. It doesn't matter how big you helped the kid the important is you help them, they appreciate it.

    4. Do you want to continue this kind of activity?Why?

    - Yes. Because when we continuously doing this kind of activity, peace will happen. Also Maybe some other people will like to imitate the 2 Filipino saints. Maybe some others would like to be a priest someday, or a nun someday! This little activity can change everything! God will be happy to us!

  14. Teejay Luisse M. Tatlonghari

    Mission Month
    Mission month is important .If we give amount
    we also help others .Jesus give us mission in our life if contribute we are doing our mission to.We show generosity and love for others .

    Imagine if we dont have mission and rosary month.Some people knows how to pray the rosary.Mission is like helping others because if we give amount will be given to the poor and the money

  15. Alec Therese R. Rocero
    Grade 4 Our Lady of Love
    Rosary and Mission Month
    It is important because of mother mary. She is our model.We should be a charitable person for our mission.Our Mission will be for our missionaries in the world.It is very important.

    I can show my love and concern for others by giving money for the mission.I can show my love by praying the rosary properly.I can show my concern by being humble to others.

    I feel very hapy when I help other people. Because I am concern to others.Being generous to others.I also feel sad because they are very poor and no money to buy there important things.

  16. Rei A. Tomosada

    Rosary and Mission Month
    Rosary and Mission Month is for the thanks we offer for Mother Mary and the poor.This is also for us and the disabled.This kind of activity also is for the sinners.We always must pray with faith reverence and love.Therefore let us participate actively in this program.

    I can show it by giving contributions and praying with respect.I can also also

  17. Louis Nathaniel D. Aguinaldo
    What is Rosary and Mission Month for?Rosary month is the month that is praying the rosary and giving money.The mission month is for helping other children who are in need.It helps you to learn to be mission minded to others.To know how to pray the rosary.It helps us to be generous in giving money.

    How will you show your love and concern for others?My love and concern for others is I will pray to them and donate my money to those who are in need.I will teach them how to pray the rosary.I will give some love and care for others.We should love and concern for those who are in need.I will love them.

  18. Kheyla Maree O. Gaspar
    Rosary And Mission Month
    Rosary and mission month are for the pupils trying to give their hands those who are in need and those who are poor.
    Rosary and mission month are also for our missionaries give others hope.
    Rosary month is for also to us to give and share our blessings to others.
    Rosary month are for also to the priest around the world.

    I will show my love and concern to others by sharing food to others.Giving hope for others.Sharing your blessings to others.Sharing my gifts to others.

    I will feel happy when I give gifts to others.I will be sad when I didn't give to others.I will be also glad.

  19. Rofel Kyle T Saile
    Rosary and mission month is for the concern for others and poor people.Rosary is for the people in the whole universe.Rosary month is for people who are lonely and sad.

    I will show my love and concern for others by donating my money in the churches.I will show love and concern for others by praying for them.I will show love and concern for others by serving the community well.

    I feel happy,because I helped people in need. I will feel happy,because if I helped them they are already part of the community.I will feel happy,because they have been donated some money.

    Yes,because i have helped my brothers and sisters in the community.Yes ,because I have helped many in the community.Yes,because I have donated money more than spend my money.

  20. Dominic Lucas L. Inductivo

    Rosary and Mission Month is celebrated every October.This is for recalling the life of Jesus through rosary and prayer.We also do this for mission.So that we can help the people who are in need.

    I show my love and care for others by helping them pray the rosary.By giving them food,clothes and shelter.By teaching them the Word Of God.By giving relief goods to the people who are sick.And I will pray for them for their safety.

    When I help people,I feel happy.Because helping people is good.And I feel so excited.Because I want to help people especially the sick.I just feel so happy when helping.

    I want to continue this activity so that I can help more people.So that I can pray for them to.So that we can donate goods to the ones who have disability.And so that all of us can help.This is why I want to continue this activity.

  21. Reinhard A. Macapagal
    grade 4 love

    The Rosary Month
    The Rosary month is a month of mission too. It is for the blessing that mother Mary gave. Then the mission month is for the missionaries that are giving service to us when we are in danger. It is also for serving God. Eventually we also doing it for helping others.

    I can show love and concern for others by giving help to them when they are in really need even when they are in minor danger. As a Marian like me I will do it by my own little way like giving donations to them and helping them when they have heavy loads. Also I can show love and concern to others by giving them money. So that is my own little way. So if you want to do it now try it.

    My feelings when I help others is happy. because when I help others they are happy so I am happy too. Also when I am happy helping them they can help me too. So be like me . Or even we can follow the values of mother Ignacia.

  22. William Patrick J. Panganiban

    What Rosary and Mission Month is for
    What is Rosary and Mission Month for? This is for the good of our less fortunate brothers and sisters. It is also for the people who are rejected by the society. Some of them are the poor, the sick, and the dying. This month is for the good of all of us.

    Ways to Show Love and Concern for Others
    We can show love and concern for others in our own ways. How? We can donate money for the poor. We can also join in outreach programs. Not only those ways, we can join in feeding programs.

  23. Deryck Lezter B. Lim

    Having the Rosary and Mission Month has
    a purpose,the purpose for the Mission Month is to donate to the kids who are less fortunate.So in the Mission Month,lets give money for the mission because the school will lend it to the less fortunate.So that we can pray to God,to Jesus,and to Mama Mary.

    I will show my love and concern to others by sharing them my food,giving money to others,be hospitable,even they are disabled look at him at the same way with the not disabled.Dont be bad to others.

    I feel happy,great and good because im sharing to others my foods,money,clotes and the other things that will help them.Others,when helping to others they feel that he or she is embarassed because the other people recognized him as a poor one.

    Yes,because of this i feel happy,great and brilliant,last time when i lend a food to the poor,i say to my self,i kinda like giving food and money to others.

  24. Louise Gabrielle C. Lacdao
    The Celebration of Rosary and Mission Month
    The rosary and mission month is celebrated every month of October. We are praying the rosary so we can show love to mother Mary. We are giving donation in our mission so we can help the less fortunate. We are doing this so we can show gratitude to others.

    We can show love and concern to others by helping. We can also show it by giving some alms. Giving old clothes. Giving canned goods.

    I feel when I help to others is very happy. Because even they are locking of things,they are still glad. I also feel charity for them.

    Yes! I want to continue this activity so they will become more happy. by this, they can be jolly. In this simple way,we are showing kindness.

  25. Aaniziyah F.Cabauatan

    Rosary and Mission Month
    Rosary and mission month is for Mother Mary.Mission Month is also for helping others.I can show love and concern by being generous,not fighting with them and helping them.I feel happy because helping others is good.Yes,because we can help others,by giving money and helping them.

  26. Kim Charmaine A Galutera

    It is for Mama Mary and the ones we give our mission envelopes all over the world.

    I will give my extra money and i will offer my rosary prayer to those who are sick.

    I feel happy when i help others.

    yes,because i can help others.

  27. Samrin G. Iqbal 4 OL Of Love

    Rosary and Mission Month
    IT is to pray for others and helping to others.
    IT gives faith and service to others.IT shows responsible to others.The rosary help to pray while the mission month help others by giving some money.And by giving foods,clothes and blessings.We must help others.

  28. The "Rosary and Mission Month" is for praying the rosary and giving some money for all the missionaries in the world. We also pray for the missionaries. So when many people pray for them they will have more blessings to come. And Jesus will guide them the way.

    We can show love and concern for others by giving or donating them food, water, and shelter. By giving them these basic need in life they will be very happy. We can also show love and concern for others by praying for them so there will be more blessings for them to come. When we pray and pray for them Jesus will guide them to reach their goal or dream.

    When I help other people I feel relieved because they won't have any more problems.

    I want to

  29. The Mission Month our chance to help
    These Rosary and mission month help missionaries
    all over the world.I can show love and concern for others if i support the fund drive.I feel happy while helping people.I want to continue helping people if i support the activities for our mission month.This Rosary month reminds us of the mysteries that Jesus did for us.The Rosary Month we are doing is to pray for all the missionaries all over the world.The rosary and mission month helps us to support all the people all over the world.

    I show Love and concern for others if we always support our fund drive.I feel happy helping them.

  30. Mary Evangeline V. Rabusa
    G4 OL of Love

    "Rosary and Mission Month" are for us to widen our faith. They are also for us to remember to help people not only those who we want to help. Lastly, it is for us to remember the life of Lord Jesus Christ.

    I show love and concern for others by helping them. Secondly, by doing good deeds to them. And lastly, by not laghing at disabled people.

    I feel great always when I help people. Secondly, I feel love. And last, I feel care, even if I am the one helping them.

    Yes, Iwant to continue this activity. Because, it enriches our faith. By supporting SMA.

  31. Sophitia Cello Victoria Y. Salaguinto

    October is the Rosary Month
    Rosary and Mission Month is for Mother Mary.It is a month of faith.It is a month of donating money and praying the rosary.It is a month of praying for Mary.It is a month of respect.

    I can show love and concern for others by respecting them.I can also show love and concern for others by taking care of them.I will help them.I will not quarrel with them.I will donate some goods for the poor.

    I feel happy when I help people.I feel excited when i help people.I feel concern for them.I feel good when I help them.I love helping others.

    I want to continue this activity because it helps me a lot.I want to continue this because I love helping others.I want this activity because I want them to be happy.i want this to continue because I like them to experience what we are experiencing in our life.I love this activity very much!

  32. Rosary and Mission Month

    Rosary for me is a devotion to our Mother Mary.It help us to have a strong faith in God And Jesus and this October we celebrate the Rosary and Mission Month.The Mission Month is a help to the children who live in the streets and under the train.We must help them so the family who there will be happy even we help them in our own little ways.

    I can show love and concern to others by helping them in our own little ways like n giving them foods,clothes that are not tattered,and most effective way to show our love and concern to others is to pray for them.Giving them love and concern is making them happy because they think that they are not important to us,but if we show love and concern to others they will feel very happy.

    I feel very happy when I help them because even they are already dirty and not taking a bath they art still important to me.Making them happy is a help for them.We must love them and concern for them.

    Yes,I want to continue this activity,because if we help them it is a community service.I can continue this by helping them to live happier and I will teach them how to pray the rosary so everyday they will pray it and be save by Jesus Christ, And for them to have a strong faith in Mary,Jesus,and God the Father.

  33. Lindsay Bernadine C. Agamata

    Mission and Rosary Month

    The rosary and mission month is to practice


    the rosary and sometimes we celebrate them

    because it close to December and it is say we

    thank God and mother Mary that they help us and

    what we need

    I can show love and care for others by helping

    each other,by not fighting to each other,by

    showing respect,by showing Netiquettes,by not

    shouting at them,by saying "po at opo" at older

    people and by participate in church to show


  34. Alicia Cassandra R. Ablian

    For my own opinion I think that rosary is to show devotion to our mother Mary and to have more faith in God.I also think that it is for our prayers to our mother Mary.For what I have known about our Mission and its importance is that we give donation and money to the people who are in need.

    In this kind of month I often give money to be donated to the children.I will show it by praying to them during the rosary.Helping others even with minimum money can already be a big help.Praying and donating is the least I can do for the poor children.I will always help them during this kind of month.

    When I help others I feel happy because I know that they get the help I can give them.Even if I know I can't see them I know that they are smiling.I feel good about my self.

    I do continue this kind of activity because I know I can help for them.Making them happy is the least I can do for them that is why I will continue this kind of activity.Mission month and Rosary can help others.

  35. Francine Audrey B. Espiritu

    What is 'Rosary and Mission Month' for?
    The Rosary is for thinking about Mother Mary.We realize that it is so important for having Mother Mary because we celebrate a month for her .

    How do you show concern and love for others?
    I show love and concern by taking care of the Rosary because it is not right when we let is fall.We should show concern to other people by giving them money so they can buy a Rosary.

    How do you feel while helping other people?
    I feel so Alive cause it is a small way of helping other people but very important for them.I feel happy because we are showing service to others.
    Do you want to continue this kind of activity?why?
    Yes I want to continue this activity cause i feel so happy because God the Father gave this so we can give Service to others.It is nice to do this kind of things it makes us remember who or what is the role of Mother Mary..

  36. Gwyn B. Borja

    It is Mission and Rosary Month

    What is Rosary and Mission month for? How do you show love and concern for others? How do you feel while helping other people? Do you want to continue this kind of activity? Why? How?

    The Rosary is for prying for the people in need and the mission month is for donating money and giving them what they need.

    I will show love and concern for others by participating actively in praying rosary and I will give some amount of money in school or in church.

    I feel happy in helping them because in helping others I am happy to see them happy too.

    I will continue this activity because in helping others I am glad to see them laughing on what they got.I will continue this by saying to other people"come and let us pray the rosary and donate some money in the church".

  37. Sophia Nichole G. Miranda
    The Holy Rosary
    The Rosary is important for us and the mission month too.They could help us have peace rather than fighting.The mission month helps us too show on being generous.While the rosary helps us too show love to Mother Mary.That's how important the rosary and mission month is.

    We can show love and concern to others by helping them on how to pray for the rosary or by showing love we can pray for them.We can show concern for them by always looking out for them.But in overall we need to show that they are important to us.We need to take care of our loved ones.

    How I feel when I help other people is happy because I can show to them I care for them.I feel very helpful to them in many ways.I always like to help everyone.When I grow up I want to be a good citizen to our community.

    I want to continue this activity.Because it helps us in so much ways.We can show how we can do this activity is always pray the rosary or always be generous.We can always be helpful i simple yet meaningful ways.

  38. Jane A. Teston

    Rosary and Mission Month is for us to be believers of God.It is also for us to know how to use the rosary correctly.For us to be generous in giving money for the mission.It is also for us to thank God and Mother Mary.
    I can show love and concern for other by being there friend. By helping them if they need help.I can also show it by being nice to them. By also being friendly to them.By helping them in house chores.
    When I help people I feel happy.Because it makes them happy.Sometimes I feel sad.Because they are sad sometimes when you help them.

  39. Coleen S. Valle
    Rosary and Mission Month

    Rosary month is for our mother Mary. While mission month is for the poor. We pray for our love ones from mother Mary. We give our extra money to the people that needs them. That is only one purpose of the rosary and the mission month. It also shows love and concern for others.

    I can show love and concern for others by giving donation for the poor. When I give money,I show concern for the less fortunate people. And when I pray the rosary,I show love for mother Mary. When we show love and concern for others,we also show love for God.

  40. Danielle Kim Abuel
    IV- Our Lady Of Love
    The Rosary is for helping us to be forgiven by Mother Mary and Jesus. It helps us to remember our faith to our God. Mission Month is always done because this happen for the poor may be helped. We are doing this to show love to others. We are doing this by helping them.

    We can show love and concern for others by giving their needs. We can show love and concern by giving them money that they need. We can show love and concern by giving them a chance to tell you what they need. We can show love to others by giving them what they want that we can afford. We can

  41. Micah Danyell A. Llanto

    The rosary and the mission month is for the children to know how to pray.The mission month is for the poor ones that need our help.

    I will show love and concern to others by helping them.I will show love and concern to others by showing the characteristics of love,faith,commitment and service to others.

    I feel happy when I help others.I feel happy because I serve to God by doing simple things.

    I want to continue this kind of activity.I want to continue this because it makes me feel good and happy in serving God.I can continue this by praying to God and always do good habits when helping others.

  42. Stephanie C. Coloma

    The rosary and mission month is for giving money in the mission . Also praying the rosary . We should help and support the mission . We should pray the rosary and pray for others . We should cooperate in this mission . This rosary and mission month is for helping and praying for others .

    I can show my love and concern for others in this celebration by supporting the mission . Also by praying for the poor and less fortunate . I should also donate some of my money to the mission . Also
    by helping them . We should always do this .

    When I help other people I feel happy I also feel
    glad because I help them . I am very proud to help them . I promise I will always help the poor and less fortunate .

    I still want to continue this activity . I like to help people .

  43. Dyanne Beatrice Q. Lao
    G4-OL of Love

    What is rosary and mission month for?Rosary and mission mission month is important.Rosary month is for us to pray to our Blessed Virgin Mary to give her help to the poor people.We should always pray the rosary.Mission month is for us to give contributions that will be given to poor people.

    How do you show your love and concern to others?I can show my love and concern for others.But the question is how can I show my love and concern.Well,I can show my love and concern to others by giving some food,giving some things and by sharing my blessings.Another thing is by givig contributions and to pray for the poor people.

    How do you feel while helping others?I feel happy in helping others because they are also happy.They will be glad tht they are given love and concern.I love helping others.Our parents will also be galad that we are helping others.

    Do you want to continue this kind of activity?Why?Yes.I would like to continue this kind of activity.Its because I love helping.If you will not help you are not showing love and concern.We should always continue showing our help to oyhers.

  44. Nica Chelsea O. Daganzo
    What is the Rosary and Mission Month for?
    Rosary and Mission month is for us to remember to pray the rosary. Mission month is for the poor and for the missionaries. We celebrate rosary and mission month because we should thank the missionaries. For the Rosary we should thank Mary because praying rosary can take away sins. That is why we celebrate mission month and rosary.

    I can show love and concern to others by sharing my food to them. I will cheer my sad friend. Caring for them. Teaching them lessons.

    How do you feel while helping other people?
    I feel very happy. Sometimes I feel sad to the people I helped because they need help.Sometimes they are hungry. But even I feel sad at first Ibecome happy because they say thank you.

  45. Mark Angelo B. Lubreza
    Gr.4 O.L. of Love

    The rosary and mission month is the month when we help and pray for others. We should cooperate and support the mission month. If we don't support or cooperate the mission month, it means that we don't like to help other people.

    I can show love and concern to other people by helping them, loving them, pray for them, donating your money to the poor and many more ways.

    When I help other people, I feel happy because I wanted to help the poor and the less fortunate.

    I want to continue this activity because I like to help people so they will be happy.

  46. Aleiah Julie V. Labrador
    4- Our Lady of Love

    The Rosary and Mission Month

    The rosary and mission month is the month when we pray and help for others. We should support our mission by giving money. If we do not help and support our mission God will be sad and it means that we don't like to help others.

    I show my love and concern for others by praying for them,helping them, caring them, teaching lessons to help them to improve their intelligence and sharing some amount of money.

    When I help other people, I feel happy because that is the way that God and the less fortunate will be happy.

    I want to continue this activity so we can help those people in need and pray for others.

  47. G6-Karylle Shane R. Cabalza
    4-Our Lady of Love

    The Rosary and mission month is the month to pray through the guidance of Our Mother Mary, for the petitions of our brothers and sisters who are less fortunate and in need of prayers for protection and healing.This is the month were we should extend our help to our missionaries in sharing the love of God by giving some donations that will support their missions.

    I can show my love and concern to others by supporting the mission month and praying for our fellow brothers and sisters, sharing them God's blessings and teachings by showing them the love of God and making them happy, always.

    I feel bless and happy every time I help other people, because God give us more so that we can share it to others.

    Yes, I want to continue this activity because I want other people to be happy like me especially when God bless me.Thank you Lord for Your help and guidance so that lots of people like me can touch other peoples lives through Your Great Love.
