Sunday, October 7, 2012

IV - Our Lady of Good Counsel

2nd Quarter - General Performance Test

Direction: In celebrating the "Rosary and Mission Month" this October, pupils are trying to give their hands to the needy especially to all missionary Priests whose trying to help also other people from different countries. Through this, pupils will create a simple paragraph on how to cooperate in the said celebration.

Guide Questions:
1. What is Rosary and Mission Month for?
2. How will you show your love and concern for others?
3. How do you feel when you help other people?
4. Do you want to continue this kind of activity? Why?

Note: The following are the important reminders that need to do while doing the activity:
1. Show Netiquettes
2. Spelling and grammar
3. Use of magic fingers
4. paragraph format
5. Content
6. Discipline

Type your complete name and section before you start typing paragraph.


  1. Stephen James C. Completo
    IV-Our Lady of Good Counsel
    1.Rosary & Mission month is for praying to the lord. the mission is for giving the money to the church it will deliver to the pope. the rosary is sign of what prayer you want. the money that we give to the mission is you will help to the poor.

  2. Geoffrey De Mesa
    IV-Our Lady of Good COunsel
    1.What is Rosary Month for?
    Rosary Month is a month for the poor people
    who are sick that do not have houses food and
    parents and money for there needings. Like food,house and clothes.Mission means we give
    moneys,toys,clothes and house.

  3. adriel c. pena
    4-good counsel

    1.we can have peace because we can peace each other:and
    2. the peace is inportant to us
    3. and so we can have peace
    4.rosary and the mission month for giving mary to the children for the rosary we can pray.

  4. Juan Miguel C. Rubio
    G4 Ol of Good Counsel

    1. to remember are all of missonaries and mama mary.
    2.i will help and love each others.
    3.i fell happy to other peopole
    4.i want to continue this kind of activity beacuse it is fun and happly

  5. estee c. upshur gr4 good counsel.

    rosary and mission month is for giving money to the children and for the rosary we use it to pray.
    i will show love to others by helping them.
    i feel happy when i help other people.
    yes beacuse so god will be proud of me and to love others.

  6. Juliana Precious P. Concepcion
    IV-Our lady of good counsel
    Rosary month is for using the rosary.This month is for praying to God.Mission month is for giving missions or food to the needy. this is important too because it's about giving something to the needy.I will show love and concern to them by giving food and money to the needy.When I help others I always feel happy and glad to help them.I want to continue this kind of activity because it makes God happy and others happy.

  7. angelooreyes goodcounsel
    motherignacia and god by he3lp themv andtake care of them.
    happy and god wiil be happy and god will give us
    so my grade is good and my mam will be happy.
    good pueseshure and care computer.

  8. Trevor Van V. Tutaan
    Gr. 4 o.L cOUNSEL

    1. rossary and mission month is helping one onther.
    2.I will give love, mony and foods, usualy their needs.
    3.i feel happy for God.
    4.yes, because im learning for my best.

  9. Sky Francy O. Begayo
    4 Good Counsel
    so that we can pray rosary
    so that we give mission
    so we give many then it give to the poor
    so we can help
    so many people copy our attidude
    I will show love by praying them
    I will help them
    I will show love
    I will show respect
    I will show kindness

  10. Christian Jacob T. Javid
    IV-Good Counsel

    Rosary and Mission Month celebration

    Rosary and mission month is a Celebration for the Filipino Missionaries who died with faith for GOD. And for mother Mary we celebrate the rosary month.For our obedience to pray the rosary for her.

    I can show love and concern to others is by. Giving some Pondo ng Pinoy every First Friday of the month. And by giving some money for the mission month.

    I feel happy

  11. Justin Villavicencio
    Gr4 our of good counsel
    We could cooperate by giving money to them we should give money to them because they are missionaries came from other places Rosary mission month is for donating money or what is helpful for them they proclaim the word of God and laws of heaven we could show our love for others by helping them taking care of them I feel happy when I HELP TO OTHER people because it is in GODS WORD and to the bible I want to continue this activity because it is helping to other people and to our community

  12. mark danniel H.santos
    gr.4 goodcounsel

    1.what is rosary and mission month for .
    so we can sorry to jesus on what we have wrong.
    2.How will you show your love and concern for others.
    by bieng shairful to others behave alwase. do you feel when you help other peaple.
    we fell happy. you want to con tinue this kind of activity.

  13. Piper allexisse T. dela paz .
    IV-o.l of good counsel.

    1.the rosary and mission month is to help people that is sick . the mission month is to gave money to the poor so we can help other people .the rosary
    month is to pray other people and other have a sick like cancer. we have learn that we can help others if we have a problem we have to pray the others so there sick is be well. we have donate the money so we can help others people.

  14. Robert Joshua S. Notario
    GS-4 O.L Of Good Counsel
    1.The rosary and the mission month is for jesus and the mother ignacia month
    2.we show love and concern by helping others and love them and love your enemies
    3.when other people help's i feel happy and proud of them and i think i want to be friend
    with them
    4.i want to contuinue this kind of activity so i can learn more about this activity
    1.i show nettiquettes by showing respect and love and i want to be nice to people i and i dont type bad words to them cause i dont want to disobey god
    2.we wont write wrong spelling grammar because thats wrong cause other peoples wont understand us
    3.we use magic fingers so we can practice pressing letters without looking at them and we can type fast using it
    4.we write paragraph's because its important to us and we can write it if we want to write a paragraph
    5.contents are really important cause we need to learn it
    6.i show discipline so i can get higher grades we can be smart when we study the discipline is important

  15. Tenchi A. Cabesas
    4 Ol of good counsel

    Rosary month and Mission month for me is to other people.To serve them like giving them water,medicine, by that i can help them.but most of all that is my duty by being Marian and i love to help them.and i am happy to serve them and i want to continue this project

  16. Mary Kirsten Abby D. Diestro
    IV-Good Counsel
    When I having fun in the rosary & mission month
    I am so happy because the rosary is every October & mission you know why my title is when I having fun because in rosary month like my mom she will have a surgery her sister came & day & night we pray the rosary for my mom will be ok tita Sig teach me how to pray the rosary properly and she help me memorize the rosary but I forgot the hail holy queen & the mysteries & for the mission we do not win but I am happy that I still help others.

  17. Eunice C, Gilana
    IV-Good Counsel
    "Rosary Month"
    1,Rosary month is the month to help other poor people of many countries and other places, it is an important ocasion to the poor people,it is the only chance of needs for them.

    2,I can show my concern to others by participating in mission month celebrations and giving my extra baon to poor and needy people.

    3,I feel happy when i help other people, because I am proud to be a Filipino to show how grateful and concern the filipino's are.

    4,Yes, because it helps other people to have their needings, and it is a good practise for children at their age, and to nourish that characteristic tothe children for others and the elderly.

  18. Rose Vivien P. Lope
    IV-Our Lady of Good Counsel
    Rosary Month
    1.Rosary and Mission Month is important because
    we can help many people and other country that we
    can help to.A mission is not just giving money but giving a help.Rosary is also very important to because we can use by praying for other people.Even praying for other country to.
    2.We can show love and concern to others by showing gift to them and by giving them blessings to.And by taking care of them even in the street people.And if there is a typhon happening we also need to donate them some foods, dress and other materials that can be donated.
    3.My feelings is happy because i can help lots of people.And i can share all my blessings to them.When a people also receive blessings from us also they will be happy to and its good to give than to recieve.When they are rich and we are poor they can give us to0

  19. Katlieana Janoy Sakaue
    IV-good counsel

    for our health so that our brain will be healthy
    couse are mother needed us for all that he do to us
    and will be forgive are sins that we do

    Quiestion 2
    so that the poor people will get a money and gonna eat there favorete foods

  20. Nicole Angela H. Coma
    Grade 4-Our Lady of Good Counsel

    Rosary and Mission month
    Rosary month is for us to pray to the sick people or for the persons who are in need.While Mission Month is for us to give money for the missionaries,for them to help the people who are in need.
    I will show my love and concern to others by helping them,loving them,give something that they need,I will take care of them, or something good for them or will make them happy.
    I feel happy when I help other people because it is the right thing that we will do to others.
    I must continue this kind of activity because this could help to us by loving others or this could help us by loving God because this is a good manner to others.
    We also have to pray the rosary properly.

  21. julianna shermae b. abaya IV good counsel

    Rosary and mission month is for the people who have sick and for the church.Iwill show to love and care to other by giving food and clothes.I feel like i am a hero.yes. because if i do not continue my grade will be 70.So bring your Rosary for the rosary

  22. kaisha maryelle t tengco
    4 -counsel
    rosary and mission month
    rosary and mission month is for the needy but not only for the needy
    the one who is affected by the typhoon.i will show love and concern in a simple way like helping others in their needs like their food shelter clothes .i feel happy for helping the needy because when you need their help they will be there for you because you help them when they are in need.i want to continue this activity for helping others because this is a gift of god that we must follow rosary month is helping others to pray and pray for mother mary in a simple way.

  23. Nina Angela Kaye M. Bantegui
    g-4 our lady of good counsel

    1. All about the Rosary is the prayer of good thanks you been the people who help you and all about the Mission Month is the the who trust in Jesus and God.

    2. By the caring of the love ones and taking caring of everything and people who love you must take the love who give you storge and love.

  24. Rachel M Fernandez
    G4-Our Lady Of Good Counsel

    What is Rosary And Mission Month For?
    The Rosary Month Is For. The Sick People and the Poor. They Need Many Things Like. Food,clothes,Toys For The Children. And Houses Because Some people Dont Have Houses So They Need That

    How Will You Show Your Love And Concern For Other?

    Respect Who's Older Than You

  25. Kirsten Danielle M. Macaya
    Gr.4-O.L of Good Counsel
    What to do during the month of October
    The Rosary and Mission Month is for praying for VIDES and also remembering all the time that Jesus did. I even know the mysteries. The mysteries are Joyful,Sorrowful,glorious and light.

  26. Maria Catherine C. Pundavela
    grade-4 our lady of good counsel


    1. what is the rosary and the mission month
    for ?
    2. how will you show your love to others?
    3. how do you feel when you help others ?
    4. do you to continue this kind of activity ?

    1. the mission month and the rosary is for the celebration of the five mysteries.the five mysteries are joyful,sorowful,glorious,light, luminous

  27. Julien Gricel M. Ambata
    Gr. IV - O.L. of Good Counsel

    "Rosary and Mission Month"
    1. What is Rosary and Mission Month for?
    The Rosary and Mission Month is using to complete our quest by the mysteries that we gave from the story of Jesus. We collect money to gave the other countries to serve their needs. Our mission is to pray the rosary daily and to share gifts to others. If we share gifts to God. God will be happy and save as on our sins.

    2. How will you show your love and concern for others?
    I'll help other people to show respect to them. I'll gave them concern to them. It will be good if we teach everyone to show good attitude. We need to concern ourselves to us. I'll use those good behavior to them.

    3. How do you feel when you help other people?
    I feel happy.

  28. Maria Saria Mae C. Morate
    Grade4 - Our Lady of good counsel

    1.) what is rosary and mission month for?

    Rosary month is important because we can pray for the sick people and for the poor people.
    Mission month is very important because to help other people like the poor people and street children.

  29. Andrea L. Maungca
    IV-Our Lady of Good Counsel
    Rosary and Mission Month
    1.The rosary month is gift from jesus.
    Rosary month is celebrate every october.
    Rosary and the mission month give from mary
    and children.Rosary we pray each other so jesus we love us.

    2.I show love to others by helping and sharing things to others.I always share my things to others.I'm so glad that all of us are sharing
    things to others.I thank god that he give us a good manners.I love helping others.

    3.I feel happy when I help other people.When I see people that sharing thigs to others I'm soooo glad.


  30. Mission month is a month that all the class or sectionswill offer or donate a money for the missionaries.We also pray the rosary so that our faith will be risen up to God.And we also pray for the healthof the missionaries.As a Marian we are responsible to thank and say sorry to God for the blessings and the gifts that god given us.

    I will show my love to others by helping other people.I can also show my love to my family by caring my baby sister everyday and by blessing to the elders when they are arrived home.Love should be also present to our schools.Concern is very important becauif you concern or care for others the will not be in danger or in difficulties.

  31. Alexis Claire M. Punzalan
    G4-Our Lady of good counsel
    1.For Us,For teachers,For family,For GOD,
    2.By sharing food,By sharing things,By sharing concern,By caring them,By loving them.
    3. I fell happy,Ifell

    4.yes Becuse i help others,

  32. Gabriel V. Mosuela
    IV-Our Lady Of Good Fortune

    We Need To Help.Because If We didn't help each other,maybethey will be Sad,Cry,Lonely,And Others.We Have to Be Lovely to Each Other.Because It's Very Happy to Have a Family,Friends,Cousin Neighbours,Classmates,Your Tito's And Tita's And More....

    We Have To Show Love To Our Family,Brothers And Sisters,and Others.We Have To Be Happy Always.Because Jesus Is In our Side Always.Jesus Loves Us And We Love too God

    I Feel Strong And Happy

  33. Xela lorraine Magpantay
    Rosary and mission month
    Rosary and mission month is
    helping each other,sharing and
    giving charity our mission gi-
    ves us to help poor children

    i can show love and concern by
    kissing my mom and my dad.Make
    others happy when there sad.
    treat him or her fairly

    i feel while helping other people
    great full,happy, thankful

  34. sherina nicole m. bello
    grade 4- our lady of good counsel
    rosary and mission mounth
    mission mounth is the donations for the poor the rosary mountht to pray our god and to the poor and family.
    i will concern to the poor because they can not eat b
    ecause they dont have many to buy a food.
    i feel if the people i help im so happy because have a good manner.i want to continue this kind of atidue because it is good manner.

  35. Christian Jerome O. cabato
    1.Rosary and Mission is for mary.
    2.I can show love and concern by helping each other.
    3.I feel happy when I help other people.
    4.I want to continue this activity because this activity can practice you type a paragraph.

  36. Dan Matthew B.Calma
    G4 Our Lady of Good Counsel
    1.Rosary and Mission month is to pray and give money for the poor and sick
    2.I can help for the poor because they are no money for buy some food and medicine
    3.I will continue to help one another

  37. arianne kristel m. yapchulay
    IV-our lady of good counsel
    rosary and mission month is important to us because it is the day of praying the rosary everyday rosary month rosary
    month is the day of helping each other and giving them charity mission month helps the poor people to be happy and to the children I can show them love and concern like my mom and dad mommy and daddy said that pray for the poor
    and pray for people who are in need I pray the rosary daily and I always pray it with the complete mysteries like joyful,sorrowful,glorious,and light.when I help other
    pople I feel fair and happy for them and greatful to them.

  38. jomari corazon u.marquez
    g-4 our lady of good counsel
    rosary and mission month
    rosary and mission month i will give the poor foods like biscuits and fruits sometimes. and i will give for them and because for helping other like poors and other people for needed. and i will give foods for them and i will love my father and my mother. i

    will hage them and kiss them. i will give for foods and. i will pray the rosary everyday starts on sunday in church.
    i will go to church every sunday at 7;00-8;00.i will pray to others.

  39. Israel V Mosqueda
    Rosary and Mission
    mission is important because is helping others
    because is giving foods and clhothes to poor peopoles
    and accident peoples

    Rosary month
    Pray rosary everyday and go to mass with for praying roary
    pray at night with rosary
    pray to God at all times
    give thanks to god

  40. Bryson C. Ballucanag
    . What is Rosary and Mission Month for?for helping.
    2. How will you show your love and concern for others?give them food.
    3. How do you feel when you help other people?happy because you wil help others
    4. Do you want to continue this kind of activity? Why?

    rosary and mission month is for the poor
    it is good for us because it is helping
    to others and show respect,care.

  41. Mark Stacey manahan
    mission is helping for the poor man i want to give money because if i give money the poor mans will be happy to us if we give money to the poor mans i will also give foods to them they will thank to us and there will have a lots of foods that be given to the poor mans pray rosary every day so God will be happy to all of the poor mans i will also give thanks to God and all of the things that i discover to the whole world thank you God because you give me foods to give and protect the poor mans in the whole world i will always pray rosary.My parents is so happy because i give to the poor man that i buy to the market

  42. Darwin S. Malaran

    WE must love each other so they will love you to we must respect to elder. we must show love to others so they will love you to.we must stop fighting so no one will be hurt.we must help each other so if we need help they will also help you to.wemust love our mother,father,brother,sister,baby,cousins,friends and classmates.we must share our blessings to oters so god will also be to others.we must also be helpful,shareful and friendful.we must pray to god.we must throw our trashes in a proper way so if there's flood no will be sick.
    how would you fill when you help others?

  43. Fitzserjohnne C. Calud
    IV-O.L of good counsel
    1.Rosary and mission month is helping us to share our gifts with others and were doing it every october because it's helping us to praise God and mama Mary.

    2.We show our love by caring people when they are sick because we love them so much

  44. laria chloe l.gatapia
    IV.good counsel

    1 rosary and mission month
    rosary and mission month is
    a good help each otheh.

    2.the rosary is an
