Tuesday, October 9, 2012

IV - Our Lady of Consolation

2nd Quarter - General Performance Test

Direction: In celebrating the "Rosary and Mission Month" this October, pupils are trying to give their hands to the needy especially to all missionary Priests whose trying to help also other people from different countries. Through this, pupils will create a simple paragraph on how to cooperate in the said celebration.

Make 4 paragraphs (each paragraph consist of at least 5 sentences or more)

Guide Questions:
1. What is Rosary and Mission Month for?
2. How will you show your love and concern for others?
3. How do you feel when you help other people?
4. Do you want to continue this kind of activity? Why?

Note: The following are the important reminders that need to do while doing the activity:
1. Show Netiquettes
2. Spelling and grammar
3. Use of magic fingers
4. paragraph format
5. Content
6. Discipline

Type your complete name before you start typing paragraph.


  1. Jasmine Jewel Tabuada
    Rosary and mission month is for helping and sharing.It is also for praying the rosaty,we also give money for the poor,we also share or give our blessings to them.That is rosary and mission month
    I show love and concern by giving them food,shelter,money,cloths and especially our blessings.Sometimes we also talk to them and give them,help them we also give them food and
    I fell happy in helping them because it is also a little sacrifice to people in need.I am so happy to help them ,I am availbe to them in helping.when I help them i felt glad.When they are happy I am happy.
    Yes I will contine because,I am so happy for them if I am helping them,by being nice to them,by being pietyfull,by giving them food,by giving them shelter,by giving them money,by also praying for them.

  2. Jared khursten G. victorio
    IV-our lady of consolation

    I will help poor people and family i will give money.

  3. Carl Joshua G. Precioso IV-Consolation
    Rosary and Mission Month are for the poor's or those in need so they will be happy and rosary is by praying for Jesus and Mary and when we are holding the rosary we shows that we respect Jesus and Mary,we love them, we obey them.

  4. Mikael Domingo A. Salazar
    IV- Consolation
    Rosary Month is for praying with the Rosary. Mission Month is for helping people who are in need
    Rosary Month is important because that is the time to pray. While Mission month

  5. Klyde David S. Reyes IV Consolation
    Rosary and Mission Month is for the poor people and for all who love Jesus our father we all thank all the missionaries in our country and for all country

  6. Janyn Edrielle Caliwliw

    1.Rosary is to pray.The rosary have 5 Mysteries. Mission Month we can help other people. Like poor.

    2.Love them and help them. Give food to the poor and help them. I will give donations.

    3.Happy and Excited

    4.Yes to help other that in need. I will help and love them. I will give money and clothes.

  7. Paul Ryan G. Jamadin
    G4-O.L of Consolation

    The rosary month is important. The mission will be sent to the poor.the rosary is for jesus' mercy to them. It is done peacefuly if not It will be ruined. It is done greatly peaceful for jesus' mercy.

    I show love simply.I will do it peacefully. And my heart wiil burst in love for them.I show it horribly concerned for them.If I grow up it will be more i'll give them their needs.

  8. Enrico Juliano A.Ibarreta
    Rosary and mission month is all about praying the rosary and giving money to the poor.Mission month reminds us to donate money to deliver it to the poor.Rosary month reminds us to pray the rosary.Rosary and Mission month are important to us because it gives peace to the whole wide world.We do this every year.
    I will give donations to the poor.I will donate money.I will give clothes to the street children.I will join the out reach programs.

  9. Christian Blue DC. Montoya
    IV Our Lady of Consolation

    The rosary and mission month is for to help poor children and pray for poor children and floods because of a typhoon.

    I will show love to others and concern will give them foods and money to buy foods

  10. Marck Aldrin E. Cornejo
    "Rosary and Mission Month"
    Rosary month is for God and Mary. Mission month is for our street children.

    I show love and concern by giving the street children a food,cloths,shelter,toys and money and I showing love to other by giving them.

  11. Xander bangalan galo
    Gr4 Consolation

    I will Always use the Rosary

    I will pray for the whole world and the rosary

    I will not Play with the Rosary

    I will not Tap and tap with the Rosary

    I will pray for the whole world and bless the rosary

  12. clark kent G rodriguez
    O.L of consolation

    1.it's for helping children and and for out rich and for helping people who are Beging on us and those who need Jesus we will help Jesus for his work and for mother Mary AND I will donate everyday and I will help them for there work

  13. Kenneth James Deloy
    IV-O.L of Consolation
    "Rosary and Mission Month"
    Rosary and the Mission Month is for sharing our things to others.

    I show love and concern by helping one another and by showing respect.

    I feel helping for other people by giving other food and my other things.

  14. Jack Elinzano
    IV consolation
    The rosary and mission month is for giving money to
    the people and helping them.I can show my love and
    concern by helping them and giving them food to eat.
    I feel happy when I help peoples that need help from us.I want to continue on helping people because they need help

  15. john harvey V. miranda

    the rosary and mission month is important.
    the rosary is for jesus mercy for them.the mission wil be sent to the poor.

  16. Kateleen Loi P. Lemsic
    IV-Our Lady Of Consolation

    The Rosary and Mission Month is for all of us.The rosary is for the safety of us and others.The Mission is for the poor childrens that's why we give money.Rosary and Mission is for the whole world.Rosary and Mission month is very important to us.

    I will show love and concern to others by giving them food.By giving them some clothes.by entertaining th

  17. maxene alley v. magsombol.
    4 consolation.

    for mission month and the rosary for me is the
    rosary for me is the sign of jesus.

  18. jeniel aika I.Maducdoc
    Gr.4-our lady of consolation

    Rosary and mission

  19. Kateleen Loi P. Lemsic
    IV-Our Lady Of Consolation

    The Rosary and Mission Month is for all of us.The rosary is for the safety of us and others.The Mission is for the poor childrens that's why we give money.Rosary and Mission is for the whole world.Rosary and Mission month is very important to us.

    I will show love and concern to others by giving them food.By giving them some clothes.By entertaining them.I will join Outreach when if there is.I will pray for they safety.

    When i'am helping i feel happy because i can help other people.

  20. Maria Alexandria Xienna Panganiban
    IV-OL of Consolation
    Rosary and Mission month is for teaching us how pray the rosary. Rosary and Mission month is olso for teaching us how to help others. We can follow this month by praying every day.We shouls follow missions so we can halp others

  21. preciousa jesel relacion
    grade 4 -consolation

    whay is mission month for ?
    for the poor children and to give respect to venerable ignacia del espiritu santo and those who need help and for people who where flood.

    how do you show love and concern for others ?
    I will give them donation to the poor people and I will share My blessings to them

    how do you feel while helping people ?


  22. Faye Ashley V. De Guzman
    Gr4-O.l. of Consolation
    Rosary is important because it is a prayer for me and Mission is giving a donation for the poor children.
    I will give a food from the poor children.We feel happy for the poor children.

    Because I love to continue because I can feel the happiness of the poor children.

  23. Name:Samantha Jersey M. Yutuc
    Section:IV Courage

    Today is Mission Month.Mission Month to me is very important to me.I will give "Service" to others.I feel happy when I help other people.

    Yes! Iwant to continue.Beacause I can Help Other people.Rosary month is important to me.Beacause were praying to our mother mary.

    As a sign of loving the Rosary and Mission Month.I would pray to others.I would also pray for you.

    Now were planning for the All Souls Day and All Saints Day.We would still be thinking about Rosary and mission month.

    Rosary and Mission Month is really needed.
    I could show love by praying the rosary properly.

    Still feeling excited when I help others.
    Si!Becauseits a right thing to do.

    -Samantha Yutuc

  24. Camilla Isabel A. Valencia
    IV-Our Lady of Courage

    The Rosary and Mission month for me is important.Because I can help the poor peoples.We should give big amount in Mission month.So you can help better to others.Always pray rosary because rosary is important to us.

    I can show love and concern to others.By donating money,food,water jogs,and old clothes to others.We should show love,unity,and concern to others even you don't know about them.We should do good to others.We should be friend to others.

    For me I'm happy.Because if some ones need help and then we donate something we feel happy.We should always happy.We should always excited in what we are doing.Don't be angry.

  25. raven iv consolation

    For the poor and needy.I will help them in hard times.I feel happy to help

  26. Maryelle Krystherese S. Noble
    Rosary and Mission Month
    The rosary and mission month is very
    important.Mission Month means we donate our
    money and gifts to the poor children and their
    parents.The Rosary means we pray to Mother Mary
    or Venerable Ignacia Del Espiritu Santo.We pray
    the Holy Rosary on October 2.In mission month we
    should always donate our gifts not only to the
    poor children but to others too.

    I promise that I will be kind to others.
    I will love,care and share my food and clothes
    to others.

  27. Jared khursten G. victorio
    IV-our lady of consolation

    To pray for the poor and give money to them
    i will give them food and cloths
    i am happy because am helping other people
    yes because it can help other people and the poor

  28. Gabriel Angelo P. Chua G4-Our Lady Of Consolation

    On the month of October, the pope encourages us to pray the Rosary. This also in time with the celebration of the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary. Mother Mary invites us to rediscover the beauty of this prayer. And so the pope, with all intentions for the good of the missions of the church and world peace, is inviting us to recite the Rosary. It is to be done for the whole year but most especially during month of October of every year.

    My mission as a student, by simply studying hard is a way to show love and concern for others. If i will be good in my profession when i grow up, then i will have better knowledge and capability that will help many people. Another is by being a good person myself, i can set an example to other children. I can also teach and explain to them the importance of doing what is right for the common good of all. I will also be able to share my blessings to others and extend my services to the needy for free.

    By doing my mission of helping other people gives me joyous feeling. Also a feeling of fulfillment completeness. It is not always about money or earthly possessions but helping others by setting example and sharing ones knowledge. Seeing a happy person because of your help, makes me a difference to you and to that person. There will always be a feeling to be more closer to GOD.

    Yes. And so, by doing my duty as a student is like doing my duty to the LORD! Studying harder and pushing my self to the limit will make me a better person and more knowledgeable to help and teach more people. I will do my very best to continue study hard and start helping others at the early age. I can start by teaching less fortunate children of what i am learning from my school. In that way we can grow a better future together.


    i will pray for the poor
    i will give them cloths
    and money.
    i am happy because am helping other people

  30. Aena Gabrielle R. Medina
    Rosary and Mission
    Rosary and Mission month is the month we pray and give donation for the poor people. I will show love and concern to others by helping them. I feel happy when I help others because this make God happy. I will continue doing this activity because I want make God happy.

  31. julianne jaye s justo
    Grade 4-our lady of consolation

    the month of the holy rosary is for the praying for our blessed virgin of all angels.

    the mission month is for the poor who needs a money for there own life and for their foods.

    i will concern and love others by,giving them a shelter,food,clothes,money,and we have that they have too.i will love them by caring them and loving them.

    i feel happy because i can help other people with my self.i feel like i am blessed by jesus christ when i help.i don't feel tired because it im sleeping at exact time.

    Yes!i want to continue this activity because it is so important because we blessed the poor and give them a lot of money.

  32. jermaine jill domingo
    Grade4 O.L of consolation
    this month of October is rosary and mission month.We have to give money this October we have to be thankful.We have to be thankful this October.I will be a Marian by helping the poor people.

  33. Kyle Angelo S. Calixto
    IV-OL of consolation

    Rosary and Mission month is for all the missionaries in the whole wideworld.And to help the poor people in our country.Most of all to donate the money to the people who are in need.

    I can love and show concern for others.Is to help them when they need you.And to donate money so they can buy some food.And to give them medicine so they are gonna be healed.

    I feel happy when i help others because i would be able to share my blessings to others.And i can also make them happy.

    Gr4 OL of consolation
    rosary and mission month is to offer money so we can help the church.rosary month is to pray the rosary.being a
    marian I will pray to other.

  35. Czyryll Dominique C. Santillan
    Gr4-O.L.of Consolation

    Mission month is for our mother "MARY" and jesus
    we have to pray our rosary.
    I will love others by helping them,donating clothes
    and toys and helping the poor.
    I feel happy when I help others becuase the one I am helping is happy too.
    Yes,I will continue this activity becuase it can help others.

  36. Criselda Nichole Sales
    4 consolation
    rosary and mission month is a month of sharing ones blessings.we should share are blessings even if we have only a little. mission month is also a month of giving donations.
    we should help the poor.we have to pray the rosary everyday.

    I will show love and concern to others by helping them.I will give food to the poor to show love and concern.

  37. Jenel Christen B. Conejares
    G4 Our Lady of Consolation

    "Rosary Mission Month"

    The Rosary Mission Month is sharing our gift or blessings to others. Rosary Mission Month is important so we will learn how to pray the rosary.


  38. Sean Justin N. Calamba
    Gr4- OL of Consolation
    "Rosary and Mission Month"

    The Rosary and Mission Month is for us. I will Pray the Rosary everyday. I will said to the person who play the rosary that you can not play that rosary because it is for God.
    My mission as a student, by simply studying

  39. Jesse Vienne L. Sulit
    4- OL of consolation

    For me Mission and Rosary month being united with Mary and Jesus. It is also remembering the Lord and Mary.I can show love and concern by helping the poor and giving them my blessings.I feel happy if i am helping others. Iwant to continue this activity because it is great if helping.

    In mission we need to help and love the poor.We will do these all together .We are not only do this for the poor also for god to show that we follow him.I show love and concern for others by praying for them always.I will attend mass to pray for my family not only the you know also the poor who need your help .

    In rosary you show that you follow mother mary she is are model or we need to follow her because she is the one who always pray and respect others like praying for the sick and dead. You should always pray for others.On the month of October, the pope encourages us to pray the Rosary. This also in time with the celebration of the feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary of the Rosary.My mission as a student, by simply studying hard is a way to show love and concern for others. I promise that I will be kind to others.
    I will love,care and share my food and clothes
    to others.


    The rosary is prayed every October.We always do the mission month every October too.The mysteries of the rosary is the life of Jesus and Mary.The new rosary has four mysteries.The old mysteries has three mysteries.When we receive a mission envelope we need to fill it with money.

    I will show my love for others by praying for them.I will help them.I will love them.I will stop them in fighting.I will say to them love one another.

    When I help people I feel happy.I feel proud for my self.

  42. Miguel Avril C. Aquino

    October is the month of the rosary.For us to remember the life of Jesus and Mary.We give money to the people who are in need

    By praying for them.Helping in our own little ways.Teaching the people the value of praying.For them to have faith in God.

    I feel happy and proud. I feel that God is in me to do good things. I feel that no one can defeat me especially the temptations.I am not afraid to stand alone .

    Yes!we need to continue encouraging everyone how strong prayer is.So we can help others.We need to spread the word of God.And we need to have peace and unity to our country.

  43. Eiji Shinozaki
    G4-Our Lady Of Consolation

    A Rosary Is a prayer to God & Mary. A Mission Month is to spread God's Word and to Enhance their spiritual
