Thursday, February 17, 2011

HELE 5 Reflection #2

Direction: Please write your name and section before answering:

1. How do ornamental plants help us to beautify the surroundings?
2. Why do we need to plant?

Reflection #3 (M-W)

Direction: Please write your name and section before answering:

1. What are the benefits that you can get in using paint program in your daily activities?
2. How will you apply your art skills in using paint program?

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Reflection #2 (M-W)

Text tool is used to add caption in paint. You can use it for creating a slogan or a comic strip in paint program. You can change the style and size of the text by using text toolbar.

Select Tool and Free Form Select is used to copy, move, select, and delete the selected part of the drawing in paint program.

Reflection/ Journal No.2

Direction: Type your name and section before you answer the questions below. Make at least 2 complete sentences each.

1. What are the benefits that you can get once you master the skills in putting caption in your drawing?
2. How will you use the select tool and the free form select properly?