Thursday, September 30, 2010

4 - Our Lady of Courage

ST# 3

Criterion: 18 passing score out of 25 points

Direction: Create a simple paragraph (at least 3 sentences each paragraph) by answering the question below. Type first your Class number and your name)


1. Punctuality

2. Spelling/ grammar




Total: 25 points

Question: How will you promote Peace


  1. BY promoting

  2. G8 Eunice Dominique R.Guzman
    I will promote peace by saying do not fight in each one of us. I will say how do people undersand want is the meanig.

  3. G6 Rosarito

    i will promte peace by saying to others not to fight, don't steal, not hurting anyone, never say bad things to others.

  4. G-10 Reef
    By always doing nice things to every one always,also by never doing any bad things to anyone

  5. G8 trisha
    i will promote this by cleaning the trashes in
    the street.i will not trow bombs in the sea. i
    will trow trash in the street.

  6. g11-frazella
    i will promote peace by doing what is right and what is bad,i will clean our surroundings, i will respect others

  7. g19 charyssse courage
    iwill promote peace by not saying bad words.and not fight each other.and to respect each other.

  8. G12 Rheana
    I will promote peace by doing what is right. And saying do not fight each other.I will say to the people understand this.

  9. g5 jasmine p. dolisen

    Iwill help people who doesn't know internet.I will tell to the people to throw at the right garbage.I do my responsibilities to work it right.

  10. G7
    I will not say bad words

  11. Ella G-13

    I will help to promote peace by
    helping each other, giving food to
    others and share what you learn.

  12. Arianna G-17
    I will promote peace by not fighting others.I will promote peace by cleaning the sorroundings.I will promote peace by saying good things to others.

  13. G-20 samantha
    we promote peace by:not trowing trash everywhere.and by caring MOTHER EARTH.
    by following direction everywhere.

  14. g9 sofia

    I will promote peace by not saying bad to other people and not fighting using internet. The importance of promoting peace is because if we didn't promote peace we will have a misunderstanding . That's all.

  15. B19 IV-Courage
    Ralph Daniel
    I will Promote Peace By Not Fighting Others.
    And by Trying Other Cultures Food
    An Lastly by caring and loving other people

  16. jeanne g-22
    I will promote peace by being a peace-maker.
    If someone is figting I will let them stop.So that the war will not be worst.So that our country will be peaceful enough to live in.and thats a little way how can you promote peace

  17. G3 Riana David
    I will promote peace by not teasing my classmates and friends.I will also promote peace by sharing my things to those who are in need.
    Saying polite words is also one.

  18. B1 Gabriel Christian
    1.I will help promote peace by helping people clean the streets
    2.To tell them to stop fighting unite with others

  19. B5 Kenneth
    I Will not fight others so no fight.Do not say
    bad words to others.Don't tease others so they
    will not tease you to.

  20. G1 juliana
    1.I will premote peace by not saying bad words dont fight always

  21. G14 charlene
    By helping the people.hELP your neigbor to giving food.GIVE PACE.

    B14 Carl
    By helping others who need help.By donating.By helping your neighbors when they need help.

  22. B6 Stephen
    I will promote peace by saying don't say bad words
    in each one of us.I will say correct word.

  23. Eeurha G4
    I will promote the peace .I will save the earth by not picking flowers and i will not step on the grass.I will not fight any one in the class room.

  24. b-20 andrei
    I will promote peace by :I will not fight to everyone.

  25. b8 jack
    i will promote peace by don't start a fight.Don't steal anything.Don't give your parents a hardtime.

  26. B12 franz
    I will promote peace by not bullying others.And
    not getting revenge on others. And teasing others.

  27. B7- Fernando
    I will say to have peace to each others. You say good words.To share of all the creature of god..

  28. EthanJean B-17
    I will promote peace by not saying bad words.I will promote peace by doing your responsibilities.I will promote peace by sharing/loving other

  29. B4 Joaquin
    I will promote peace by not saying bad words

  30. g-18 danielle marie
    i will promote peace by not fighting. So our country will not be destroy.

    b-18 clarence
    I will promote peace by stoping the war.So the country willhave no war .Because if there's war the pepole die

  31. B-1
    our lady of courage
    1. dont fight each other share food

  32. Eeurha g4
    I will not fithg each other.I will not say bad words.I will hepl those who need help

  33. B-10 Michael
    I will promote peace by not fighting to each other.By saying good things.By donating those who are in need.
