Thursday, September 30, 2010

4 - Our Lady of Courage

ST# 3

Criterion: 18 passing score out of 25 points

Direction: Create a simple paragraph (at least 3 sentences each paragraph) by answering the question below. Type first your Class number and your name)


1. Punctuality

2. Spelling/ grammar




Total: 25 points

Question: How will you promote Peace

4 - Our Lady of Health

Direction: Create a simple paragraph (at least 3 sentences each paragraph) by answering the question below. Type first your Class number and your name)

How will you promote PEACE

4 - Our Lady of Love

Reflection/ Journal

Create a simple paragraph (at least 3 sentences each paragraph) by answering the question below. Type first your Class number and your name)

How will you promote Peace

4 - Our Lady of Good Counsel

Direction: Create a simple paragraph (at least 3 sentences each paragraph) by answering the question below. Type first your Class number and your name)

How will you promote PEACE

Monday, September 27, 2010

4- Our Lady of Consolation: Essential Questions

1. How does Windows XP helps us to manipulate the computer hardware and software?

2. How does Windows affect the appearance of the Start Menu and Taskbar?

4- Our Lady of Protection: Essential Questions

1. How does Windows XP helps us to manipulate the computer hardware and software?

2. How does Windows affect the appearance of the Start Menu and Taskbar?

4- Our Lady of Good Fortune: Essential Questions

1. How does Windows XP helps us to manipulate the computer hardware and software?

2. How does Windows affect the appearance of the Start Menu and Taskbar?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Intramurals 2010

What can you say about our Intramural 2010?

Reflection/ Journal

1. How do Windows XP help us to manipulate the computer hardware and software?
2. How do Windows affect the appearance of the Start Menu and Taskbar?

4- Our Lady of Health: Essential Questions

1. How does Windows XP helps us to manipulate the computer hardware and software?

2. How does Windows affect the appearance of the Start Menu and Taskbar?

4- Our Lady of Love: Essential Questions

1. How does Windows XP helps us to manipulate the computer hardware and software?

2. How does Windows affect the appearance of the Start Menu and Taskbar?

4- Our Lady of Good Counsel: Essential Questions

1. How does Windows XP helps us to manipulate the computer hardware and software?

2. How does Windows affect the appearance of the Start Menu and Taskbar?