Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Welcome to our Blogsite!!!!


  1. Mikaela Althea M. Leviste
    IV-Our Lady of Love

    Peace for Everyone
    How can I promote Peace to everyone?As a Marian, we should know how to show peace.Peace is unity.Peace always show the right thing to do.My advice is: Never give up ifhat you are doing is right,if you think what you believe for is right, fight for it.Peace never lies to all.

  2. Enrico Juliano A. Ibarreta
    I'll make peace for everyone by:
    Sharing my food to my classmate when He/She does not have any food.I'll entertain my neighbors.I'll give the poor children some food and clothes.I'll join the foundation for the poor and the flood victims. I'll work hard to have peace for every one.

  3. Jasmine Jewel Tabuada
    Peace for everyone
    We show peace by:
    Being goood to people
    BEing nice and jenerous
    Being helpfull to people
    And be a carefull to everyone
