Monday, September 24, 2012

3-2-1 Activity: Netiquette

Direction: Type first your complete name and your section.

3 Important things you've learned about Netiquette
2 Traits/ Values you will gain in following netiquettes
1 Question you still have


Netiquette – Short for “Network Etiquette”

Rules of Netiquettes
-        Do not make or open any malicious videos
-        Obey copyright laws
-        Keep personal information private
-         Do not use ALL CAPITAL LETTERS because that is considered shouting or yelling
-        Social Network are not private. Avoid posting rude comments, sensitive topics, or embarrassing photographs to other people
-        When you request friends or contacts on social networking sites, don’t assume they know who you are. Instead, briefly explain who you are and how they know you.

sources: Kidsafe internet browser

Practical Test #2
Criterion: 10 passing score out of 15 points

Hands-on Activity: Let the pupils do the following procedure.
1. Turn on the computer
2. Open internet browser
3. Type in the search box
4. Read and answer the reflection by clicking comment link below.
5. Check the criteria

1. Turn on the computer properly 4 3 2 1
2. Use internet following the netiquettes 4321
3. Open the blogspot correctly 4 3 2 1
4. Posting comment correctly 3 2 1 

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Welcome to our Blogsite!!!!

2nd Quarter

Summative #1
1. Write you complete name and section before you answer the questions.
2. Please expand your answer. (minimum of 5 sentences)
3. Do not forget to show netiquettes.

TOPIC #1: Peace for Everyone
How will you promote Peace? Cite an example.

TOPIC #2: A Peaceful mind
How can you show Peace everyone? Cite an example.

1.Creates paragraph with correct format  4   3   2   1
2.Spelling and Grammar  4  3  2  1
3.Knows how to open blogspot  4  3  2  1
4.Follow direction correctly  4 3  2 1
5.Show discipline in doing the activity 4  3  2  1
6. Follow Netiquettes in using blogspot.