Sunday, October 23, 2011

3rd Quarter: Reflection #1

Direction: Type your name and section before answering. Answer at least 2 sentences each.

Guide Questions:
1. What is Word Processing?
2. Give two uses of Word Processing?
3. How will you apply the uses of a Word Processing program to your daily activities?

Friday, October 7, 2011

2nd Quarter - General Performance Test

Direction: In celebrating the "Rosary and Mission Month" this October, pupils are trying to give their hands to the needy especially to all missionary Priests whose trying to help also other people from different countries. Through this, pupils will create a simple paragraph on how to cooperate in the said celebration.

Guide Questions:
1. What is Rosary and Mission Month for?
2. How will you show your love and concern for others?
3. How do you feel when you help other people?
4. Do you want to continue this kind of activity? Why?

Note: The following are the important reminders that need to do while doing the activity:
1. Show Netiquettes
2. Spelling and grammar
3. Use of magic fingers
4. paragraph format
5. Content
6. Discipline

Type your complete name and section before you start typing paragraph.