Thursday, February 18, 2010

Reflection #3: Grade 3 our lady of loreto

Type your name and class number before you answer the reflection. Thank you..

1. Give the uses of eraser, magnifier and Fill with color.
2. How will you apply the skills in using paint to your daily life situation? Give an example.


  1. Shaina talento g-22
    1.the use of eraser is to erase your drawing,the use of magnifier is to zoom in,the use of fill with color is to put color to your drawing
    2.i will use it fo r projects

  2. Arianna Coleen T. Ochua

    You can erase any tihing you have mistake

    I will be proud of my self

  3. Fatima_G-12

    1.the use of the eraser is to erase the incorrect draw , the use of the magnifier is to magnify your work and the use of of fill with color is to color your work.

    2. i will study the uses of paint

  4. Kristina Marie D. Hernandez G9
    1.The uses of eraser is to erase your work.The uses of magnifier is to larger your work and The use of Fill with color is to fill color to your work.
    2.I apply the skills in using paint are ready to paint.

  5. eeurha g3
    1he uses of eraser it ca be eraser the wrong drawing,magnifier kanbe big
    fill with color can be use by coloring
    2by using them and using everyday when ever they

  6. eraser use to erase your drawing
    the magnifyer use to make it big
    the fill with color use it to make a color
    2project in math

  7. marjonel claire s.mas g13
    1.the use of eraser can erase drawings,magnifier can make drawings bigger and fill with color can color drawings
    2.we can apply our skills by using it properly,ex.we can use it if we have to practice drawing in computers.

  8. Julia G4
    1.Eraser erase the wrong drawing,magnifer zoom thedrawing,fill with color color faster the drawing.
    2.use it every day draw properly.

  9. Angela Therese M.Morales
    1.The uses of eraser is to erase the wrong drawing,the use of magnifier it makes your drawing bigger and the fill with color can make a background
    2.By making the drawing more beautiful.project in other subject.

  10. Camille Ann Rose V. Galutira G-7
    1.The eraser erase and the magnifier can make your drawing bigger and fill with color fill color to your drawing
    2.I will use it in my project and more important things.

  11. Dani Mari Araneta

    1.eraser can erase drawings. magnifier can zoom in and out.fill with color can make colors can practice it can advance your skills if you can keep practicing

  12. Stephanie Mae M. Robledo

  13. Eunice Dominique R.Guzman g8
    1.the eraser si use ni erasing the wrong drowing
    magnifier is use zoom the drwoing
    fill with corol is use to put color
    2.fill with color

  14. sasha
    eraser erases your work magnifier makes your work
    bigger fill with color adds color to your work.
    iwill use it.
    abcd can erase your work it can zoom your letter you can color your work
    2.i wiil use it .

  15. 1.the eraser is to erase our drawing,the magnifier is to minimize or maximize the drawing,and the fill with color is to paint our drawing

  16. Miu R. Shimogawa G-21
    1.The use of eraser is to erase your drawing,the use of magnifier is to make your drawing big and the use of fill with color is to color all
    2.To make my project

  17. charysse g17
    1the eraser is to erase the wrong work
    the magnifier is to the number comes biger and bigger
    the fill with color is to color your work make your work beautiful

  18. carl v.
    1 by erasing the wrong drawing,
    magnifier by making the letters big,fill with color by coloring the pictures
    2by using the paint everyday

  19. ella denise b. marcelo.

    it can erase wrong drawings
    and bigger drawings and color beautiful drawings.

    itcan usesdrawings

  20. justineb18
    you can use eraser magnifier and fill with color like for example you can zoom and zoomout,youcan fill your drawings with color,you can erase yhe damages on your drawing

  21. Fe Eleanor M. Tupas g23
    1.eraser can erase your drawing if you are wrong,magnifier can maximize your drawing,fill with color you can make a background. can show every body what did you made.

  22. Michael_B-12

    1.The uses of the eraser is to erase the wrong drawing but it can damage your drawing, the magnifier can make your drawing big or small

    2.I will study more about paint program.

  23. Ralph Daniel M. Torres
    1.Eraser When You Have A Little Mistake Magnifier If You Wanna Zoom in Fill With Color You ca Fill Your Drawing With Many Colors Quickly

  24. John Rafael c deguzman B-7 use airbrush
    2 to use fill with color

  25. Ron Marlo D. Cortez B-6

    the use of eraser,magnifier and color is important to be beutiful the work of a one person

    2.i will use the paint everyday cause it is important to a people to be

  26. Ruiz B4

    1.Eraser is for erasing wrong drawing , magnifier is for zoom in or zoom out , fill with color is for filling the drawing .

    2.If you have apresentation you can draw.

  27. KimAndrew C.demartin b9
    1.the user of eraser it can erase the work magnifier it can make your work bigger fill with color it can have your work have a color
    2.i will paractice at home paint

  28. .to creat your work

  29. Carl Daniel M. Punzalan can erase,can big and color with out

  30. marc angelo m. marcelino b13
    the uses of the eraser is to erase the drawings
    the uses of the magnifier is to magnify the drawings
    the uses of the fill with color is to color the drawings
    to learn the paint

  31. Anton Miguel Arcigal

    1.The eraser can erase your drawing and The magnifier it can bigger your drawing and fill with color it can be use to your drawing teaching people whhat you lern

  32. Sean
    Gabrielle B. Delos reyes b-8
    1 the eraser can be use to erase some wrong drawings the magnifier can be use to zoom your drawing fillwith color canuse anycololor that you want
