Thursday, January 7, 2010

IV - Our Lady of Love

4th Quarter

Reflection # 1

1. How does paint program help us in our daily activities? Give an example.

2. Why is paint program important to learn?


  1. G-18 Lisa Nayre

    1.It help us when we have arts and drawings we/I can do it creatively.

    2.Paint is important to learn because it help us to develop skills in arts.

  2. 1.Like we want an amazing computer drawing.You can draw in the MS paint.
    2.So that we can learn how to draw in computer.

  3. G-25 Our Lady of Love

  4. 1. it helps us by using our skills to do paint.

    2. so we can use it to do things and teach others.


  5. 1.It will help us to be creative and artistic in arts.
    Example:If we have a problem in art we will just go to the paint and do an art and try it to personal and practice.

    2.It is important to learn because if we learn the paint,we can teach and help others for those who don't know paint and how to do arts.

  6. G28
    1.) Paint program helps us in our daily activiteis like, persons who like to paint. And those people who want to have fun.

    2.) Because the paint program can help us in our daily life's and activities.

    Jan Mikaela S. Tamayo

  7. 1.Paint program helps us by helping us in our homeworks and also gives us Fun. It also makes our drawing or art more Creative and Artistic to look at.

    2.Because it also helps us in many ways

    - Johanna Denise L. Almaida G2
    Grade 4 Our Lady of Love

  8. 1. the paint help us by

    1.for cause of projects

    2.for any for invitation like wedding aniversary
    see there is so many things to do with "PAINT"

    2.because of if u be a artist u may be use that

    Nikkie Mae M. Reyes G-24 our lady of love

  9. g3
    1. Like we want to draw an amazing computer drawing.You can draw at MS paint.
    2.Because because paint program can help us in our daily lives

    -angela ardenio

  10. 1. It helps us to make our projects, assignments, and activities beautiful.

    When we use it as a helper to our projects and assignments and make it colorful sometimes meaningful.

    2. It is important to learn because it can be useful than other MS programs.

  11. b12 helps us to be happy imagining many colors. that you will be creative.

  12. G27-Our Lady of Love

    1. Paint help us by being creative.

    2. It's important to learn because we can learn many things by using it.

  13. 1.paint can help us by it can edit our picture.
    2.paint program is important to learn because so if we need to edit or paint we know already the steps.

    mary joyce cristobal 4-love g-9

  14. Refletion # 1

    1. How does paint program help us in our daily activities? Give an example.

    Answer : The paint program help us in our daily activities by making us entertained in our drawings.

    2. Why is paint program important to learn?

    Answer : Paint program is important to learn because it can help us in our daily lives.

    G-29 Andrea Nicole O. Velasco

  15. g5
    1.paint program helps us by we can make posters if we need.
    2.paint progran is important because if we dont have paint we cant do posters.

  16. G12 love

    1)The paint program help us in our daily activities by:

    1.It can help us draw faster.
    2.It can help us draw more beautiful.
    3.It can help us draw easier.

    2)It is important becausethere we can draw much easier,beautifu and faster so thats why its important to learn.

  17. Gregg Domini M. Jacob IV-Love

    1.It helps us to have fun,show our creativity and be happy.Drawinghappy things or anything you want.

    2.Because without this we cannot learn things in paint program.

  18. Alexis Andrei C. Esguerra IV-Love
    1.It help us by making us fun like drawing and coloring
    2.Paint program is important because it make us fun and do our project

  19. G-25 Our Lady of Love
    2.So young children or people like me will know their talent and knowledge in art.

    Thank You bye-bye..........♥♥♥

  20. 1.Paint program help us in our daily activities. An example is when you want to draw pictures. It can even increase skills in drawing or using the computer and it can help you in some projects.
    2.Paint program is important because it can make your creativity and drawing sklls increase like what I answered in the 1st question.

  21. RAiden Mark Macaballug
    1.It help us to be happy,make fun,improve creativity and for some projects\
    -Can draw anything
    -Can make some projects
    2.It is important because it can make you happy and fun with friends and if you want send your drawing you will use paint to draw.

  22. G15
    1. paint program can help us by sowing that we care to our planet earth.
    2. it is important because we can learn how to draw.

  23. 1.It helps us by being creative.We rae being creative because of paint. We can paint without using papers.

    2.So if we have a project we can use it.

    Michael derwin Musni
    IV Love♥♣

  24. g7
    1.paint help us in daily activities becuse it can help us make our assignments and we can learn all the parts of it.

    2.paint program is important to learn because we can do our assignment in paint.It is also important to learn be we can be great in drawing things

  25. can help us learn how to use the other tools of paint. that if we need pictures to edit we could do it at paint.

    gayle ivy c. de los santos 4-love g-10

  26. 1.paint help us in our daily activities by making us enjoy computer for example draw and then you can paint your drawing.
    2.We need to learn paint so that we can have entertaiment.

  27. Answers:

    1.because if we dont have paint our surroundings will be ugly
    and it will be sorrowful because there's no arts.

    answers by:Angelica Marie Alyssa C. Oribiana[G19] we can help our place to be happy and full with arts.

  28. 1)Paint Program help us in our daily activity while we are doing nothing let us paint to have a fun and educational doing.An example by drawing places.

    2)So that when we have an assignment and we need to draw it is more easier and we could be more creative.

    g14-Kish Amiel N. Faune

  29. 1)how does painthelp us in our daily activities? give an example.

    -helping us do projects.

    2)why is paint important to learn?

    -so you can learn how to use it.

  30. 1. By making a paint it help us to be artistic we can apply it to our daily lives like in school if you have project.
    2. So we can know the paint tool and if you want to be a painter the paint tool can help.

  31. b13
    1.It help us learn to be creative.By using many styles
    2.So we can teach ohers

  32. 1.paint program can help our daily life in doing posters,playing and just having fun.

    2.paint program is important to learn because paint is a program that we can do any thing we want.
    eugene malabad
    4 LOVE

  33. g31-ou lady of love

    1. Paint program help us in our daily activities by we can draw anything that we want to draw it doesn't waste paper.Ü

    2. Paint is important to learn because if we will not learn it it is very "nakakahiya" because all of your friends know it and then you don't know it.

  34. G26
    1.We can learn many things hereand we can do creative stuff.
    2.We can show other people we are creative.

  35. G4
    1.Paint program helpus in our daily activities becouse it makes us fun.
    2.paint is impt. cause for us have activities too.

  36. 1.It can help us by using paper not too much in our paintings and drawings.

    2.Because if there are no more papers in the future and only computers we can use it.

    Dana Lou L. Pabinguit

  37. Arolf Delano D.S. Santos enhancing our skills of drawing help us be creative

  38. help us in our daily activities by:
    -creating art
    -to make art and others is important to learn because it is important

  39. 1.Pain program help us in our daily activities like helps us to paint and draw in the computer

  40. Jean Lloyd Cruz
    ans. we can have fun and learn other things with it.

    draw anything you like

  41. 1. Paint program help us in our daily lives, for example it helps is in our projects, it helps us if we get bored, we can do art also.

    2. We learn how to do art and we also learn how to edit pics.
