Thursday, July 16, 2009


Reflection #2

1. What are the benefits that you can get once you organize your files?

2. Why do we need to be organize all the time?


  1. AnonymousJuly 24, 2009

    1.The benifits are we could open our profile easily

    2.So all of us would like be a clean person.

  2. AnonymousJuly 24, 2009

    we should be organize so that we will not consume many minutes.and if you are organized all the time some people will say oh you are so industrious .

  3. AnonymousJuly 24, 2009

    we should be organize so that we will not consume many minutes in finding it.and if you are organized all time the people will tell you your so industrious in organizing things .that is my explanation
    -angela sophia i. ardenio

  4. AnonymousJuly 26, 2009

    if you are organized your files you will not take too long to find it.And other people will say wow you organized your things good job!!!-angela sophia i ardenio

  5. AnonymousJuly 26, 2009

    1.So you can find it easily
    2.So it will not be crowd

    MichaelDerwin dm Musni

  6. AnonymousJuly 27, 2009

    B-12 Our Lady of Love

    1. What are the benefits that you can get once you organize your files?

    I remember myself during those times that my mom taught me that basics of computer and not later on got hooke with it without knowing that it's not only about how you do well with computers but also you need to know how to be effective and efficient with it. There comes a point that I've realized that my documents were just an absolute mess, files were mislabeled, things were mis-organized, I couldn't find my files, and I couldn't get them quickly when I really needed them.

    Keeping files organized can help me find the right files to use when running a program. I can also use folders to sort my files into separate categories, and place shortcuts to my favorite programs on the desktop for easy access.

    Keeping computer documents and files organized all the time will ensure that personal documents can be easilly find and access whenever you need them.

    2. Why do we need to be organized all the time?

    I need to organize my things like toys, books, drawing and coloring pens and others especially my personal items is not just to make it easier to find my things, but make it possible to find things whenever I really need them.

    The important thing is yes, not to be overwhelmed, make it fun! If you let things pile up they will be much harder to organize and keep clutter free. I know that from experience because I am a disaster keeping things in order and it is very difficult sometimes but, I am learning from my past mistakes and not afraid to admit whem I am wrong.

  7. 1.It will not be difficult to find.
    2.So you teachers will see you project easily.

  8. B12 Our Lady of Love

    1. I remember myself during those times that my mom taught me the basics of computer and not later on I got hooked with it without even knowing that it is not only on how you do well on computers. There comes a point that I've realized that my documents were just an absolute mess, files were mislabeled, things were mis-organized, I couldn't find my files, and I couldn't get them quickly when I really needed them.

    Keeping computer documents and files organized all the time will ensure that personal documents can be easily find and access whenever you need them.

    2. I need to organize my things like toys, books, drawing and coloring pens and others especially my personal items is not just to make it easier to find my things, but make it possible to find things whenever I really need them.

    The important thing is yes, not to be overwhelmed, make it fun! If you let things pile up they will be much harder to organize and keep clutter free. I know that from experience because I am a disaster keeping things in order and it is very difficult sometimes but, I am learnin from my past mistakes and not afraid to admit when I am wrong.

  9. Reflection #1
    I can help maintain the orderliness and cleanliness inside the lab. by listening to the teacher and put the things back after I use it.And if I have a trash I will put the trash on my pocket.
    Reflection #2
    #1-I can easily open the file that I want to open.And I can easily find the file I'm finding.
    #2-So we will have stability at all times.
