Monday, June 29, 2009

ATTENTION: To All Grade Four pupils

Praise be Jesus and Mary!! Learn something in computer while having your vacation at home..
Please do the activities... Please tell to other those who still cannot open our blog site... Feel free to put comments on this matter....

Introduction to Windows

Windows is a full operating system (OS) that can make you start working on your computer. Once you turn on your computer, the windows works on it...
GUI (Graphical User Interface)
allows the user to communicate with the computer through icons and menus

Basic Elements of Windows

Desktop: The entire screen of the
Icons: Small pictures found on the desktop
Start Button: Button found on the lower left part of the desktop

Taskbar: Rectangular bar found at the lower part of the desktop

Wallpaper: The background design of the desktop

Do this:
Activity #1
Turning on the Computer
1. Turn on the AVR
2. Turn on the CPU
3. Wait for the computer to Load

Turning off the Computer
1. Click the Start Button
2. Click Turn Off Computer / Shut Down
3. Click Again Turn Off
4. Wait for the Screen to be Black
5. Turn Off the AVR

Activity #2
Working with Windows
Follow instructions below:
  1. Start Windows
  2. Open at least three (3) programs (paint, wordpad, notepad)
  3. Point the empty space of the taskbar
  4. Right click on the taskbar
  5. From pop-up menu, click Cascade Windows (What Happen?)
  6. Repeat step 3-4
  7. Click Tile Windows Vertically (What Happen?)
  8. Repeat step 3-4
  9. Click Tile Windows Horizontally (What Happen?)
  10. Close the three opened program
1.Computer Literacy Program; Rex Bookstore Inc pp.2-30

1 comment:

  1. AnonymousJuly 10, 2009

    thank you for taeching us.......noted by:jandenise gr.4 courage
