Friday, October 23, 2009

Reflection #2 O.L. of Love

1. How can you send e-mail to your friends and relatives?
2. DO you think that email could be the easiest way to send mail? Why?

Reflection #2 O.L. of Protection

1. How can you send e-mail to your friends and relatives?
2. DO you think that email could be the easiest way to send mail? Why?

Reflection #2 O.L. of Counsel

1. How can you send e-mail to your friends and relatives?
2. DO you think that email could be the easiest way to send mail? Why?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Reflection#2 (O.L of Loreto)

1. How can you save and open the file or document?
2. What is the use of Word pad? Give an example on how to use word pad in your real life situation?

Reflection#2 (O.L of Good Fortune)

1. How can you send e-mail to your friends and relatives?
2. DO you think that email could be the easiest way to send mail? Why?

Reflection#2 (O.L Health)

1. How can you send e-mail to your friends and relatives?
2. DO you think that email could be the easiest way to send mail? Why?

Reflection#2 (O.L Consolation)

1. How can you send e-mail to your friends and relatives?
2. DO you think that email could be the easiest way to send mail? Why?

Reflection#2 (O.L Courage)

1. How can you send e-mail to your friends and relatives?
2. DO you think that email could be the easiest way to send mail? Why?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Reflection #1 Second Quarter (Grade 4 O.L of Protection)

Note: Please type your name and class number first before you answer the reflection Thanks.
Andres T. Tan - B1
Reflection #1

Reflection #1
  1. Did you find difficulty in searching on the web? Give some tips on how to search in the internet easily.
  2. After learning the parts of the internet browser, how will you apply the knowledge you have learned in your daily lives?
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using internet? Give at least two.

Reflection #1 Second Quarter (Grade 4 O.L of Love)

Note: Please type your name and class number first before you answer the reflection Thanks.
Andres T. Tan - B1
Reflection #1

Reflection #1
  1. Did you find difficulty in searching on the web? Give some tips on how to search in the internet easily.
  2. After learning the parts of the internet browser, how will you apply the knowledge you have learned in your daily lives?
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using internet? Give at least two.

Reflection #1 Second Quarter (Grade 4 O.L of Good Counsel)

Note: Please type your name and class number first before you answer the reflection Thanks.
Andres T. Tan - B1
Reflection #1

Reflection #1
  1. Did you find difficulty in searching on the web? Give some tips on how to search in the internet easily.
  2. After learning the parts of the internet browser, how will you apply the knowledge you have learned in your daily lives?
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using internet? Give at least two.

(Second Quarter) III - O.L of Piat

Note: Please type first your Name and class number before you answer the reflection. Thanks..
Maria Anna S. Edosor - G1
Reflection #1:

Reflection #1:
1. Retrieving file allows you to finish or continue working with your unfinished document. What do you think will happen if you don't save your work in the computer?
2. Why do we need to save things? How?
3. Explain the quote: "What you sow is what you reap". How does the quotation related to our lesson today and for your future?